Your Best Tips/Advice

avatar for 9em1
So, being a youngster and fairly inexperienced when it comes to strip clubs, I humbly request that you share the best advice- be it about how to spot the best lapdancers, how to get the best bang for your buck, how to break the subject of getting extras etc.

Yours Truly,


All joking aside, what is the best advice or things you have learned about clubbing?


last comment
avatar for Dacandyman
12 years ago
Im also new to clubbin an wanna learn. But these guys donot think is possibel to get strippers to do A2M with a candy cane. When i watch porno the girls like A2M so I dont know why strippers wouldnot. i think lots of girls actually like A2M
No one likes ass to mouth. Those who participate do so for lots of money. If you want to suck on your candy cane after its been coated with your fecal material feel free. If you want someone else to do so, prepare to pay handsomely.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
9em1- Don't ever fall in love with a stripper, she will say anything for a George Washington! Know where your money is and protect it at all times, I have had strippers that will make your little head happy while their other hand is discreetly searching through pockets to steal some extra cash without you knowing. It is a dirty, dirty world that can be fun!
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
My brother Bullwinkle laid down some good life lessons. I can add this-Never Lose Your Sense Of Humor. Might not sound like much, but believe me, it is.
Oh yeah, don't be a dick to the elderly-We'll all be old soon enough.
avatar for 9em1
12 years ago
Bullwinkle...I feel like you are on your deathbed giving me the best you have...thank you. I mean it.
Don't fall in love with a stripper.

Always wear a condom. Always. You don't want a souvenir that can't be cured with basic antibiotics and you don't want to be a stripper's baby-daddy. If she doing P4P with you, she's doing it with A LOT of others.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
When clubbing stops being impulsive and fun and becomes a cut-throat mission solely for extras, you've lost focus and need to re-evaluate.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@9em1: You really need to read "The System" by RickyBoyDugan. The man was born a genius (and a RICH STUD) and then devoted 10 prime years of his life studying the art and science of paying hookers for sex. You can imagine the miraculous discoveries he made. Read that, no read that 10 times until you've memorized at you'll be set for life paying hookers for sex left, right, and center.
avatar for 9em1
12 years ago
@Dougster...will it make me like you!? jk

That was fantastic. I'm propping you immediately.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Fucking have fun!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I've been a frequent clubber for many years, and on this site for a while. I haven't invented or learned of any really good angles. The longer a dancer sits with you, the more you have to suspect she's desperate and not one of the most sought after lap dancers. The really good dancers wow you from the first dance, so it's a bad bet to keep going if you don't like the first dance. In a strip club, it's the SMART thing to seek instant gratification. It's a risky bet when dancers tell you it's going get really good if you spend enough. It's much, much more risky to spend with a dancer and think that will get her to be your friend and/or lover and/or free fuckbuddy.
Strippers lie, cheat and steal. When you're around them, hold tight to your wallet and don't believe them when they say they love you or that they need money for grandma's operation.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Don't fuck with the bouncers, even if you can bounce them.
Haven't learned a damn thing.

Living in a '76 Pinto - but still going to clubs.
avatar for Bandit22
12 years ago
I'm new to this forum but not new to the scene.

Watch your cash and don't believe 95% of what the girls say. They are not there to meet guys. They are there to make $$$. Don't be overbearing or treat them like shit either. Just know what your walking into and enjoy while you still can
avatar for friction_lover
12 years ago
Many strippers I've met are addicts and pretty messed up in 'real life'. In the club they are whatever fantasy you desire for as long as your paying. You set the rules and the agenda, never let them. Realize your a PL to them no matter how 'special' they say you are. With that said, enjoy a hot 21 yr old who will make you feel like a King. Having an ATF is nice but the girls get territorial, so if one begins acting that way let her know she's your fav but variety is part of the fun. Never lose control when drinking, there are way too many ATM's in a club. Finally, use a burn phone.
Learn to say NO.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Real easy to read what others say, and most was gleaned through their and others trials and errors. That said, no one here is you. You will have to make all the choices yourself, and remember MY golden rule:

There is no rule that does not have an exception.

Learning is one of the best parts of the clubbing experience, including the errors and mistakes. Enjoy!
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Everything everyone else said and always remember to not drink and drive.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Don't wear jeans. Sweats or slacks.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet.

Get out of the club before 2 AM

avatar for Player11
12 years ago
I would suggest you read the articles available here including the ones I have written. Perhaps someday someone will assemble the articles into a sort of strip clubbers text book much like the books of bible written by various prophets were assembled assembled into one book by the early church.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Remember when dancers tell you that you are special, you look good, you smell good, or whatever, they are probably doing that to lots of other customers. It's almost always about the money. That's why they are there. They aren't trying to pick you up to go on a date. If they were, you would think they would have found someone out of the few hundred guys that got there before you. They are human beings though. Treat someone bad and word will go around the club at least among their talking group.

Ask questions, ask what her rules are. Ask what the dance price is to avoid getting ripped off. You will get ripped off eventually if you visit strip clubs often enough. Try to remember a dancers name in case she runs off on you after you prepaid her. At least you can complain about someone using their club name. Before getting up and leaving a dance, check to make sure you still have your wallet, keys and anything else you want in case something slipped out by accident or by someone working it out. It's rare and stupid but I've run into and heard about strippers turned pick pockets. Have the guy prepay. Work that wallet out during a dance. Let the guy leave the dance room. Voila, money gone. Neat magic trick if you didn't pay attention.

Even sneakier for the truly skilled, hold your hand around to your side, sneak her hand into one of your free pockets, wiggle the cash out, stash it. You might wonder where you dropped it if you didn't feel her other hand in your pocket.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
There are some nice friendly dancers out there without drug problems and without any other serious problems just working a job stripping to pick up some extra income. We tend to focus on the rotten apples just like newspapers. Newspapers don't mention all the good things happening, they like to put stories about thieves and criminals on the front page.
ha ha.. yes get out before the 2am'er
asking about 'her rules' should be standard procedure

@sharkhunter: I used to think that there were good one out there... I find that very hard to believe post-xATF... what I thought was a good one turned out to be as rotten through and through... she just was better at hiding it than most
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"what is the best advice or things you have learned about clubbing?"

NEVER, EVER use a Credit Card!!! Especially if you are going to be DRUNK!
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I bookmarked this thread. Why no stay after 2am.? Thanks bullwinkle
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
What happened to 9em1?
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
Perhaps he sunk into a Stripper's quick sand.
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