
So I broke one of my rules last night but it has got me thinking. Never just go to the vip without confirming dance prices ahead. It is a rule that the majority of us have and it is smart. My mistake was that this was someone I recently met and I assumed that her prices would be the same as the previous visit. We head to the back and relax a little and then dances start. I received three and then we took a break for a few songs and relaxed some more. We were sitting in the back still so I did not pay her since I knew I was getting more dances. We then did three more dances and agreed we both needed to use the restroom. I told her I wanted to go ahead and pay for the dances we had already done and gave her money for 6 songs plus a $20 tip. She counts the money and says it is actually $$$. I said, is it not the same price as last time? And she said "9 songs at so and so is....." I said we only did 6 songs and she came back with "oh, well 6 songs at so and so is...". It just happened to come out to the same amount. So I mentioned once again about what she charged me last time and I assumed it was the same price for dances. She countered back with "Last time we did a 2 for 1". Knowing that we did two different sets of dances last time (all must have been at 2 for 1 prices) I just dropped it and gave her the money she requested. Her damage had already been done though. She said she was sorry and that the price she charged me tonight was her regular dance prices. We both had to go use the restroom but she suggested we go back and sit near the Bar. I contemplated just leaving right then but I waited for her to get out of the restroom and told her I had to go unfortunately. And then she said "I was hoping you could stay a little longer and do a two for one since I waited for you". I told her I had to go but maybe another time. Knowing full well that there will not be another time after she went from 9 songs to 6 songs and changed the price of dances so it would equal a certain amount.
I know we talk about dancers but how is it so difficult to see the larger picture? She was going to have a full time regular and a steady income stream coming in from my visits. I am no whale by any means but if I like someone they are going to get a good $300 from me each visit and I go in once a week. If I feel like you are trying to get one over on me though I will just drop you from my list of dancers I see. If she would have just told me that she needed a certain amount of money then I would have given it to her. But to change prices and the number of songs to get to that amount left me puzzled as to her game. I guess it all comes back to Greed. Oh well, that is the Hobby sometimes. Live and learn. 99 other dancers that I can test out next visit.
last commentChalk it as a learning experience and charge her to the game. It sucks when these dancers play checkers instead of chess but they're not the only ones that do this. Too many people don't get the big picture and seem to focus on instant gratification versus building something much more valuable.
Why in the hell would you say, "maybe another time?" You should have told her no way, no how! She owns you now.
Oh no, not even close to owning me. If you saw her face, she got the message without me having to say "F you".
Similar thing happened to me about 3 months ago but in my case I had been doing 2 for 1's with the dancer for 3 or 4 years. I got suspicious when she asked me after the first song if I wanted to keep going. I said yes but stopped her at 2 songs and asked what I owed her and she had doubled her price to me.
I saw her again last Wednesday and when she asked if I wanted a dancer, I just said "No thanks".
Dude, if you were in vip for 9 songs you owe her for nine songs. Thats her job, plus you just met her. You're just another guy easily replaced. How would she know what the big picture is if you don't say something?
Big d 2011 says "99 other dancers that I can test out next visit."
You got 99 problems but a dancer ain't one!
I've never encountered this problem because unfortunately you have to pre pay for your dances in my area. And even when I've been clubbing out of town, I just payed the girl after each song and if I want more than one song, I just have her stick around.
Mike I can understand your point. My mistake is that each Dancer is different. I have sat on those couches with lots of Dancers and talked since this club happens to be extremely loud and hard to carry on a conversation. Never have I technically paid to just sit back there. She suggested we go back so we could discuss a possible champagne room visit and OTC plans. There were also no seats in the main seating area either, so back we went. That took a little over one song and she wanted to smoke the second song. So she said we would start next song and I agreed. Last week we sat back there for two songs before the dances started as well.
I will chalk it up to a learning experience and give myself some of the blame.
u rite alot big_d so i didnt read everythin u wrote but some people a greedy. i try not to be greedy an i like to give stuff to my friends. i have enuf with things i enjoy like candy an porno an stripers. Maybe she doesnot have enuf to make her happy. just dont spend more than u have
I also understand the game. We are both easily replaced. Hell, it's not like I don't see other dancers. She was just one of several just like I was for her. She is just the first to change prices on me like that. Next time I will just make sure one of the other dancers is working.
I feel ya candy man. And I didn't break the rule of spending more than you have. I actually walked out with over $100 I initially planned on spending.
