
[OT] A Couple of Good Pieces on the Shutdown

Here are a couple of good pieces on what is going on behind the scenes regarding the shutdown, and why it is mainly the Tea Partiers causing all the troubles -



Good tidbits like Reid wanted to send the country over the fiscal cliff back in Dec/January which is why they had to send Biden to resolve that one. Another good one is that Reid and Boehner actually had a deal back in September, but Boehner wasn't able to push it past his own party.

Looks like Reid is really out for blood. Will they need to send Biden in behind the scenes to get it resolved again?


  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    If Boehner had balls he'd either force a vote and end the shutdown, or resign since he's the majority "leader" in name only. He's lost his ability to deliver on the deal he and Reid agreed to in September.

    Obama is saying, "Look, we can't negotiate with you because you can't deliver Republican votes on any deal you and I agree to, like the deal we agreed to in September."

    When Boehner said yesterday that, "Obama won't negotiate" what he was saying to his own party is, "Look, the only way to end this thing is we (the GOP) end it, so now he needs to make a bunch of demands so he can come away with something to show for the hardships his party is inflicting on all Americans.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    See how Boehner flipped out at that press conference this morning? Not sure why the Democrat would give him anything either as bad as his situation is.

    As long public support is mainly with the Democrats they will just keep tightening that vice on Boehner's head - Democrats coming in from the left, Tea Partiers coming in from the Right.

    Only scary thing is what the Democrats will do if they totally finish off the Republicans with this and get both Houses and the Presidency in 2016.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    The Republicans are writing their own doom in trying to turn the clock back on women's rights and denial of health insurance to 25-30 million Americans under the affordable care act, a much needed piece of legislation endorsed by the American People (2012 election). The Republicans in trying to overturn the democratic process is beyond disgusting. Many of the Republicans are nothing more than paid liars for the elite who hate ordinary working people.

    I predict the Republicans will not only loose big time but working people (tired of being exploited by the top 1%)will wake up and smell the coffee and start to unionize and fight for their workers rights and higher wages. With the internet it is only a matter of time before mass unionization becomes a tidal wave gaining momentum.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Yeah just what I want unionized Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds,how's that $14 Big Mac gonna taste?
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    The Tea Party congressmen are representative of their districts, which is how they got elected. Small enclaves created by gerrymandering districts. They are all big heroes at home standing up to the black, Muslim president.

    No TP candidate can ever win a national or state wide election however because they are too radical for most of us. The GOP needs to seize control of their own party from these dangerous radicals, but Boehner is unwilling to stand up to them.

    The GOP won't win the White House for the next 20 years. Moderate Republicans will vote for the Democrats if their only alternative is a Tea Party candidate. Even without the Tea Party, the GOP would be in trouble in national elections because they have yet to take the moral high ground on any social issue, and these issues matter to people; especially women.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Well, I should have said, "Struggle to win state wide" since Texas proves it's possible.
  • Gucci_Mane
    11 years ago
    $24 mcfuck it's is what I say
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Changing demographics are working against the Republicans too. They are in a real sorry state. Only hope might be if a party came along and split the votes on the left at some point. Hard to see that in America at this point, however.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    If America had a real socialist party that would happen, but the Democrats are socialist enough as it is that there's no outcry for a more European style socialist party here.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Citizens are learning Obamacare means they are thrown out of work or have their hours cut to part time. They are learning that their health plan is void and they don't "get to choose their family doctor." They are now learning that the government health exchanges are run by idiots, and that experience is only going to continue. If they do manage to get through, they learn that "bronze" style health plans are worse in deductibles and cost from their expired health plan. They learn that "silver" and "gold" healthplans are just to expensive. For all of them that are like, "awe fuck it" come april next year they are not getting those fat deductibles and tax credits don't go to them, they go to Obama's friends.

    This ain't over yet, but it will go on for some time.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    What I can't understand is how everyone gets sent home and doesn't get paid. It's not their problem politicians can't agree. Why should ordinary people have to miss out?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    They'll get paid retroactively once it is over as they have in previous shutdowns.

  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Good ole Whorehouse Harry Reid. He learned how to swim at a whorehouse in Nevada. No wonder he wants to fuck us out of our money. It's what he learned.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I might just vote Liberterian straight party ticket again. I'm tired of all the same bozos. Not enough people get the same idea as me or else they think the vote is rigged.
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