
Strip Club Employees Away From The Club

This Friday, I went to a Kickboxing Gym to pick up my nephew from practice. I get there about 10 minutes before class is over and who do I see assisting the lead instructor, one of the bouncers from my favorite SC. He also recognized me. After the class was finished, I went up to him and we talked for a while. Cool cat.

I've never bumped into any dancers accidentally outside of the club. Any of y'all run into dancers or even bouncers, like I did, outside of the club?


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Accompanied a Shot Girl to another club once. She "Drank" like a fish. Later found out she was an Alcoholic.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I was with my ATF at the club one night when her daughter's gymnastics coach came to the club. He was drunk. She tried to avoid him but when he saw her on stage he went up and told her he recognized her from the gymnastic meets and always thought she was beautiful. She refused to dance with him.

    I suppose stuff like that happens, but we both thought it was creepy.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Long story, shorter version:

    Local watering hole lacks doors for good.
    Regulars asking what to do now?
    I suggest we "take over" an older regular hang out.
    Say we show up in mass one Saturday evening.
    Regular that lunches there, at times, gives a "warning".
    Saturday nearly 100 show up.
    Owners thought our coming on Saturday was a joke. It wasn't.
    They had to go out and buy a lot of "consumables".
    I and my cohort asked to meet with owner(s).
    We met in office and told them the about the old place closing.
    This was to be our new spot. I knew I recognized one of the owners.
    On questioning, he was a bouncer at my fave club.
    He easily identified me by noting time I spend in club with my fave, "C".

    End of story:
    The whole episode ended when they were shut down by various government agents after a few months. Still see him at times.

    Old original watering hole reopened with new owners a few months later and we are back there.

  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Also, one of the barmaids at above said fave club works in the shop where I take my bike for work. She's worked on it herself. Good turning the wrenches. :)
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    This has been discussed many time before on here. It seems that it does happen quite often. It has happened to me several times at the Waffle House close to the Columbia Platinum Plus. I think that it was generally agreed that the best policy is to let them make the first move if any.

    I can think of 3 times that customers came in that put dancers in embarrassing positions. A next door neighbor, a friend of her brother & a co worker on her other job.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I've happened upon local dancers four different times, away from the club. Only once was one with a b.f./baby daddy, so that was bit awkward. I just said hi, without acknowledging her by her stage name. (I don't even know if he knew she was a dancer.) Another time I was with a dancer at a local fair, and we encountered another dancer (alone) from the same club. A third instance was when I ran into a dancer at my local pet store. She was able to break free of the group she was with, and we chatted a moment. A fourth was staying with another dancer friend from the same club who lives uncomfortably close to where I live. I saw her outside smoking a cigarette.

    A lot of local dancers have told me that they live near me. (Many of those I've been able to verify.) I'm surprised it hasn't happened more often.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Ive seen them all the time...just shop and play in a radius near the club bro you will see them....
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I saw a dancer I never met but I have seen before in the dollar store
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    She was buying lube and kleenex
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Yeah. Bumped into a local spinner at a local fast food joint when I was with my daughter and one of her friends. Fortunately, she was smart enough to notice who I was with and "not recognize" me. We met up later and I thanked her. She thanked *me* for not outing *her*. :)
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    I run into customers all of the time, at the weirdest places.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    While working as a floor host in a ac in Atl. I have run into many customers. One asked me why I kicked him out. I told him he was being a drunkn ass hole. He apologized. he was a very good patron. He had a drinking problem
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I've seen girls from my favorite club at the truck stop restaurant at the next exit up the interstate a few times. I've been told there's a group that meets at that one and also another group that meets at the truck stop restaurant down the interstate. I've never actually talked to them there.

    Early in my stripclubbing history, I saw my first ATF at the Walmart in the city the club was in, with her huge boyfriend. I also remember going to the local music shop (back before the invention of the Ipod) and running into a favorite there, which was the only time I ever talked to one away from the club like that.

    I've also seen them at concerts and hockey games.
  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    No strippers in public places yet, but I did notice the parking valet company for my favorite club also valeted for a restaurant I went to recently. The valet owner works the strip club lot much of the time and knows me by name.

    Seeing their sign at the restaurant took me aback because I didn't want to see the owner or regular valet guys I've used a hundred times at the SC. Luckily I didn't recognize any of the guys, but now I'm on the lookout for them when I go other places, just in case. I'm also going to instruct the owner to play dumb if he sees me at another location. I'd hate to explain to my date why the valet guy knows me and is so friendly...
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Saw one at the mall once – she was w/ a female friend – she either didn’t see me; did not recognize me; or just didn’t acknowledge me on purpose (I was by myself).

    Another time saw one while shopping at the supermarket – she was w/ a dude so I didn’t even look her way – when I saw her at the club a few weeks later she said she had seen me @ the supermarket and why I didn’t say hi (I guess she was looking for me to tip her right there at the supermarket :))

    Another one at the mall – I saw her but she didn’t see me – she was w/ whom looked liked her bf.

    Don’t recall having met one that I actually interacted w/ upon running into her outside the club.
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