Black Dancers

avatar for Jamesday
A few days ago I asked about would you discount a black dancer? Judging from the response maybe I should have said that if your preference is for someone other than a black chick, would you have one from a black chick if the price was right? In other words for less? Me if that is not my preference, save it for what I want.

P S for all of you who ask for "extras" here is something to think about. I read in the paper of the Herpes rate between the races. For White women it was around 18%. Hispanic Mid 20's. But Black women was around 45%. So be safe. Oh and the rate for men was about half of those numbers.


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Just curious, where are your references for these statistics?
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
I wouldn't get dances from a dancer I don't care for, no matter the price.
What Clubber said. If I'm not interested I'm not interested, thank you very much, and if I am, then any price negotiation has to be done fairly for all.
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
48% herpes? Oh no! Guess I'll stay away from barebacking in Ghana, where those stats came from lol You should see the HIV percentage!!!!!!!

If you walked into Applebee's and the special of the day was "free liver and onions" would you order it?

Some people love liver but it's not for me. So I wouldn't order it even if it was free.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
Don't know what you're trying to stir up with these idiotic racist posts, but knock it off! These posts offer nothing of value and simply allow uninformed prejudice to flourish.
I don't spend money on talent that I do not like, whatever the race. So no, if I did not like black chicks I would not agree to [whatever] simply for a price discount.

Now the reality is that my preferences lie more in the Latina and Italian direction, but every so often I will come across an AA chick who simply stuns me. Happened in Pandoras in Dallas about a year ago. Beautiful and somewhat slim, yet soft and curvy in all the right places. Wow.
avatar for Longneck
12 years ago
What paper was this the Klan Times. Almost 50% of a race has herpes is impossible at that growth rate it would be 80%> in next 5 years or so I call bullshit
I have similar tastes to Rickdugan, my preferences are also Latin and Italian.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
FIRSTLY, 1 in 6 Americans has the herpes virus. Lots of people don't know that they're carriers because a lot of people don't have symptoms and don't get tested regularly. Secondly, STD rates are higher in low-income areas due to a lack of funding for sex education. Viruses like HIV and Herpes aren't rampant in a specific race BECAUSE of their race, but the environment that those particular people are in. Obviously there are higher incidences of STDs in any densely populated area (colleges, anyone?). That's right. Little blonde 18-year-old coeds get herpes, too.

SOOOOO.... did you get your facts from Stormfront?
Just to play devil's advocate, your two statements seem contradictory.

to paraphrase...

STD rates are higher because of lack of adequate sex education

STD rates are higher at colleges

Hmmm.. Seems college educated kids should have been properly sexucated

avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
There's a lack of adequate sex education in densely populated/low-income urban areas which is why the STD rate is so high amongst black people. Coincidentally, there are a lot of drunk horny kids in college (some of which come from the aforementioned urban areas), another densely populated area. Usually the STDs are contracted while in college, not after graduation. Going to college doesn't always mean someone's intelligent, it just means that they're sufficient at regurgitating information.

There's actually a lack of adequate sex education period. When I was in high school they sort of glossed over everything and were like, "ABSTINENCE! THE ONLY WAY!" which isn't going to help anyone.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
He's not far off. From txtittyfan's link to the CDC it looks like 40%prevelance for HSV-2 amongst blacks, and 15% amongst whites. Also women being twice as likely to contradict STDs is consistent with everything I've read.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Anyways, seeing RickyBoyDugan post in this reminds me that all you have to do is become a RICH STUD and then you are immune to STDs anyway.
avatar for Jamesday
12 years ago
For those of you who question my stats on Herpes in Black Women. I got that from a article in the Detroit News a few years ago. Believe it or not is up to you. No I did not get it from the Klan Times. I put it in there as a FYI to be safe. Even with White women about One in five have it is enough to scare you.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
To not discriminate against some of our lower-educated individuals in this forum (i.e. Juicebox), as Duomaxwell was saying, 1 in 6 Americans having herpes is about 16-17%. I think from now on, if we are going to use outside sources as a source of information, just like in grade school and college, we should include some sort of bibliography page where we cite the source correctly.
Here is an example of the format to use when properly citing a source:
Article (from a database) with one author:

Lastname, First M. "Title of Article." Title of Publication volume.issue

(year): pages. Database Name. Web. Date accessed.
avatar for Jamesday
12 years ago
Cite the source from where I read it a few years ago from a newspaper?
It might have been a AP story or I don't know. All I know that the article shocked me so much that I remembered the stats within a few percentage points for each group. Also I noted that the rate for men was half of what it was women. Why I don't know it article didn't say.
No matter if it's from a black or white women the rates are quite high. If you guys don't want to believe it its up to you.
Maybe Google it to see what comes up on the rates?
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Going to college doesn't always mean someone's intelligent, it just means that they're sufficient at regurgitating information.

Truer words seldom spoken. I know way too many stupid college graduates.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I think I drank too much bc I forgot I already posted on this topic
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

We are all prejudice in some form, or do you base nothing on your feelings, opinions, views, whatever?

Censorship is WORSE, in any case!
avatar for Longneck
12 years ago
I reiterate I call billshit
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