
Who is txtittyfag?

To anyone who cares. I know I said in the past txtittyfag was the member vivi24, but now I'm pretty sure it's not Vivi. Who could it be?

I know Dougster is the obvious guess, but there is a method to Doug's madness and I don't think he would make it obvious, but we all know he has problems with Txtittyfan. Whoever txtittyfag is clearly has problems with Txtittyfan. Who else besides Dougster has had problems with Txtittyfan? I always thought Dougster was pretty entertaining, but he really is a stupid fuck if he is indeed txtittyfag. I hope it isn't true.

Any other guesses?


  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Dougster's biggest rival is Txtittyfan.

    Dougster LOVES beef/flame wars.

    Dougster is about the only member I can think of who, out of nowhere, randomly insults a member.

  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    yeah, it stinks of Douchester. Would you expect anything less?
  • staxwell
    12 years ago

    Dinner in China.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Txtittyfag posts some good stuff but we are different people. Not sure who he/she but definitely a clever person who has been around the board for a while.

    Vikings - did I ever randomly insult you for no reason? Nope, because I don't do that. Only continue things people start with me. Just because you didn't see their post which started it don't assume it doesn't exist.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I wounded if txtittyfag = AfricanLovePimp? I know they didn't along very well.

    So many people it could be. Hard to narrow it down to just one.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    No, you've never done that to me. But just a day or two ago, you randomly insulted steve229 and he hasn't posted here in months, lol.

    Dougster, I don't have a problem with you, but it makes ALL THE SENSE IN THE WORLD why you probably are txtittyfag. All the signs point towards it being you. And honestly, I'd be very surprised if it wasn't you.
  • Bonesbrother
    12 years ago
    Given Dugsters homophobic persona it would come as no surprise to me that he would adopt another user name to spew his true feelings.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    My 1st guess was Dougster also b/c of their (tx and doug) “volatile relationship” – but in the end, I’m sure we all got better things to do than decipher this mystery!!!
  • tumblingdice
    12 years ago
    C'mon you dusty ass old farts,Dougster is the closest thing you have to Don Rickles. Two thumbs up.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Vikings - I can assure steve229 is so boring I didn't even notice his existence until he started posting shit about me multiple times. He always struck as just the kind if guy who had no mind of his own and jut went with the crowd to gain some popularity. So maybe when he didn't gain acceptance through post song lyrics he thought he would take a few shots at me to gain some acceptance here. I sure don't miss that faggot, that's for sure!

    Also how about looking at evidence that txtittyfag and I are difference. Challenge your own hypothesis, don't succumb to "confirmation bias" and only look or facts that support your first instinct and block out those that disagree with them. For example txtittyfag loves to take shot at democrats, where I am predominantly apolitical. That's one to get you started see what else you can find on your own.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    There's too much male bonding in here for me.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Too much of...........!
  • tumblingdice
    12 years ago
    Alucard! Is it true you have a court order to change your avatar?
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    It's Dugly. One of several of his alternate names I'm sure.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    can't say as i care either way
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    that makes two of us
  • umissedaspot
    12 years ago
    "I hope it isn't true." LOL!

    Well duh! Who else but a loser troll would be pitiful enough to waste his time on sock puppets?
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    @umissedaspot- the reason I hope it isn't true is because I propped Dougster lol. I've just seen that Dougster propped txtittyfag twice. LOL
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Douchester writes:
    "Txtittyfag posts some good stuff but we are different people. Not sure who he/she but definitely a clever person who has been around the board for a while."

    Propping yourself. How original.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Again, folks, look up "confirmation bias" and see if you are suffering from. Are you looking at evidence both for and against or do you consider your first instincts so reliable you don't bother?

    Some more hints. Yes tittyfag and I dislike some of the same people RickyBoy, tittyfuck, VinceMichaels, but tittyfag dislikes alot of the people I like: ranukam, Motorhead, he/she has even taken some shots at the juiceman. Plus tittyfan doesn't seem to have a problem with alutard or the jestie-girl.

    I have three candidates I think all have a reasonable chance of being tittyfag, but I know that I don't know.
  • dalex
    12 years ago
    I always been cool with dougster but been insulted by txtittyfag.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    12 years ago
    c'mon wake up people.

    Everyone here hides behind an alias. End of Discussion.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    I suspect that txtittyfag is Dougster. The play on the name of his favorite whipping boy txtittyfan, and that we often see a post by Dougster followed shortly thereafter by a post from txtittyfag - seldom (if ever) the other way around...

