I have a cousin whose last name was Berga-Verga is Spanish for Dick. She married a dude whose last name is Acosta. Sounds like Cosa-Spanish for Thing. Now her last name is Acosta de Berga-Thing of the Dick!
This may just be an "urban legend", but this was used as an example in my marketing class textbook
When the famous "Got Milk" campaign was introduced into the Latin American countries, it was translated as "Tienes Leche" which can mean "are you lactating"?
My guess is that few would even know the name without Googling it.
Two classic names from the past
Fennis Dembo from the University of Wyoming
God Shammgod from Providence
Ms. Greathead and Mr. Growcock should come together
Damn man you missed that one! They should CUM together!
This may just be an "urban legend", but this was used as an example in my marketing class textbook
When the famous "Got Milk" campaign was introduced into the Latin American countries, it was translated as "Tienes Leche" which can mean "are you lactating"?
Justin Case.
The bad:
Dick Skinner.
Thai Restaurant-Phuket Vu and Tran Man Dam