
Cold Shit

Sitting at the bar with Dancer A enjoying drinks.
Dancer B walks up and joins us at the bar. I buy her a drink.
Dancer A describes how her and Dancer B are best friends in and outside the club.
Dancer B is called on stage to dance.
I ask Dancer A if she would like to tip Dancer B and hand her ten bucks to tip.
Dancer A hesitates and says that is a very large tip.
Curious, I tell Dancer A to tip Dancer B whatever she feels and keep the rest.
Dancer A puts the ten in her bag and tips her BFF Dancer B three bucks.

No honor among thieves in this instance.


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Cold Shit, indeed. I bet the broad spent that cash on some Cold Duck.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    And this surprises you how? :)
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "No honor among thieves in this instance"

    You call them thieves? They didn't remove it from your wallet, you did. You didn't ask for change.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    Alucard..... He gave her $10 to tip her friend. She hesitated because she wanted some of that cash. So instead of going 50/50. She takes 70%. That is like if you and a coworker are doing a job. The coworker tells you to go up collect the money. You come back and give the coworker less and keep the rest yourself. That is what he is getting at and with the words.....No Honor among thieves. He was spot on.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^He didn't specify the split in the cash.

    "I tell Dancer A to tip Dancer B whatever she feels and keep the rest"

    Trouble is it appears most of the membership looks down upon dancers as thieves or worse. Any issues with the split is between the two dancers.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    If you give someone $10 intended for someone else. Then that person comments that it is too much??? I see you are not getting the point. The money was intended for Dancer B not dancer A. So after dancer A says it is too much. He offered her to tip what she thinks is worth and keep the rest....IE Stealing money that was intended for another. GET THE POINT. In this case she took money that was intended for someone else.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    It's like she was charging for shipping & handling
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Some people are knuckleheads. If someone says to Dancer A, "Tip Dancer B WHATEVER she FEELS and keep the rest," then whether she FEELS like tipping her $5 or $3 has been left up to HER! If the idiot giving the $10 wanted Dancer A to split it 50/50 then said idiot should say so. Anyone who thinks strippers don't have pecuniary motives are idiots, thus my use of the word.
    On the plus side for the OP, Dancer A has set her tip level for future reference and thus saved him $7 for each time he would tip her.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    This is stupid to argue this but....

    Jab: He gave dancer A $10 to tip with. It wasn't her money. Dancer A brought up the fact that it was too much. Not Customer. So yes it was stealing and cold of Dancer A to say Dancer B is not worth $10. She wanted that money.

    But on the fact that he said tip her what you think and keep rest....was his fault. But again....cold of Dancer A not going 50/50....because none of that money was intended for dancer A. She got a cut for doing nothing at all other than going to the tip rail.
  • ime
    11 years ago
    sounds like there were was finders fee
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Did dancer A or B blow you?
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    Not yet but I believe there is future opportunity with Dancer A. I sense zero chance with Dancer B. Both are young and very fine.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Alutard you're not even good at being a white knight.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I get the impression that strippers meet a lot of very, very strange and or mentally-not-all-there customers. I knew a stripper who had a fake last name as well as a fake first name. Once I jokingly referred to her hubs as "Mr. X" (X being her fake last name). She didn't laugh or smile, just nervously told me that X wasn't her real last name. As you all are aware, many of my jokes are not especially funny, but normally people are aware that I'm at least trying to be funny. But it happens a lot with strippers that they hesitate to laugh when I say something ridiculous, presumably for fear that I might actually mean it. I don't think that happens often, that a custy tells a dancer to split a tip with another dancer as she sees fit. Maybe she thought you might get mad if she gave too much away, that you'd think she didn't appreciate your generosity.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    Alucard, indeed he didn't specify the split. But it's a case of doing the right thing and keeping 70% wasn't the right thing to do. Especially as the girl doing the dancing received the least money.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Minnows on a bread ball.
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