    I've often though he might have had a twin brother Dudester in the distant past. They created quite a stir...ooops, ster, with their flame wars a few years ago. I suspect younger brother Doug may have killed off Dude.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Yeah of course we all are here under an alias. But some trolls feel the need to hide behind several. Creepy.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    yeah you just proved that you are Douchester because he's the only idiot that calls me that L.M.A.O.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Everyone here hides behind an alias"

    Not 100% of the time.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    "there is a method to Doug's madness"

    Would that be the method of saying the same stupid shit over and over for years? If so tx seemed to do a good job of copying that "method", right down to the homophobia and "short treasuries" line.

    Dugly pretends he's not a troll and that he doesn't attack people (except for the hundreds of threads where he insults people who haven't even posted in them) the alternate names help him cling to some bullshit notion that he contributes something other than useless repetitive shit.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    Dudester's nephew said nothing about a CAR wreck - he said "unfortunate accident". It would not surprise me if Dougster pulled the ladder out from under his younger twin brother, Dudester, while he was cleaning out their mom's gutters in hopes that his younger brother - who mom liked best - would die from the "unfortunate accident".

    [On a serious note, nephew reported 15 months ago, and no sign of Dudester since????]

    Now, back to the Rickles hour...HELLO...Dougster, that's your cue. Start some shit. Just any ol shit is fine. You can even send it thru your alter-ego, fag boy!!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    The jestie-girl's logic is grade-A and non-hypocritical as usual: "if someone attacks other people and insults others than they are a troll! Now let's see, on here I (the jestie-girl) primarily attack others and insult people, yet I am not troll, because... Well, um... Give me some time to think about that one. Oh, and I'm not hypocritical either, because, um, well, gonna need a bit of time on that one too."
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    This. Is. Awesome.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    @sclvr- you're right, him and txtittyfag are the only one that call you that. I also noticed him and txtittyfag are the only ones that refer to Player 11 as Payer 11, only ones that say Vince Michaels has aids, and the only ones that bring up Rick Dugan having unprotected sex with strippers.

    It's looks like every single person think it's Dougster. I guess I was overthinking it a bit. How could it not be Dougster? He's the only one that would pull that shit. I can't believe I actually defended him through some of the backlash he's gotten.

    He is the ultimate fuckhead.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Ranukam: "It's looks like every single person think it's Dougster"

    Not everyone. Dalex seems to disagree, staxwell hasn't voiced an opinion so I don't think you should speak on his behalf. Tittyfag and I, of course, disagree. Another error you are making, in addition to confirmation bias, is to base your conclusion on the opinions of a highly non-impartial set of people. I'm surprised you let tittyfag get to you so much!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    The thread with vivi24's suspicious comments, for reference:


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Vivi24 was my first suspect as well because of that suspicious post. But she just seems to be someone who stopped in causually, whereas tittyfag, whomever it is shows some pretty detailed knowledge of board history, so has obviously been around for a while. Could the same person use tittyfag and vivi24 as aliases? We are getting into some pretty deep conspiracy theorizing at that point. I'll leave it to more inquiring minds than I to see I they can deduce who tittyfag really is. (I, myself, have a new leading suspect in mind.)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    This is probably the post that got ranukam so mad:

    "Rankyass > Who is txtittyfag? Who could it be?

    It could be yo daddy moron but if it was it sho didn't pass any brain cells along to yo sorry ass!"

    I just skimmed it the first time, but looking at it some more there are definitely racist overtones here. I can understand why ranukam would be pissed , especially since no one stood up to condemn it. Ok, then, I'll be the first, at the minimum it was very poor taste, and there is a chance it was intended to be something even worse than that. (And my apologies to ranukam for prop'ing tittyfag after that, didn't realize at first that that was likely the post that got you steaming.)
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    @che- what changed my mind was the overwhelming evidence against Dougster. The bottom line is whoever is txtittyfag has to have a deep hatred for Txtittyfan. The only person that I've ever seen with big time problems with Txtittyfan is Dougster. Their beef has been going on for a few years. I believe that txtittyfag made his first comment on TUSCL in the middle of a Dougster Txtittyfan flame war.

    Also, veteran members correct me if I'm wrong, but I looked at some TUSCL history and it looks like this is not the first time Dougster's did this. I guess most people believed he was the alias Bobbyl (I hope I'm spelling that right) a few years ago.

