Stripper Site OK'd for Dancers' Notice of Lawsuit Dollars

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When companies resolve class-action suits, they typically tell people about the settlement by postcard or in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today or the New York Times.

Stripper Web or Xtreme magazine weren't the usual vehicles for delivering the news -- until now.

A federal judge in New York approved the parties' plan to use those publications to notify 1,245 current and former exotic dancers of an $8 million settlement in a wage and hour class action against Manhattan's Penthouse Executive Club.

The agreement would resolve a group of suits, first filed in 2009, over claims the Penthouse Club shortchanged dancers by classifying them as independent contractors rather than employees. The club also owes dancers minimum wage and overtime pay, the dancers claimed.

U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood, who preliminarily approved the deal April 29, signed off on a plan by the parties yesterday to use Stripper Web, an online forum that includes reviews of strip clubs, and Xtreme, whose website promises “Sexy Models and Cool Cars in Every Issue!” Wood's one-page order was made public today.

The Stripper Web and Xtreme notices will supplement settlement alerts to the last known address of each dancer in the class, according to court papers.
Stripper Web didn't respond to an e-mail seeking comment on the plan. A phone call to Xtreme wasn't returned.



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avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
The lawyers will probably get more than the dancers. I once read about a class action suit for holocaust survivors who had been used as slave labor by German companies. The survivors received $2500 each and the 5 lawyers split a $13 million fee.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Rightly or wrong the lawyers always get their cut. With the exception of a few dancers, these suits are eventually just gonna make things worse for them.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Could be enough to buy a used trailer
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
"Judge Kimba Wood"

Kimba sounds like a good stripper name
avatar for popple
12 years ago
I just can't get over the fact that Stripper Web was acknowledged by a federal judge. I guess it only makes sense, considering how hard strippers can be to track, but it's all still humorous to me.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Talk about attorneys getting their cut. A close friend of mine was part of a class action law suit against Pfiser over their drug Celebrex. There were 1,000+ claimants in 3 categories. His claim was in the highest category because his wife died as a result of taking the drug. The court awarded $164 million. Of that he got $85,000.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
Remember Kimba Wood? She was Clinton's second choice for Attorney General (after Zoe Baird). If she had paid her nannie's FICA she would have saved us 8 years of Janet Reno, the Branch Davidian inferno and the Elian Gonzales fiasco.
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