
Dancer quality control

One of the most unique things to ever happen to me at a strip club happened last night. I'm at my favorite local juice bar and my favorite dancer comes up to me and in a very embarrassed way says that she's kind of drunk ( despite no alcohol on sale at the place). i really don't notice any obvious signs of intoxication, plus about a month ago the same thing happened and she was a real horndog on the couch that night. DJ announces it's 2-for1 time so we head back to the couch. The dances are very good, I'm feeling like we're in for a repeat of the previous session. Then she asks how long I'm planning to stay at the club that night. With DST time switch happening that night, I was planning to leave n when we were done with our usual 5-6 songs. But I'm curious and ask her why she asked the question, and she says she wants to take a break, sober up a bit and then pick up where we left off. "I know you nKnow the kind of dances I can do, and I don't think I can do that right now," was her explanation. So I tell her go for it....I'll bide my time watching the stage show and she can come back when she's feeling steadier. She went to the dressing room to eat, hydrate....all told took about an hour and a couple times I saw her peaking out from the back to see if I was still around. We finally reconnected and had a very intense session of noon-VIP dances pretty much like a month ago. Never before have I had a dancer stop the flow of dances before, but in this case it turned out great. Any of you ever had a similar experience?


  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Happened a few times, but always involved a trip to the ATM. :)
  • dalex
    12 years ago
    no but honestly waiting for more than an hour, you deserve it.
  • nickifree
    12 years ago
    Happened to me more than a few times, but I never hung around more than 20 minutes or so. Seems like each time I saw the dancer later they would ask "What happened to you?".
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    No. I always get it the other way. "Wait until after I have a few drinks. You know I always get better then".
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Any of you ever had a similar experience?"

    Nope. Not for the reason you expressed.
  • HowdyPilgrims
    12 years ago
    are you sure it wasn't her time of the month and she ran to the back to do some maintenance? lol

  • rl27
    12 years ago
    Nope, two of my favorites are better once they are a bit drunk, which is usually about 2 1/2 hours into their shift.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I don't like my favorites tits drunk
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