How much MONEY do you spend on a stripper before ASKING HER OUT?

avatar for RomanticLover
If you are looking to spend time with a stripper OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE, how much MONEY, if any, do you spend on her INSIDE THE CLUB before you ASK HER OUT?


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avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
How much do you?
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
How much do you spend?
avatar for rockie
19 years ago
Thanks for straightforward answer. Sometimes, with some of your posts, it's difficult to figure out what your true opinion is. I'm married, and have no interest in dating, but still find the strip club game entertaining. Every customers definition of the strip club game is different, but we all find entertainment there or we'd stop going. Happy Holidays!
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Davids: It's not a myth spread by the industry it's a myth/foolish assumption from guys who fall in love with a set of tits instead of a woman and think that, since they can't have her she must be better than regular women. The truth is they are no better in bed than non-dancers and often not anymore attractive in regular light and without make-up and 7" heels propping up their asses. One thing you and do both seem to understand is that treating dancers like real people is the key to getting close to them. That's not a huge mystery, it's just something that a lot of men don't seem to figure out for some reason. Most regulars-not PL's but regular customers do understand this.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Not sure if it's a preoccuption: I go to normal night clubs about twice as often as I go to strip clubs. So about three nights a week I am out: 2 in regular clubs/bars, 1 in a strip club. Is that a bit excessive? Yeah, maybe, but it's fun and I have fun learning about the social dynamics involved.

That's a big reason I like talking to strippers: many are also students of social dynamics (others aren't just mindlessly circling the club asking "wanna dance?" to each customer six times a night).

Unfortunately stripper ethics aren't always good, and many have strange world and/or self-serving world views in another ways.

Another big factor reason I think I find strippers interesting is because it's a bit of challenge to get strippers to acknowledge you as a normal person instead of a customer (yeah, it's a bit of challenge to get a hot chick in a club to acknowledge you as a non-loser, but even more challenging with strippers I find).

And of course I am sure you are aware of the holy grail which that is said that strippers are supposed to be better in bed than your typical women, so that's why you would want to date/do ONSs with them. (Perhaps this was just a cunning myth spread the SC industry, however.) We shall have to find out.
avatar for rockie
19 years ago
Why do you have such a preoccupation w/dating strippers? Believe it, or not, I'm simply curious.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
About eight times. It's actually pretty easy to get a stripper to meet you for a date. I've only missed a couple of times when I was serious. (Sometime I joke around and ask them for a date/sex within a minute of talking to them, but is clearly just a joke.)

What really happens is that it then becomes a problem of does she really meet my regular dating criteria (extremely high standards).

I confess to be somewhat shady at first and just trying to get dates to see if I could do it. Once I learned how easy it was, the challenge was lost, so now I will only ask strippers I am really interested in. Don't want to waste mine of the girl;s time otherwise.

I have slept with 1 stripper. Unfortunately only a ONS, which I've decided isn't really my thing (although it's freightening easily to get if you so desire: all comes together so fast if you are aggressive enough it surprised me).

I think relationships/friendships are really more my thing than casual sex. To each his own though.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Actually I was talking about the "spend nothing" plan. How often has that worked for you?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Yoda: As I say a big stage tip is a contigency plan I have never used. It's a plan C I have never had to resort to. I have no idea how effective it would be.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Davids: How many have you asked out using this technique? How many have accepted? How many have you slept with?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Yep, but I think any less and you may not stand out: you risk her just scoping up your money and not talking to you which was the whole point. Maybe you could get away with $10, but I say why take a chance.

Anyway, I've never had to resort to this contigency: getting strippers to come over and talk to you is pretty easy: send them misleading body languague (talk to strippers about what signs they look for to know if a customer is interested, if it isn't obvious how to do this) .
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Nothing. As a last ditch desperation tatctic (plan C) maybe I would resort to one $20 stage tip or buying her a single drink.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Who is LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND in strip clubs?
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
I would say that it should not be very much. I mean 1 FS, or even one good Makeout session, DATY, or BBBJ, should be enough. After that it is outside. Either she is your girlfriend or you are "keeping her" with money. But no longer straight P4P and never in the strip club.

avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
About $7.50
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Tree fitty
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
If you want to ask her out, just do it before you spend any money at all on her. That way, when she says no, you can take solace that you've still got all of your cash!
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
^^^^^ :)

If you found her at a strip club, it is still expected that you shell out some $, before trying to get her off the clock. And that latter can be even more expensive.

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