Just say NO unless its a Deal

avatar for BagBoyJames
By now the whole world knows that Sassey's husband was approached by a lot lizard. By now the whole world knows Sassey's husband turned the lot lizard down and told his wife. By now the whole world knows that Sassey's husband tried to cheat on her. By now the whole world knows Sassey's husband snuck off to a bar with his brother in law and got caught. By now the whole world knows that Sassey's husband is afraid to cheat on her. By now the whole world knows that if Sassey's husband cheats on her that Sassey will cheat on him.

Man, what a relationship! What a marriage! Do it to me and I will do it to you!! how CHEAP! Do you have any more dirty laundry to air or any more values to lower?

And what is this fixation on lot lizards? My advice to newbies and all: You don't have to avoid a certain truck stop. Just park as close as possible to the front and if you are propositioned just say no! Thats NO. N-O. Just two little letters. How hard is that? If they persist just tell them you are short on money and ask if they will do it for five bucks. Most of them will get mad as hell and stomp off and never bother you again. If they should accept your five spot, then thats a bargain. Just grab a rubber, close your eyes, hold your nose and pray. For that price I think you should take some chances. If your wife should find out then just go back to the lot lizard and ask if she can refer you to a good divorce lawyer. Most lot lizard's will provide this service free of charge, usually from the shyster they have on retainer who gets them out of jail on a regular basis.

I hope we can now bring a closure to this sudden fascination on this board about lot lizards.
And thats the bottom line because Big James says so !


last comment
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Wtf are you smoking? What is this shit
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
I believe James is talking about a street hooker.

$5 special....LOL
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Go smoke some more of that shit
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
And wear your pride shirt
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Crazy joe
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Hell ya
avatar for TheFuture
11 years ago
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
11 years ago
Nobody wants to read this drivel.
avatar for JackFrost9
11 years ago
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