Orthopedic knee problems from too many lappers

avatar for clevelandbrowns69
Anyone else feel as if they damaged their knees with too many lappers? Of course weigh gain and aging have a lot to do with it but I now notice it a lot more when a dancer is putting her weight on my knees which is something I never noticed before.


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avatar for Dacandyman
12 years ago
avatar for Dacandyman
12 years ago

I like ur picture cleavelandbrowns. She is rly sexy. kind of looks like my friend Ali. Id like to see her in porno
Are dancers getting that fat?
My knees are fine, but I think strippers have damaged my dick.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Knee damage?! Pro atheletes get knee damage, not guys getting lap dances.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Knee damage?! Pro atheletes get knee damage, not guys getting lap dances.
The only thing that I have suffered from getting dances is "lap dick" if I get too many.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Not at all. I know dancers whose knees are damaged but no patrons, to my knowledge.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
My knee does hurt, but I wouldn't blame that on the dancers. At the one place I visit with couches, I always take a couch if it's available so they aren't sitting on my lap, or at least my bad knee. Then again, I'd probably take a couch anyway.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I think you need to talk to the "McDonald's serves there coffee hot!" lawyer, your riches await.
avatar for KingxGorilla
12 years ago
you must be having some land whales giving you lappers or something?
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
Midwest hoes are the fattest!
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