
Two way street

avatar for Lone_Wolf

The dancers often catch a lot of shit on TUSCL for being money hustling whores. But, that street goes the other way too.

I'll often go to clubs and meet a fine baby doll. Texts start flying back and forth, a flurry of visits, mind blowing VIP encounters, money flowing like a rushing river. All in the realm of client/provider reality of course.

Then, well....I often lose interest like it fell off a cliff. The baby doll is still fine. Still willing to rock me in VIP. Still texting me like crazy but I just would rather find a different honey.

The attraction, on my side, dissipates as fast it started. Of course they always stay enamored with my wallet.

My point is, if the dancers really cared about every PL that walked in the club and tried to win their heart. They would soon burn out and have a breakdown due to the constant turnover and let down. They have to keep it business like to stay sane.


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avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

Great introspection on sc relationships. I agree with your sentiment.

avatar for azdd
11 yrs ago

Hey LW, if you're texting with a dancer and doing VIPs with her, it's gonna be her initial impression that the hook is set and you will be added to her list of regular PLs. It's perfectly normal for her to try and maintain contact with you to keep the $$$ flowing, but they do get the message eventually, especially if they see you in the club and you didn't text her to tell her you were coming in, and you're not buying dances. Hopefully you don't get the awkward guilt trip..."what's wrong? Don't you like me anymore? I thought we had something special, blah, blah, blah"

Good luck!

avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 yrs ago

@azdd - yea, I tend to become infatuated quickly and over due the $attention$. When I eventually lose interest it does make it very awkward to visit my favorite clubs. I need to change my strategy in the regards.

avatar for mjx01
11 yrs ago

"They have to keep it business like to stay sane"... yep. I didn't realize that for a long time because xATF was good at straining me along. Custies have to do the same to not get in over their head.

avatar for jester214
11 yrs ago

Some people on here go a little overboard with it, but I think a lot of the "money hustling whores" attitude comes from people encounter dancers who take it beyond just doing "business". Or, when they start the ludicrous lying and cheating in an attempt to take your money.

avatar for Player11
11 yrs ago

To them its just business, money coming in. To us its about variety. I lose interest too sometimes, perhaps a new one who is a better fuck or gives better GFE.

avatar for duomaxwell
11 yrs ago

I like it when things happen that way.

avatar for gatorfan
11 yrs ago

Strippers want money? are you kidding?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 yrs ago

The less repeat business a salesperson expects to get from a customer, the more sense hard-sell makes for them.

avatar for LeeH
11 yrs ago

"if the dancers really cared about every PL that walked in the club and tried to win their heart"

Not to go all Dougster on you, but I'd settle for giving a damn. You set up a false dichotomy by implying that it's either true love or purely business.

avatar for big_d_2011
11 yrs ago

I honestly started the hobby one day to kill some time. I was hooked though! Only recently have I even asked or offered my number. I've decided to step up my game and if we both get what we want then great. Personally, I just like the variety compared to my personal life. I'm not looking for any relationship from a dancer, just a release from some pent up frustration that I sometimes encounter. It's not that I am heartless but I'll be damned if I let a dancer get me down in any way. It's my money and either they want to earn it or they don't. I don't believe the "I'm coming just to see you" lines. I tell them I have no problem if they want to work the floor and earn more business. I am very jealous in my personal life but in this hobby I learned very quick that the next one is just a stage away. If they treat me right, they have a loyal regular who will provide a regular income stream.

avatar for jabthehut
11 yrs ago

Truth be told, if a stripper isn't being money hustling she's not going to make all that she can make ($$) so I say more power to the hustlers. Kynduhl, formerly of Winker's in W-S, told me she is a hustler and all the strippers who don't are stupid.

That being said, some strippers are whores.

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