I always confirm dance prices since they are negotiable in my area in one club. A couple of my favorites told me I don't need to ask them and that they will always charge me the same price but I still ask about 99 percent of the time. It's a habit now.
Of course when I was new and forgot to ask, sometimes I was very disappointed. Now I always confirm the dance count to make sure I'm in agreement with the dancer after it gets past one or two dances if I let things continue. Some of the music and blabbering DJ's makes it hard to count some songs. It is like trying to count a commercial with someone talking for anywhere from a minute to 5 minutes.
Shark, I believe we are talking about the same club (PP). 99% of the time I do the same thing to confirm the price even if it is a regular. Last night I did not and she burned me. Such is life in the Hobby when you let your guard down.
One of my articles relates a similar experience.
One has to negotiate the price, make sure what cost will be before enjoying the activity. Just bc they give u a deal does not mean they will honor it next time.
I had done M a few times at Centerfolds and club A for FS at $200. She was really good at CG. One day I walked into Club A just to chill (only had $120 on me) as I thought M was dancing at Centerfolds. I had not gone 15 feet when M (20 yo blonde from Miami) grabbed me and hugged me saying hi. She wanted to go to the upstairs vip to fuck. I told her I only had $100 and even offered to spend it on her on dances as I did not have the 200 for FS. She said "I want you and we can fuck for that ($100)." I took her up to ViP and fucked her for $100 and she told me "wait until I cum then you can get off." No problem for me as I go awhile anyhow. We had a good fuck and I though well maybe pop will be down to 100. Well not gonna happen as next time she was back up to 200.
Very good points player. I guess my biggest gripe was that she changed the number of songs and the price to get the amount she wanted. I gave her $140 for the 6 songs thinking $20 a song like last week plus a $20 tip and we will finish up with more dances later. She counted it and said "9 songs at $20 is 180". I told her we only did 6 songs and she goes "Oh, well 6 songs at $30 is still $180". That is when I brought up the previous week and her prices and she tried to say it was a 2 for 1 deal and it was not. Her quote was if you get more than one song they are $20 each. My mistake was assuming the prices would be the same.
Thanks for the heads up Big D, that could have easily happened to me. At most of the clubs I go to, there is a "list" price for dances. The dancers know the bouncers/managers are not going to back them up if they claim they are owed more than that. I've only been in one club that had discount specials, and they were pretty heavily promoted, seems odd you would not know about it.
The devil is in the details on this IMO.
Did you know that you were doing '2 for 1' the first time? If so, then it's your bad for not confirm the same discount applied. If you were unaware of the '2 for 1' during your first visit, she a ROB and she can F-off and never spend $ on here ever again. Sounds like you're familiar with the club in question. So shouldn't you already have known if '2 for 1' deals exist sometimes but not others?
I am familiar with the club. Visit at least once a week and I do know when and how they do the two for ones. Each dancer is free to negotiate her prices. I have paid as low as $15 for a dance and as high as $30. Her sell to me the first time when I asked how much her dances were she said "They are $30 if you get just one but if you get multiple dances I can do 2 for $40, 3 for $60 etc"... I told her okay we can try a couple of dances and go from there. We did 2 dances and I paid her $50 since I tipped her $10. She said "Thank you for the tip. Let's go have a drink and chat some more". So we did. Then we came back to the couch area before the club closed and I got three more dances but with a tip I paid her for 4 (Actually gave her $90 since she needed money to buy a pack of cigarettes) and she gave me her number so we could schedule to meet up again. So on the second set of dances it was still $20 a dance. She again thanked me for tipping her and said "Hey do you happen to have a $10, I have been bumming cigarettes from my friends and I need to buy a pack from the house mom". So I gave her the $10 and that equaled $90 total. Had her dances been $30 for the second go round she would not have thanked me for tipping her nor would she have accepted what I originally gave her.
It was my fault for not confirming the dance prices during our second meeting, but I have been at this club for over a year and I know when and how they do the 2 for 1 dances. 99% of dancers at this club (and customers will tell you) offer discounts on multiple dances. It's a learning experience for me and will make sure in the future I don't let my guard down and stick to my rules. Lesson learned for big D.
Cool thing about Synn in the COI, is that they have these VIP bracelets and for $15, you get 3-4-1 nudes and 2-4-1 topless, all day & all night. No confusion.