
Pain in the Club ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Has a dancer ever done anything to you, intentionally or maybe not, that caused you physical pain?

Two instances I can remember:

1) I guess she was trying to be “seductive” – but had a dancer bite my balls once – HARD – I actually screamed in pain b/c I guess she hit the sweet spot. I am pretty sure she did not do it on purpose since I had kicked it with her on previous visits and she did tend to be pretty aggressive.

2) had a very attractive, thick, hard-bodied ebony dancer actually sit on my balls once – hurt like crazy – I screamed a bit in pain again. She looked pretty young, about 21, and may not have been too experienced. As I said, she was a thick ebony – she had a thick hard body but very little fat – so when she sat on the family jewels, it was not as if a spinner had done it. I was slid down on the couch and she was on me front cow girl and as she was trying to grind me, somehow her big ebony butt, and pretty much most of her body weight, landed on my balls which were in between the couch cushion and her big ole hard ass – didn't help I was commando and had the jewels loose.


  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I once had my cock wedged in a strippers mouth, damn lockjaw
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    yes... bruised nut from grid-age gone wrong
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I guess this guy had it worse than me:

    “… another time I want in, having a beer, then an EMS crew came out of the back with some guy on the stretcher. I asked what happened the bar tender say the guy had a heart attack ... “

  • jester214
    12 years ago
    1. The overly hard griding
    2. Bitten on the ear and it was way too hard to be sexual
    3. I got a painful rash on my knee one of the few times I wore shorts. I still suspect it was from the boots she had on.
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    Too much bouncing on my junk. I'm not some kind of hippity hop.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Aggressive nipple biting.

    There is a fine line between pleasure and pain.

  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I've been cut on the leg from a table dance, saw the blood running down my leg when I went to the restroom. I also got the worst bloodiest nose in my life when a dancer sprung up at me and surprised me when her head hit me in the nose. I bled like crazy after I went to the restroom to check the damage. That hurt too. I think I bled a lot more than the time I got a bone fracture (not in a club). I hardly bled at all even as a little kid when in self defense, I hit some other kids so hard with my bare fists I broke their teeth and or other bones. All club incidents were accidents but the bloody nose ticked me off at how clumsy the dancer was. I even bled more from the bloody nose than an accident I had one time where I got skinned up on just ahout every limb and required 10 stitches to sew me up. I doubt the dancer even knew how much she hurt me.

    I try to be more alert to clumsy dangerous dancers after that. Oh, I've been bitten a few times in various places too but that doesn't usually hurt that bad. I have wondered why some dancers asked me if I like it rough. I don't know why they would get that impression unless it was because one dancer liked to put her legs around my head and shake her legs a little. I certainly don't need whiplash. At one club, I did say ow the first time a dancer bit my dick through my clothes during a lap dance. I suspect some drunk guys in the military told the dancers they couldn't feel anything unless they were bitten. Actually started to like it if the dancer's weren't too rough. Usually I'm not into pain but sometimes I might feel slightly numb.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I don't care at all for nipple biting.
  • rockie
    12 years ago
    The occasional overzealous bumping and grinding that leaves the jewels in the throes of pain, not pleasure. Aggressive biting as well!
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Aside from the sometimes heavy grind that crushes my package rather than arouse it, I don't like getting hickies from the girls. Every once in a while, a girl will start nibbling my neck and I start enjoying it. It's not until a few seconds into it I realize she's sucking, but I delay a few seconds longer because I'm still processing what's going on and probably in denial... and it still feels good. Then I come to my senses and pull away, a couple times a little too late - hickey in place.

    Luckily, they haven't been huge and turtle necks work wonders.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    There have been a couple of times that I have had to tell a dancer to cool it because she was crushing my nuts or biting my nipples. I don't believe in "No pain. No gain".
  • the mighty quinn
    12 years ago
    Being a bit hairy, worst thing ever for me was starting out getting an HJ and getting a hair removal treatment at the same time.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    There was a club in rural Wisconsin I went to once where they had what amounted to a monkey bar they could swing from while onstage. One of the girls swung on it while I was standing while making a tip with such force she jammed my neck in the process. That's something that could have legitimately been worse.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Other than the pain of an empty wallet, no. :)
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Every time I'm rock hard and being big and long with not too much wriggle don't help; dancer is a little too excited with the prospect of a big dick and is bouncing like crazy.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    I've had the hard nipple bites and over-zealous bouncing that led to blood in the urine next day, but some of the greatest pain was inflicted by a bony little redhead that insisted on kneeling on my thighs, with those tiny kneecaps digging into my legs as she tried to share her boobies with me. Not to be ungrateful, but it would be more fun if her weight was on the chair or floor.
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