
#1 advice to everyone.

No matter how great your ATF is, your next one will be better, and guess what, the one after that will be even better.

This J curve will never top off, it will only end when your money ends.

So, don't be lazy.


  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Doesn't the term "ATF" sort of imply that she would be your favorite of... oh, I don't know, ALL TIME!?
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    it's thrown around very fucking loosely.

    Like your ATF's pussy.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    I'm a girl, my ATF doesn't have a pussy.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    you're a girl on site where guys discuss strippers and strip clubs.

    hope you're enjoying yourself.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    dalex, I'm about as likely to take your advice as Dougster is likely to take txtittyfan's financial advice. Isn't going to HAPPEN. LOL
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Considering that I am a stripper and I work at a strip club you could say that it is relevant to my interests, so yes, I am enjoying myself.
  • stenton1
    11 years ago
    Dalex, no truer words ever spoken! Every time a "relationship" with an ATF ends, there will be a new one to come along who is much better in every way! I think many of us use the acronym ATF loosely, because at that given time, she may be your all time favorite. No one knows what the future will hold, but when your relationship ends, and ultimately it will, there is someone much better that will come along!!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    dalex: "No matter how great your ATF is, your next one will be better"

    That's actually a tautology. If she wasn't better she won't become "ATF". If you don't find one then you are talking about all members of an empty set which the rules of logic say any proposition is true about.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    @dalex, you should learn something about @duomaxwell before spouting off. She might just grind a stripper heel into your groin for being a major PL and pain in the ass.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Well, unless you're Dr Who, it's implicit that when you say "all time", you're not talking about the future. So, one should correctly only have one current ATF (a rule not everyone follows), but one can have multiple past ATFs. What dalex is saying agrees with this.

    dalex, just quit crushing on strippers, you'll give yourself high blood pressure. Some of them lead you on cause they're cunts, or they're so obsessed or desperate for money they act like cunts. But some do it cause they're trying to give you what they hope is a harmless fantasy. Stick with the nicer strippers who are not total financial disaster areas (generally the hotter ones anyway).

    Personally I don't feel the need to be constantly "trading up". Although certainly the idea of a customer being "faithful" to a stripper is ridiculous. But if I can find a dancer who's healthy, has a cute face and a nice butt, very limited drama/mind games/grouchiness, I'm happy to spend around 1500 a month on her, every month, and just get the occasional dance elsewhere. But dancers leave dancing for a man, leave dancing for themselves, or just CANNOT stay away from the drama. I've never been able to keep a "steady" for even one year.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Lopaw's a girl and her ATF has a pussy. dalex, don't ask us to vote either you or Duo off the island, unless you want to be gone.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Duo has been very cool here...don't talk shit dalex
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    dalex to be honest you are reminding me of the bullshit over on the pink side about how the dancers need to be "protected" from the custies on "their" site. Some of those chicks over there ripped me a new bodily orifice big enough to drive a truck through.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    I think your use of "ATF" is limp, dalex...

    Like your...nevermind.

    Lol sorry, dalex.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    @ stax...dalex said himself he had a limp...nevermind
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Like Crazyjoe said Duo has been cool, don't be talking shit Dalex.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I was gonna throw my $.02 in here as well, but you guys seem to have it well covered already.
    Carry on.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    I feel bad, I think this post of @dalex's was supposed to be inspirational. Clearly he just didn't know I was a girl --and more importantly, didn't know that if I WAS male I'd be a man of distinction and my ATF would be in pristine condition and have that new ATF smell.

    Thanks for thinking I'm cool enough to be in the boys club, though :)
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I just don't understand why dalex WANTS this site to be a sausage fest and seems to think all the other guys agree with him.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    @joe, yep, that's why I mess with him about it every now and then.
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    I can say I've had 4 ATF's because at the time each one ascended to favorite status, she was superior to all predecessors. #4 left my state of residence in January so I'm hoping to cum across a fifth ATF some day soon. I now have a current fave that provided one awesome VIP session so far. If that develops into an OTC relationship she could be the one.
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