    But enough about this, I've done enough feeding the trolls. I need to hit a strip club up.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Good logic. Txtittyfan is someone pretending to be gay. Oh, but he couldn't be someone pretending to hate txtittyfan.

    "Overwhelming evidence" - riiiiight!

    As I say, ranukam is understandably about the post I quoted above, and it seems to be clouding his judgment.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Mark Felt
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Its hilarious to watch Douchester try and play " good cop bad cop" here in regards to his postings as txtittyfag. And normally he would be flaming everybody in here, but instead is enjoying all of the attention he's getting. So predictable.

    I agree, ranukam, we should all stop feeding his trollish ego. Time is indeed much better spent clubbing.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    "I believe that txtittyfag made his first comment on TUSCL in the middle of a Dougster Txtittyfan flame war"

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Holy shit! I'm gonna visit my fellow seattleite/girl Mandy Knox tonight so we can commiserate about standards of proof!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Holy shit part deux – 46 comments on this thread – who would have thought – and I am enough of a PL to have read thru all the elementarish comments – my bad!!!

    (btw – I know “elementarish” is not a word)
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    lol I don't think it's Dougster. I still believe Alucard is behind a lot of the troll accounts. Even his main account is a troll account, he just happens to do all his reviews and the majority of his posting from it. Alucard is working all of us.

    He even hints at it in his post above: "Not 100% of the time."

    -50% of the time he's Alucard.
    -20% Tittyfag
    -30% all other accounts.

    Think about it: why would anyone want to create multiple accounts? To piss people off as much as possible, that's why. Why? Because it's the only way he's gonna get support from the "fellowship" in his efforts to get a moderator.

    Alucard is king troll. Just look at the reputation he's garnered as of late:


    The guy's a class A sociopath. He's constantly baiting us in to arguments for his own amusement. He finds sick pleasure in "poking the caged bear" by PM'ing members who can't respond since he has them on ignore. I wouldn't be even a little surprised if he created the alias txtittyfag for his own sick amusement, or for his Machiavellian agenda.
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    Or maybe it's Founder...

    Or maybe it's me...

    Holy shit, maybe I'm Alucard...

    No one knows.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Maybe it's jester214? I mean the guy is the ultimate hypocrite and apparently bears a massive grudge against me even after he put me on "ignore". (Geee, you would think if you put someone on ignore it's because you want to forget them, not because you want to keep whining about them and taking shots at them, but can't bear to see what they write back. Alucard tactics. Hmmm... Maybe jester214 is alucard by stax's reasoning above...)

    Anyway, so jestie creates "txtittyfan" because he knows everyone will suspect me. Look at the date jestie joined too, it's even before me, so he has reference to all the obscure things txtittyfag brings up, that most people have forgotten. And we all know jestie is so fixated on me, that he'll never forget a word I said either, because he needs it to fuel his endless fire of hatred. Also furthering the argument of "txtittyfag = jester214" is the fact that, as far as I can tell, they only voice disapproval for people, never approval. Has either of them ever propp'ed a single person for instance?

    Anyway, good chance it is that txtittyfag = jester214. (Even the politics are the same now that I think about it.)

    Only problem I can see with the "txtittyfag =jester214" conjecture is that this "txtittyfag" creation actually seems to have a sense of humor. jestie probably recognizes this is his biggest tell, so just got someone to consult with on "writing style/humor" part. I know RickyBoyDugan (another guy who has never propp'ed anyone - egotist that he is) and jester214 get along fabulously and are constantly sucking each others dicks. Maybe RickyBoy adds the "humor" part to jester214 vitriol to create "txtittyfag". Or maybe RickyBoy and jester214 are two accounts for the same person showing slightly different facets of their underlying twisted "mind" (see how I put that in quotes). Yes, I can see it now, more evidence they are one and the same is how much they both love nutty conspiracy theories. What are the odds there are two distinct people that "out there" with their conspiracy theory non-sense. Must be one and the same!

