I try to let logic and fact rule my actions. No person can ever remove emotions from one's life but I try desperately to limit emotion's effects on my actions. I have no superstitions save for a single silly one. I continue to use the same wallet that I have used for 48 years. This wallet has accompanied me on my career journey in the oil patch. It is in very rough shape now but I will not throw it away. This wallet held the first dollar that I ever earned from my first company. When I sold that company I walked around in a funk for three days with a nine-figure cheque in that grungy old wallet.
My Toronto sweetie gave me a lovely new wallet as a Christmas gift. I had to tell her that I would never use it. She sort of understands my superstition but not 100%. Cripes! I am not sure that I understand it myself; probably a fear of death or something like that. Whatever it is, that ratty old wallet is a part of me.
Ain't nothing wrong with that, Art. On a much smaller scale, I grow attached to pens and hate it when they run out of ink. I want to use My pen, not another. Oh well.
Art, I'm the opposite. I've had my current wallet for around twenty years. It should have been replaced about ten years ago. But, I keep hoping what happened to you, will happen to me: Any of several strippers whom I've spent so much money on will recognize that I need a new wallet, and give me one (even a cheap one) as a gift, in recognition for all I've done for her. She might even say something like, "You've worn out that wallet on me, so I thought I'd give you a new one." But, no such event has occurred.
Each time I go to pay for lap dances, I do so, by pulling out my wallet to pay for them. No dancer has yet recognized that my wallet is long-since past its "best if used by date." I'm about ready to go buy one myself.
Art, if you've had the same wallet for 48 years , it has to be in VERY bad condition. Which probably means you're a lot more likely to lose something important that the wallet contains- due to how old it is. Aren't you at least a little concerned about that?
I haven't owned a wallet in 20 or more years. The nail in the coffin was a scene from Donnie Brasco where Al Pacino's character tells Johnny Depp's character to lose the wallet-a wiseguy keeps his money in a billfold. Since then, I've followed Mr. Pacino's advice.
My superstition is that I have to announce that im going to the club on tuscl before I actually get out of my car. Or else I have a terrible time at said club.
Slick, prepare for 10 days of announcements because im going on a stripclub marathon. How many days can I club in a row starting on Wednesday. Stay tuned. Started a seperate thread for it.
Art, I don't know if it is superstition or just a physical connection to the past. I have done a lot of camping and backpacking in my time. 8000+ miles of backpacking alone. Numerous Tents sleeping bags and backpacks have come and gone but I still have the spoon I started out with in the scouts. It is just a cheap piece of Japanese stainless steel but over 30 years it has been everywhere.. I know it is just an inanimate object but I would feel disconnected from my past without it. It has gotten to the point that when I fly somewhere for a trip I carry it with my carry on Reuther than risk it being lost with my checked bags.
There it is, for what it is worth, I might just be nuts
I like to wear things out too but sometimes it is time to replace something. I might consider restoring the old wallet or preserving it somehow if it is that important to you and using a less sentimental wallet for temporary use whether that is a month or 15 years. I believe we are not even the same people any more after 20 years with our blood getting recycled every few months and other body parts getting modified with age. I say this and I'm still wearing the same old running/walking shoes from 12 years ago. The plastic on the inside has broken out into sharp pieces if you put your finger in the shoe in the wrong place.
last commentI hate the thought of having to break in a new one so I'll keep it til it falls apart.
I'm the same with shoes. I'll wear them til they fall off my feet or smell too bad to have in the house any more.
10 to 12 years seems to maximum life on mine.
Each time I go to pay for lap dances, I do so, by pulling out my wallet to pay for them. No dancer has yet recognized that my wallet is long-since past its "best if used by date." I'm about ready to go buy one myself.
By the way, I have a Vikings wallet you guys :)
There it is, for what it is worth, I might just be nuts