Pole Tax

avatar for Joe from NJ
Joe from NJ
New York
There is a very good article on the "Pole Tax" that Texas is imposing on strip clubs.


Soon maybe other states will see this as a new source of income.


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avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Soon maybe other states will see this as a new source of income."

I would not doubt it. Might help.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I charge tax for my pole
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
SlickSpic - Maybe you should watch the news more. :)

avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I'm wondering if California or some democrats know of anything that they don't want to tax.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You can't eliminate all Taxes.

A good example of where more money should be appropriated & spent is on National infrastructure.

It is a NATIONAL scandal that the overwhelming majority of bridges in this country are in dire need of fixing. How many more have to fall down???
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
related to the link shadowcat put up, several states have suggested that there is some link between rape and strip clubs. I think this might be an incredibly naive bus to jump on for legislators looking for a few more dollars in revenue. Of course piling on some more things for adult entertainment to deal with usually resonates well with the even more naive voters.
avatar for Joe from NJ
Joe from NJ
12 years ago
Sorry Shadow Cat, I don't watch the SACRAMENTO, CA news, as I live on the east coast. The article that I referenced in the posting was on a national website.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Most of the upscale clubs in Austin waive the fee for customers. The clubs just cover the cost themselves. But when it was first implemented a lot of daytime guys simply stopped going in. It was only three bucks but it caused a lot of resentment.

For most of the clubs here it really killed the daytime attendance.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
In my simple mind I think that men having a venue (SCs; legal prostitution) to have their sexual needs met would decrease rape/sexual-assaults rather than increase them.
avatar for Joe from NJ
Joe from NJ
12 years ago
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