
Molested and Harassed

Detroit strip clubs
Friday, August 2, 2013 9:36 PM
I was molested and harassed in a strip club today. When I sat down at my table I saw on stage a black dancer named Lola who I haven't seen in a couple years. Sometimes I used to get dances from her because she had big boobs. But in the past 2 years her boobs have become even bigger, her waist has thickened, and her ass has grown huge. Not really my type (although I think I know somebody who would enjoy her). Lola waved at me from the stage, and stopped by to chat for a few minutes, stroking me on the thigh. During the next few hours, every time Lola walked by, whether my CF was with me or not, she touched me somewhere, and 4 or 5 times she tweaked my nipple through my shirt. I found the nipple tweaking too much--not sexy and a little painful. I did not complain but I did not like her unwanted attention. I think I got some insight into how women feel when a man harasses them. Have any of you dudes been molested and harassed?


  • sagevincent
    11 years ago
    I get the "handshake" from time to time when a dancer tries to sell me private dances. Never turned on by that, and felt uneasy. I feel that it is too intimate to feel one's genitals in public, even in a strip club. I am ok with nipple playing (only in clubs of course) as long as they don't hurt me, but it probably won't turn me on as well.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Shit, when a brown-eyed, handsome man such as myself steps out the house, the ladies start harassing and molesting me. What's a man to do?
  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    I don't mind the unsolicited attention, and genital fondling it always welcomed when I'm in the SC. Although you bring up an interesting point - formerly slim strippers gone fat. At my favorite club, a gorgeous knock-out of a stripper, with gravity-defying boobs, all of a sudden disappeared for a few months. When she returned - holy cow did she change, and I mean "cow" in the unfortunate sense of the word. She packed on 40+ pounds, which on a 5'4" body, really showed. Everything was bigger, with the possible exception, oddly enough, of her already large breasts. As a result, she went from my go-to girl whenever I saw her, to someone I tried to avoid. She did find me eventually, and I did an LD (a pity LD on my part); I couldn't even get aroused. I'd heard she went through drug withdrawal. I have no experience there, but I'm guessing it's like smoking cessation, when people eat to compensate. In any case, it surprised me how much the extra weight became a turn-off. Same girl otherwise, and same good dances - just not the fabulous package I guess is necessary to raise the mast.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Count me in as one who hates being grabbed as soon as I walk in....during a dance is one thing....but if she grabs my crotch when I walk in I'm calling 911. Lol. Just kidding. But it does annoy me.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I guess that it is better than being ignored. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The one's who don't know when to go away or think they can plow through any resistance are nearly the worst.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    If one finds her unattractive then it’s harassment – if one finds her attractive then its “flirting”. My dos centavos.
  • TxVegas
    11 years ago
    I agree ^1
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    ^^ Same in the work force
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