Marriage For The PL

avatar for IanSmith
A comment about mail order brides by @Rod8432 in another thread brought to mind the below excerpt from a blog that sums up the practice IMO. Have any of you ever consider such an arrangement?

“We all know that opportunistic young Thai women have been marrying or shacking up with older Western men for decades. But the unstated agreement in these relationships is that the Western man is supposed to improve the poor girl's standard of living. The impoverished Thai woman reluctantly allows the older Western man's unsightly, wrinkled penis to enter her vagina from time to time. In exchange, the Western man moves the Thai woman to a proper Western country, or he builds her an oversized house in her home province that is the envy of all her slutty, gold-digging friends. Then she waits comfortably for him to die. That's the deal that your Thai wife or girlfriend signed up for.”


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avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
And just exactly what is wrong with that?
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
I'm not sure it is unstated... I think there are web sites that have that as their mission statement.
avatar for Player11
11 years ago
If she has a nice tight pussy not a bad deal. Otherwise he is looking at p4p w some stripper or other whore.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
It's Thai girls now? This used to be all the rage with Russian and other Eastern European girls.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
OP: With a sight change in wording, couldn't the majority of marriages be defined this way. This, regardless if it is a MOB or not.

It is very rare to find a mature women that does not factor in an improved quality of life in exchange for their hand in marriage and access to their pussy. Justifiably so.

avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Back in the 70's I knew a male Thai student that was working for my best friend. His sister and brother were also here on student visas. There father was a wealthy Thai business man and he feared a communist takeover and was trying to keep his kids safe by going to school in the U.S.

Well the student that I knew was faced with a problem. His visa was running out and could no longer be extended. So he advertised in the Free Press for an American wife. The marriage was supposed to be simply an arrangement for him to be able to stay here and of course she was offered a BIG chunk of money. Well he got a taker. A recent divorcee with 4 kids.

It didn't last long. The wife flipped out, her mother stepped in and had the marriage annulled and contacted the immigration officials. They gave him a choice. Leave on you own accord or be deported. Being deported would have killed any future chance of ever getting another visa to enter the U.S., so he paid his own way back to Thailand.
avatar for IanSmith
11 years ago
@georgmicrodong “And just exactly what is wrong with that?”

Full disclosure. I shop in person so mail order isn’t something I would consider but wife #2 is Thai.

What she got was a house I built for her overlooking the Chao Praya that she opened to an unknown number of relatives always coming and going along with a bevy of servants. I set her brother up in his own business and most important to her gave her enough trophies to satisfy her culturally status conscience mind even if one of them is a blue eyed devil child.

What I got was a place to show up a few times a year, announce that the Lord of the Manor is home, be waited on as the royalty that I should have been is entitled and scrog the hottest woman I’ve ever known. I’m good with that but it isn’t for the faint of heart.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"but it isn’t for the faint of heart"

Or someone with a VERY thin wallet. LMFAO
avatar for Ermita_Nights
11 years ago
I haven't done it myself but have seen it done and Pikey is right. The part that some men miss is that the Thai girl doesn't just expect to live well in the US, she also expects her family will live well back in Thailand. So factor that in when calculating the total cost.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Never thinking or at least fantasizing about this probably indicates a need for a testosterone level check.

Obviously there is an even higher risk of divorce than normal. I'd want an ironclad prenup, unbreakable, but I doubt such a thing exists. And I think immigration might decide not to admit the new wife if the prenup is overly in favor of the husband.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
lol @ the notion prenups protect anyone
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