No matter which one you visit, you are likely to find txtittyfan's relatives, or txtittyfan himself, offering sex for money either inside or out in the parking lot.
The women never leave. AM girls grow up to be mamasans that take your money at the door. Dancers grow up to be bartenders or waitresses that take your money inside.
Both are about as exciting as a tornado warning unless you think something might happen to make it exciting.
My location is currently under a tornado warning but I don't see anything threatening on radar except one tiny dot moving north of me that s dissapearing. About as exciting as driving past police check points and police lines.
There's a likelihood that you'll bring home something you can't carry in a bag.
My location is currently under a tornado warning but I don't see anything threatening on radar except one tiny dot moving north of me that s dissapearing. About as exciting as driving past police check points and police lines.