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Thought about it some more, and I am now convinced beyond all reasonable that

    alucard = jester214 = rickdugan = txtittyfag

    Case dismissed!
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    This is like the end of Scream.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Holy shit! I just noticed that, amongst the four of

    alucard, jester214, rickdugan and txtittyfag

    only "Alucard" has a capital letter in his alias. And we all know that "double secret decoder ring" is part of the "alucard" MO too, so he is obviously trying to convey something by choosing to capitalize the first letter of just one of his four (know so far) aliases...
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    and you guys wonder why dancers don't stick around very long on this site.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    txtittyfag is carolynne
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    PC: I think you are right. First you'll notice that tittyfag posted immediately after Carolynne - there was nobody who posted in between. That is very incriminating all by itself. Almost a slam dunk, but then, just to be extra doubly triply sure tittyfag commented in another thread here about the gulliblity of readers. Cominin these two factors and doing a rigorous statslistical analysis (left as an exercise to the trade) shows that the probability that this so called "carolynne" is the fifth alias of tittyfag/Alucard/RickDugan/jester214 is 131.415296%.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    All these conspiracy theories also remind me of that scene in Monty python

    "What floats in water?"
    "A very small rock!"

    "A witch!"
    "Burn her!"
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I know the reasons behind my suspicion – but I will not make them public here as not to scare off txtittyfag/carolynne and let her know we are on her trail; and thus we can gather more “evidence” – LOL!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    carolynne should consider herself on “double secret probation” :)
  • carolynne
    11 years ago
    i am no one but myself.
  • vincemichaels
    11 years ago
    And we are glad of it, carolynne.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    That explanation is so mundane and boring. Now it's probably true as well - but let's get jestie or some other homo in here to give us an elaborate, exciting conspiracy theory about the matter!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Maybe it's jester214? I mean the guy is the ultimate hypocrite and apparently bears a massive grudge against me even after he put me on "ignore". (Geee, you would think if you put someone on ignore it's because you want to forget them, not because you want to keep whining about them and taking shots at them, but can't bear to see what they write back. Alucard tactics. Hmmm... Maybe jester214 is alucard by stax's reasoning above...)

    Anyway, so jestie creates "txtittyfan" because he knows everyone will suspect me. Look at the date jestie joined too, it's even before me, so he has reference to all the obscure things txtittyfag brings up, that most people have forgotten. And we all know jestie is so fixated on me, that he'll never forget a word I said either, because he needs it to fuel his endless fire of hatred. Also furthering the argument of "txtittyfag = jester214" is the fact that, as far as I can tell, they only voice disapproval for people, never approval. Has either of them ever propp'ed a single person for instance?

    Anyway, good chance it is that txtittyfag = jester214. (Even the politics are the same now that I think about it.)

    Only problem I can see with the "txtittyfag =jester214" conjecture is that this "txtittyfag" creation actually seems to have a sense of humor. jestie probably recognizes this is his biggest tell, so just got someone to consult with on "writing style/humor" part. I know RickyBoyDugan (another guy who has never propp'ed anyone - egotist that he is) and jester214 get along fabulously and are constantly sucking each others dicks. Maybe RickyBoy adds the "humor" part to jester214 vitriol to create "txtittyfag". Or maybe RickyBoy and jester214 are two accounts for the same person showing slightly different facets of their underlying twisted "mind" (see how I put that in quotes). Yes, I can see it now, more evidence they are one and the same is how much they both love nutty conspiracy theories. What are the odds there are two distinct people that "out there" with their conspiracy theory non-sense. Must be one and the same!
    Thought about it some more, and I am now convinced beyond all reasonable that

    alucard = jester214 = rickdugan = txtittyfag

    Case dismissed!
    Holy shit! I just noticed that, amongst the four of

    alucard, jester214, rickdugan and txtittyfag

    only "Alucard" has a capital letter in his alias. And we all know that "double secret decoder ring" is part of the "alucard" MO too, so he is obviously trying to convey something by choosing to capitalize the first letter of just one of his four (know so far) aliases...
    PC: I think you are right. First you'll notice that tittyfag posted immediately after Carolynne - there was nobody who posted in between. That is very incriminating all by itself. Almost a slam dunk, but then, just to be extra doubly triply sure tittyfag commented in another thread here about the gulliblity of readers. Cominin these two factors and doing a rigorous statslistical analysis (left as an exercise to the trade) shows that the probability that this so called "carolynne" is the fifth alias of tittyfag/Alucard/RickDugan/jester214 is 131.415296%."

    Sorry Good Members, but I feel I need to say this:

    You are SO totally Full of Shit with that rambling BS Dougster, I don't know whether to LMFAO at you or to feel sorry for you and your OBVIOUS problems.

    Again I apologize for feeding him.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Alucard - why are you wasting your time with that idiot? Its obvious that this board is his life and he feeds on the attention. Ignore him like 90% of this board and eventually he'll only be talking to himself and all of his other aliases.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Sick liver just agreed with alutard. A sixth alias!

