
The Life Spand Of A ATF

washington dc
Saturday, April 27, 2013 4:44 PM
To kind of spin off another topic. i always wondered how guys have these atfs for like ... 5-6 years when ive never had a atf for over 8 months.. my current atf will be leaving the business in august so its back to the drawing board. no biggie to me ive had atf that burn out 2-3 months into it. leave the club suddenly and then cant find them, get fired or i get some otc with them and it wasnt all that great lol


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    That's the unpredictability of life as a human. You just NEVER know!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    ATF should last forever. Otherwise she's just the current favorite.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Four and a half years ago I stopped in a club late on a Friday night and saw a dancer on stage who was my vision of loveliness. I did a LD with her and compatibility was paramount. I had no intention of looking for or finding an ATF. Weeks later I went back and she was there and just as beautiful. After several more LD's we went to the VIP room. She remembered details about me and I of her which should have been forgotten. Then when she offered extras I was hooked. In the years in between there have been arguments, disagreements, many, many OTC assignations, trysts, and dollars spent. I've treated her badly on occasion and she responded accordingly. I've been with other dancers and she's been with many others I'm sure. But she is important to me and I and my wallet am important to her. If her vagina was stitched close tomorrow I would stop paying her but still enjoy her company. If I were to be bankrupt tomorrow she would stop having sex with me and I'd never hear from her again. We both know where we stand and are honest about it with each other. That's how you have an ATF for many years
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    And that defines a pathetic loser.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Longest one I had was almost 3 years. My current fav is a liytle over a year
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    A little over a year
  • rell
    11 years ago
    @gawker.. your not quite a PL because usaully the PL pays the money and still doesnt get the ass but you might be border line PL dont worry we have all been on that level
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    About two when I saw her fairly frequently. Then only a couple of times the year after that. After that, I haven't talked to her for a long time. No idea what she is doing now!
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I have had current one 4.5 yr but a new girl off SA I have been seeing (6 mo) is definitely making it a tough decision to rotate or drop one. Favorite lifespan will depend on: 1. Can they stay off drugs - bad affect on performance, pop 2. Can they stay away from a pimp who will get them on drugs 3. Can they control S/O so he does not know they are a provider and will they be willing to still see you if they get in serious relationship. If they tell S/O they are provider is bad news. He will find way to screw it up for you. 4. Will they move in with whale (big spender whose budget blows away yours). 5. Will they get pg. Even if they want to have a baby with hubby maybe no problem - they will do him bareback and have u use condoms (was seeing one that did this). What I found shocking was how could she have that much faith in condoms let alone be sure who's kid it really is. Not a comfy thought..... 6. Do they expect minimum contribution per month or flexible? 7. Are they a good performer - Super GFE, heavy hitter in getting u off, willing to model, dependable (on time) no drama, etc? If not good performer, they don't last very long with me.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @gawker - let me give you the secret PL handshake cause that's me too. I always develop some affection for my favs, but it's never really reciprocated. I can't seem to make things last. But almost always, I couldn't object to their reasons for moving on. Even when I had to hear the reasons from third parties.
  • stenton1
    11 years ago
    A year and a half. Just don't lose your perspective. It's pay for play only. If the drama of sob stories get to be a bit much, cut your loses and run! It's always about the money, never about emotion, so don't go there.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I guess that depends too on what you consider to be the start of your relationship. I knew my ATF for 8 years but she was not elevated to ATF status until the last 3.
  • rell
    11 years ago
    funny because my current atf and my former know each other very well.. shes well aware of my dealings with her and that we have had sex and all and she doesnt mind but i know once she moves on after she graduates ill have to find her replacement.. which im kind of doing already but i keep finding dancers i really like.. but hate the club
  • azdd
    11 years ago
    13 years, which is a lifetime in strip club years. Unfortunately I see her less and less these days, but I don't expect her to ever lose her ATF status.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    A few weeks ago I ended my longest ATF relationship, which lasted 2 years. It was a wild and bumpy ride. I'm still not sure what I think of her.
  • Kinsact
    11 years ago
    Current ATF only 3 months. My ATF's don't seem to last long no idea why. Last one was only for 3 months before she changed to another club too far for me to want to drive to even once a week. Before that went through a streak of dating my ATF's after a little while. Longest one in that case was 9 months.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    62 years but subtract 10 years if she does drugs that'll kill you faster
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    jester has it correct. My ATF is my first and only. No one has replaced her, and she hasn't danced in many years. Many faves since her, however.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I get bored of strippers pretty quickly. I have a on to the next one policy when it comes to strippers. However, this one girl is a little different from the rest, and that's why she's been my ATF for 2 years and counting.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    One of my current favorites told me last week that I never got dances from her like forever and she was wondering if I liked her but I was tipping her on stage. I don't remember this but it seems very possible. Keeping track of favorites is like a first come first served as far as getting dances. If she fails to please, I'll look for someone else. If you have a long time favorite maybe the club isn't that great or you don't like gambling on trying out very many new girls. Maybe you're trying to limit the amount of lap dances you buy.
  • rell
    11 years ago
    yeah last night i found a new girl that could work into a favorite on mine.. looks better than my favorite and dances about the same ... only thing is the club she works at... sucks and i rarely like going in there... grrr
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    I never thought of this before, so ran through all my favorites that I could recall over the years. On average my favorites lasted over 5 years before they quit. The longest is 11 years and still going strong, and shortest was 2 years. All my favorites had been dancing for at least years before they became my favorite, which means all had been dancing at least 4 years before they quit and on average had been dancing over 7 years.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    rl27, The question was not about faves!
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    I have never had a favorite. The closest I have gotten is that for the past 7 years I have done rooms with the same dancer, but she is not the only one on the list and I go months without even looking for her. Why have a favorite when you can eat at the buffet all day.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    ski, Sorry, but if you have to ask, you will likely never understand.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    To be honest, I don't know if anyone I've ever considered my ATF is, in fact, for all time. There are girls who are currently favorites, and perhaps they will stay that way. Maybe they are favorites for all time, but that's not the same as being the dancer who is better than all other dancers. The lady I always considered my first ATF will always be a favorite, and it is for all time, but I'm not sure she really ranks above all other dancers ever. I could even say that about the lady I consider my current ATF. I will always enjoy her company, presuming she just doesn't start hating me or acting like I'm her husband or something, but I find it even harder for her to be considered above all other dancers ever. Maybe the terminology is wrong.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    DD, They can't all be your ATF, as "favorite" is singular. You can, however, have a variety of faves, just not have an ATF. I would bet many are in that circumstance.
  • MondoGoGo
    11 years ago
    3 years and counting although cracks are showing in the foundation as she nears graduation and is seriously contemplating LAS (Life After Stripping). I can't complain much however because it has been a goooood ride and I've enjoyed myself immensely.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Like skibum, I’ve never had a fave either. At best I’ve had 3 “semi-faves”. These 3 were while I lived in Dallas and near the beginning of my clubbing career in the early 2000s. The more I’ve clubbed and longer I’ve been on TUSCL, the less I’m apt to having any kind of personal or semi-personal dealings w/ dancers. I call my semi-faves “semi” b/c I would never go to the club to see them – but if I happened to see them working that night, I would always get some LDs from them (as well as other dancers). So this made them semi-faves b/c I will most of the time not get dances from the same dancers on subsequent visits unless its being months apart. I also want to have as little drama in my life as possible. With a fave, especially if one deals w/ her OTC, one will often times have to deal w/ her issues/problems. if I am going to deal w/some chick’s problems, it would only be w.r.t. someone whom genuinely wanted to be w/ me. Just my preferences!
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