I have had this problem a few times. Most other dancers of different ethnicities will politely go if you say you dont want company. but from my experience EVERY black dancer i have turned down has kept pestering me and does not leave.
“…they throw fits when you turn them down. is that agression or immaturity? … “
It’s both IMO.
It is aggression b/c that is what they are used to from the environment many grow up in - you can’t be sweet and kind in the hood – you will often be exploided or taken advanatage off – IMO.
It is also immaturity b/c it takes them a while to learn that there is a world different from the hood many grew up in and that many have not been exposed to enough until they get older – it takes them some time/age to realize that they need to behave differently and that there are different rules to live by in an environment different from which they grew up in, IMO.
I get that more from the Asians - not Asian-Americans but the ones right off the boat. The Thai, Vietnamese and Filipino girls. What Papi said about environment holds true for them too.
I've found most black dancers to be cool - no pressure and no games. Definitely less than some of the, for lack of a better phrase, white trash dancers I've had hit on me. They seem to be the worst for begging, cajoling, and attempting to guilt me into LDs/VIPs with stories of a woeful, empty, and pain-ridden life.
Out of two dancers who pestered me for over 15 minutes who I told no to several times, one was black, one was white. The black girl was just stubborn eventually offering me things for free but I didn't trust her that I could get things for free from her and that she would suddenly leave me alone. The white girl never offered anything for free. She ended up getting me upset enough to get up and leave her sitting at my former table.
I did have one other stubborn dancer and she was black as well who refused to take no for an answer. She did a table dance for me after I said no. I initially had no plans to pay her anything but she ad some kind of magic power over art of my body so I paid her for a table dance feeling betrayed by my own body. Strange I thought. Maybe she had some kind of mystical power. After I paid her ten dollars, she never bothered me again.
The worst problem I ever had with a dancer that wouldn't leave me alone, was when I told her I had no more money that night. Her response was, "Let me see your wallet." She happened to be a black girl. I do like and seek out black girls in clubs. She was new to that club around that time. Fortunately, I never saw her a second time, anywhere.
This is my biggest issue with most of the black dancers I've met. I believe a good part of it is that they have a pimp to support, so they not only need money for themselves, but their pimp as well. I also think part of it is the fact they're generally having to ask white guys for lap dances, who theoretically have more money than the black people they know, presuming this isn't a black club, of course. Cultural issues probably have something to do with it, too.
Unfortunately for them the worst experiences I have had in clubs have been from black dancers. (over charge attempts, won't leave, overly aggresive, 'you ain't gittin a dance from me cause I black' when I decline a dance from a fat smelly 2). I have had good experiences also but the bad out distance the good. I generally avoid black dancers because of that. I do not know whether they were just overly aggresive and always try to rip off customers or they thought I was just some dumb old white guy.
I do remember one black dancer I was wondering what I might have missed out on by not getting a lap dance from her. She said it was her last night in the club and she wanted to give me a real good lap dance. I've heard dancers say things before and then you see them again in a few weeks and this particular club was known to be a hands off dance club. She looked better than many of the white dancers in the club. I think she even ran her hands all the way up my shorts after telling me that while I was sitting at the stage. She might have had better luck asking me if she had been off the stage.
Your white in a black club so they assume you have money. All the black guys there are sexy but know they want to fuck her for free. She likes money more than sex. I gave you the equation, now figure it out.
I've found pesturing to be in ALL races, so let's chill with this "black dancers only" bullshit!! I've had white girls pesture me to DEATH too about not getting dances but I'd never categorize that as "why do white girls get mad when you say no?". That's stupid!
Lordy, Lordy have I have my run-ins with black girls in strip clubs. A few years ago I entered a SC early in the evening. There were just a few black dancers working there. But a young very skinny black girl saw me as I arrived in the door.
As the waitress guided me to an available table near the rear of the club, I hadn't noticed that she was following us right behind me. When we got to the table, and before I sat down, I started to order my drink from my waitress.
Meanwhile the dancer had just helped herself to grabbing a seat at my table before I had even sat down there myself!
I don't know why but I never had problems with black dancers until about four or five years ago. One of my ATFs is black, but she retired a few of years ago. In fact I used to like most of the black girls dancing in strip clubs.
It just seems like the latest crop have caused me grief to no end in strip clubs.
Most of us learned manners from both parents before we got to high school. In the 'hood, we always joke about coarse women who have no "home training." We now have a generation of young people where many, not most, are lacking in basic manners. If you're a dancer desperate for money, being polite is not in your playbook. Getting as much money as quickly as possible by any means necessary is the rule. Sure, a dancer could take the time to learn how to interact with customers and avoid rude behavior. She could also take the time to learn job skills, but why bother.
OP: "EVERY black dancer i have turned down has kept pestering me and does not leave"
EVERY one of them? Some are polite, or are quick to realize its a waste of energy trying to turn firm "no"'s into "yes"'s'. (I'll qualify this by saying if you are talking about Vegas it could very well be true that it's very hard to get them to fuck off. That applies to any dancer in Vegas, though, not just black girls.)
When I was dancing in southeast Virginia (Hampton Roads area), the pushiest dancers were the Slavs. Here in Austin there aren't pushy dancers (I work in a dive near the UT @ Austin, PM me).
last comment1) many have tough economic situations and come from tough economic backgrounds – thus they need/want that $$$
2) many of them grow up in tough neighborhoods where one needs to be aggressive to survive
Not to say that these are valid reasons – just some observations .
pablo- i guess so. i havent broken down yet though
It’s both IMO.
It is aggression b/c that is what they are used to from the environment many grow up in - you can’t be sweet and kind in the hood – you will often be exploided or taken advanatage off – IMO.
It is also immaturity b/c it takes them a while to learn that there is a world different from the hood many grew up in and that many have not been exposed to enough until they get older – it takes them some time/age to realize that they need to behave differently and that there are different rules to live by in an environment different from which they grew up in, IMO.
I did have one other stubborn dancer and she was black as well who refused to take no for an answer. She did a table dance for me after I said no. I initially had no plans to pay her anything but she ad some kind of magic power over art of my body so I paid her for a table dance feeling betrayed by my own body. Strange I thought. Maybe she had some kind of mystical power. After I paid her ten dollars, she never bothered me again.
As the waitress guided me to an available table near the rear of the club, I hadn't noticed that she was following us right behind me. When we got to the table, and before I sat down, I started to order my drink from my waitress.
Meanwhile the dancer had just helped herself to grabbing a seat at my table before I had even sat down there myself!
I don't know why but I never had problems with black dancers until about four or five years ago. One of my ATFs is black, but she retired a few of years ago. In fact I used to like most of the black girls dancing in strip clubs.
It just seems like the latest crop have caused me grief to no end in strip clubs.
EVERY one of them? Some are polite, or are quick to realize its a waste of energy trying to turn firm "no"'s into "yes"'s'. (I'll qualify this by saying if you are talking about Vegas it could very well be true that it's very hard to get them to fuck off. That applies to any dancer in Vegas, though, not just black girls.)