what is your method for clubbing ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
1st I buy a jack and coke
2nd $50 in $1
3rd $50 in $5
4th I find my chair in a dark dark corner and watch the rotation
5th i flirt with all girls that set with me and I try to get free hand jobs
6th I buy a nother drink
7th I buy a few drinks from the.girls that played with my dick
8th I work on getting a girl.to head home and fuck me
9th i go.home and get fucked up and fucked


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avatar for JuiceBox69
11 years ago
That's number 9 68....I get fucked up...aka drugs with the girl then she fucks me
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I wanted to using RickyBoyDugan's The System, but I would feel pretentious POSING as a RICH STUD so I don't think it's for me.
avatar for JuiceBox69
11 years ago
3 peace walmart collection suit or was that the salvation army ?
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Get that dam polyester suit that smells of moth balls and go to the dam club. Thats a sure fire system to get bbfs for free
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
How can they tell target 3-piece from that big and tall store that has the commercials?
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
And LDK! That's just at your family reunion.
avatar for ewire
11 years ago
Pre: Save up funds usually $$$ to $$$$ for a good visit
1st sit down and buy a coke always unless I am with a buddy who is NOT drinking. Usally go alone easier that way.
2nd look around to see what dancers are there
3rd decide if I see something I want to dance with but usually like to see them dance first
4th head to the rail to watch one for one full rotation
5th get LD with ones I am interested in (sample)
6th if one is able to get me excited enough spring for CR
7th if not usually leave
8th if one does get me all hot and bothered agree to CR rules and off we go.

How the money is spent
$35.00 singles tipping
$5.00 cover
$5.00 drink (one water)
5-8 $20.00 lappers for sampling
$$$ for CR if I go
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