
Need some friggin' LARFS -- defending da Juiceman!

the speed force!
Sunday, July 21, 2013 8:20 AM
OK bros (and sisters, bros pretending to be sisters, and -- of course -- the resident 'tards): I'm going to offer a spirited defense of my bro -- da Juiceman. Lest I be accused of being "sycophantic" by the resident 'tards I would point out one important thing -- I find Juice to be funny. He entertains me. Analogy for the chronically clueless (I'm looking at you 23camby-beyotch) -- imagine there is a band in your hometown that you dig. You've seen some of their gigs and would like some MP3s. You've also met the folks in the band. Is it sycophantic to to say "hey dudes (and/or dudettes, as the case may be), I dig your shows...you should record and distribute MP3s of (fill in the blank if you dig specific songs)". No...its just trying to encourage somebody that entertains you. And you know what tard-boys...Juice also entertains a lot of other folks on this board. Sometimes different folks So Juicebro...you Juice on 'til the day you leave this mortal coil. Juice on indeed!!! And if we're going to talk about sycophants, I'm going to point at the WORST motherfucking sycophant on the board -- CAMBYTARD!!! Oh yeah...Camby is all bitching 'bout Juice (and me and Dougsta and all o' Juice's other personas) and gettin' up in my grill callin' me a "sycophant". But then he slips in some sort of ass kissing to the "old timers". Camby is going on about "oh...we have so much to learn from you old times. please share your amazing wisdom." Yeah...if you club a lot you pick up some instincts about things. But c'mon -- how hard is it really you 'tard? C'mon...finding ways to get strippers to give you services for money. Wow...that is really rocket science. Here's the trick you 'tard: learn to read people, even flakey strippers. Use common sense. Have a thick wallet. Try not to let the little head override the big head. Realize that sometimes little head will veto big head. YMMV. Would you like me to administer a test to see how much of that you got? But no...that Cambydude is actually TRYING to plant his lips so close to the asses of folks like Shadow that I'm waiting to see Mr. Kat kick his candyass (or is dat "cambyass") for trying to give a big, sloppy rimjob. Now don't get me wrong. I like Mr. Kat. He is a cool-el dude. If he stopped posting his groovy stuff I might even post "whoa...where is Mr. Kat? I miss his posts...he posts some fun shit to read". Would that make me a sycophant? No, it means I dig reading da shizzle he posts. Being a sycophant would be "oh Shadow...you are SO wise...I could get so much more out of clubbing if I just learned 1% of what you know..." AKA "the shizzle dat Cambydude posts". Now everybody...get back to posting whatever the fuck you were going to post anyway. If you like somebody's posts, engage with them. If you don't like folks posts bitch about them. But don't have any illusions 'bout what you're doing. NOW...BACK TO SOME MOTHAFUCKIN LARFS!!!


  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Did you catch my comic link? Check out the galleries. Its for real funny.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Def did mikeydude. Pretty friggin' cool. I love some of that older DC comics stuff. Both Superman and Batman were suck dicks! Funny as hell!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I feel ya' Zip.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    But I'm more if a Marvel fan. I was in junior high during the Chris Claremont X-Men days. Great writing but kinda depressing for a comic book. Excalibur brought the laughs that we needed. I was a senior when Inage and Valiant emerged. Funny, everybody knows who Frank Miller is now but I remember reading Miller back in '88.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Btw Zip, I have a collection of older comics. Undergrounds like Zap, Slow Death, and Death Rattle. Old Thors and Fantastic Four. Old Marvel monster and horror. Some E.C's, Creepys and Eeerie's, and first 100 issues of Heavy Metal. Even have first Marilyn Monroe cover on Life magazine. Just stuff I like looking at.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Pull my finger...
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    So... Tittyfag-dude, which comics are you into? I'm betting you dig the Archie comics!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Naw, he's a Family Circus fan. Jefferey, oh Jefferey...
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Juice! Juice! Juice!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    No Slick... Family Circus is too hardcore for tittyfag. He saw the Miller "All Star Famly Circus" and got all freaked out when Jeffy said "I'm the goddamn Jeffman" to Dolly.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Perhaps you should read what I write more carefully ol' txtittytard. Your reading comprehension appears to be comparable to your ability to spell ol' Snoop Lion's former alias. Or your knowledge of comics. Have you considered possibility #3, that both Juice and I have embedded sophisticated messages in our posts, akin to the Bible code, that provide sure fire investment info. We trade this info and rake in the big bucks. We're just daring folks like you to crack our code!
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    Juice is mainstream now. I remember back when everyone else was a closet Juice fan, and Dougster and I (and maybe a couple other guys) were the only open supporters. I think with all the mainstream praise, he's dialed the trolling back to cater to his recent fans. I want the old indie-Juice back, with his 100 post threads of him having conversations with himself. That was comedy. Either way, it's juice crew 4 life.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Juice is an idiot, but not as big an idiot as ziptard. He is clearly sucking his dick way too much! He is nothing more than a poser too...one minute he writes coherently, the next minute he writes a bunch of jibberish like juice. That is what happens when you have no friends and you act differently so that you may be accepted. You might want to check yourself in to a clinic before it gets wores ziptard
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Can you feel the love tonight?
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    True dat Stax. I see where you're coming from and I did not consider myself an open fan...no dude...I viewed myself John the Baptist for the prophet Juice. For Juice did write of signs and portents of the coming utopia. Free weed and a strip club on ev'ry corner my brother So yeah bro...the real Juice crew needs to convince Juicebro to go back to his old school shizzle! I think the dude NEEDS to get back to completing the gospel of Juice. Hopefully he is off having a vision and will return with the location of the nearest wormhole connecting earth to the fouth planet of Groombridge 1618. The have some wicked ass strip clubs on Groombridge my brother. Just have to be careful to keep your breathing mask on 'cos o' the carbon monoxide in the air. Nut Juice don't need no fucking mask. For the Groombridge aliens have transformed him into our prophet! Juice on my brothers...Juice on indeed!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    'Tis binary thinking that limits Cambydude and his txtittytard sock puppet. Yes, 'tis clear that they share a single mind (and not much of one at that). Txtittytard proclaims that he has no interest in me while at the same time reiterating his o so boring question. This behavior manifested by a handle that was clearly intended to troll. Ain't dat rich. Then the original, Monsieur Camby, comes forth with yet another screed. Of course my posts are inconsistent in style; a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. Expand your mind Camby/txtittytard!!! Stop simply kissing the ass of the "senior TUSCLers". They don't want that sort of adoration. No...thine eyes must be opened by the sublime poetry written by our prophet...JUICE!
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