    And someone who lives in Vegas saying other people don't have a life. That's a good one! Guess sick liver is just another Vegas alchy whose liver got sick from all stinking he does.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Should be drinking but won't surprise me none if he stinks as well!
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    lmao same old shit from the village idiot.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Gets so drunk he pisses in his own clothes then logs on here as "alucard" to codemn drinking by others... thanks for letting us know your profession sick liver - ie alcoholic. Guess I should have guessed it all along from "sick liver" though.
  • umissedaspot
    11 years ago
    "Also, veteran members correct me if I'm wrong, but I looked at some TUSCL history and it looks like this is not the first time Dougster's did this. I guess most people believed he was the alias Bobbyl (I hope I'm spelling that right) a few years ago."

    A little searching turns up a long series of exposed or admitted alter egos. Creepy...

    Dec. 2008: "Oops, BobbyI just admitted to being Dougster!"

    Aug. 2008: "Who is Bobbyl? I just put it together"

    Apr. 2006: "ClifBar/davids, first of all, stick with a single name"
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    "Creepy" is an understatement. Fagster has to create aliases to either agree with himself or to use to play off of when he utters his same old bullshit. Textbook psychotic.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Will this thread ever die?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    umissedaspot: Yes, conspiracy theories and conjectures about multiple aliases are nothing new around here.

    You cite some threads from years ago but it's just people speculating akin to current speculations that Carolynne is really a man posing as a woman. Citing hearsay evidence that "someone thought X and Y were same" is hardly any kind of evidence.

    I was making fun of the level of "evidence" used to prove these accusations by making up some conspiracy theories of my own in this thread using comparable levels of rigor. Guess everyone missed the point.

    Even after I pointed at the scene from witch hunt scene from Holy Grail too.

  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    sick liver: "textbook psychotic"

    Do you even know what the definition of psychotic is or do you just enjoy talking out of your ass?

    Even if the conjecture you are proposing even was true it would not rise to the level of "psychotic". "Mischief" making probably, histrionic or mildly anti-social at worst.

    Deceptive behavior is not "psychotic". It is "anti-social".

    I'm not sure why you are confusing things. Deception is something that "psychopaths" do routinely, but, get this, genius, psychopath does not mean "one who is psychotic".

    So if you are going to accuse me of things at least get your terminology right, else it just makes you look even dumber than you are!
  • umissedaspot
    11 years ago
    Nice try, loser. Conjecture? That's a laugh. It's plain to see you've been camped out here for at least NINE YEARS of your miserable life, posting creepy "conversations" with your alter egos obsessing about other members.

    Shouldn't you be upstairs wearing your mother's dress like Norman Bates?

    Fuckin' creep.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    As I say "spot" I read your threads, and I see that in the past people accused others of using multiple aliases. That's the extent of the evidence.

    These days people accuse Carolynne of being a man without any evidence. RickDugan even said all strippers who posted on here claiming to be women were actually men.

    Yeah, so people like to come up with conspiracy theories these days, and your threads show that is now change from a few years ago. That's all you've "proved". Nice try though. :-)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    So it was tittyfan after all! That's like hiding on plain sight. I never pegged him for being so clever!
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    Clubber was right.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    And you guys will notice how quickly txtittyfan posted after txtittyfag said he would go back to being txtittyfan. This even though txtittyfan barely posts at all these days (after I shamed him by calling out how disastrous his financial advice was). If there was ever any doubt that txtittyfag = txtittyfan was just hiding in plain sight that last post should put the entire matter to rest once and for all!

    Let's just close this thread now.
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    All this thread did was once again show the board how stupid Douchester is. Txtittyfag is fucking with you all, and poor old Douchester is still ignorant.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    tittyfan: And you're still the guy who said to short treasuries back in 2009 into a 60% rally, during which time you said to double down on the losing bet half-way through. (Btw, you let your true profession leak in a recent thread. You actually aren't involved in the markets at all. Just a home repair guy real estate speculators hire to fix up places before they sell them. No wonder you zero idea what the fuck you were talking about finance-wise!)
  • carolynne
    11 years ago
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Dougster is!!! :) Yawn also.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Is he apologizing for his lies in these PMs?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Well can't speak for you but all he has to do to calm things down with me is publicly apologize to TUSCL and real veterans for his lies about serving in Vietnam.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Guys, even I myself don't know who "txtittyfag" is. I used to think he and DrPhil were one and the same, but I've come to doubt that now.

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