[OT] A Couple of Good Pieces on the Shutdown
Here are a couple of good pieces on what is going on behind the scenes regarding the shutdown, and why it is mainly the Tea Partiers causing all the troubles -
Good tidbits like Reid wanted to send the country over the fiscal cliff back in Dec/January which is why they had to send Biden to resolve that one. Another good one is that Reid and Boehner actually had a deal back in September, but Boehner wasn't able to push it past his own party.
Looks like Reid is really out for blood. Will they need to send Biden in behind the scenes to get it resolved again?
Good tidbits like Reid wanted to send the country over the fiscal cliff back in Dec/January which is why they had to send Biden to resolve that one. Another good one is that Reid and Boehner actually had a deal back in September, but Boehner wasn't able to push it past his own party.
Looks like Reid is really out for blood. Will they need to send Biden in behind the scenes to get it resolved again?
Obama is saying, "Look, we can't negotiate with you because you can't deliver Republican votes on any deal you and I agree to, like the deal we agreed to in September."
When Boehner said yesterday that, "Obama won't negotiate" what he was saying to his own party is, "Look, the only way to end this thing is we (the GOP) end it, so now he needs to make a bunch of demands so he can come away with something to show for the hardships his party is inflicting on all Americans.
As long public support is mainly with the Democrats they will just keep tightening that vice on Boehner's head - Democrats coming in from the left, Tea Partiers coming in from the Right.
Only scary thing is what the Democrats will do if they totally finish off the Republicans with this and get both Houses and the Presidency in 2016.
I predict the Republicans will not only loose big time but working people (tired of being exploited by the top 1%)will wake up and smell the coffee and start to unionize and fight for their workers rights and higher wages. With the internet it is only a matter of time before mass unionization becomes a tidal wave gaining momentum.
No TP candidate can ever win a national or state wide election however because they are too radical for most of us. The GOP needs to seize control of their own party from these dangerous radicals, but Boehner is unwilling to stand up to them.
The GOP won't win the White House for the next 20 years. Moderate Republicans will vote for the Democrats if their only alternative is a Tea Party candidate. Even without the Tea Party, the GOP would be in trouble in national elections because they have yet to take the moral high ground on any social issue, and these issues matter to people; especially women.
This ain't over yet, but it will go on for some time.