Couple of questions

avatar for PBTC
WTF is up with this romanic lover screwball? Isn't this forum moderated? Pathetic he needs attention that badly.

The real question is can somebody give me a pointer to the trhread on bad reviews? That was hilarious but I cant find it anymore (mostly due to RL's insane posts cluttering up the board). Is it still around?


last comment
avatar for davids
19 years ago
FONDL: You paid strippers for conversation and "their time" for 40 years. I figured out in 1.5 years that you get more when you don't pay. You have no business calling anyone else a "mental juvenille". Give your extreme pussyish/whipped behavior (which to your credit, your somewhat more guarded about posting these days) you are the juvenille.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
PBTC, don't worry about the mental juveniles like davids and RL (who are the same person by the way) who post here, just ignore him, that's what most of us do. As you correctly point out, he's just looking for attention. Typical childish behavior.
Are these what you're looking for?

The tread where we post quotes from other people's reviews:…

A thread for posting more quotes from other people's reviews:…
avatar for PBTC
19 years ago
Thanks Chandler, that's it. God, is that some funny stuff!

I'll be watching the new thread, but it's got a ways to go to match that other classic.
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