
Does the car make the man?

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, March 5, 2013 12:00 PM
From a recent review: " In fact, if you drive up in a nice car, the bouncer outside will radio the staff inside to alert a potiential champagne room customer is about to come in." It's never happened to me and I don't drive a pos car. So what kind of car do you need to drive, to ge the royal treatment?


  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    lol doesn't matter what you drive if you park in a large parking lot behind the club like many of us do.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    shadow, I didn't see your thread before I posted my own car topic. I am pretty sure that the car in my topic might get a bouncer to let the club know that a whale was entering the club. Assuming, of course, that a SC bouncer would even recognize the red beasts that Ferrari produces.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    Strip clubs here don't even have bouncers outside I do switch my cars up depending on the mood I'm in or the spot I'm going to.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Just as the word gets around inside the club when there is a guy spending a lot $$$, I would not doubt bouncers pass on info to dancers in return for some tip$ back from the dancers. I would think it would take more than just a “nice car” – more of a head turner $100k+ car I’d imagine.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    Also depends on the type of car you're driving, I had a night where I pulled up in a 80k Audi & received very little attention once in the club.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    If strip club staff was on the top of their game I think this is something they would be sure to let be known. But how often are strip club staff on the top of their game?
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    "Does the car make the man?" No... The old as dirt, ding-up, mud covered, 4 wheel drive pickup truck with over-sized tires (and preferably with a 'snorkel' mod) which has rust all over and the title is on pawn because you've been short on cash lately is what makes you the man that stripper want. Throw in some recently smoked joint smell and you'll be fighting them stripper off like you would not believe!
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    I find a Harley works for me. Perhaps they figure a perfect loser type just right for them. :)
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    If the car is all he lives for
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    My ATF says when she goes outside for a butt she scopes the parking lot. When there's Beemers, Audis, z's, Corvettes shell go on the floor and "work" the crowd. If she sees Chevy's, Fords, and assorted beaters she spends more time in the dressing room. One day last week she fell asleep in the dressing room, never heard the DJ call her name for the stage. The manager found her up and chewed her ass. I chewed her ass after work.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    Its not the card ,van or truck you drive. Its how much $$$$ you spend
  • trojangreg
    11 years ago
    Art, You wouldn't dare drive anything worth more than $500 to the No 5 Orange. You wouldn't have any wheels left at the end of the night. Speaking of the 5 I will be checking out their new fancy chef next week. Thanks Shadow.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    I'm still looking for a SC with a hitching post for my horse. I like to take strippers for a ride.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Lol Corvus. Though, I wonder if there are any? I used to see hitching posts for the Amish at every other kind of business in Lancaster and Berks counties in PA.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Unless I had money to burn or only one vehicle which is my current situation, I would not drive an expensive vehicle to a strip club. I've had experiences at some clubs where others ding, scratch on purpose or by accident other cars. In a couple of cases someone even vandalized cars in the parking lot. I try to pay attention to parking lot security and if I know it doesn't exist, I might not even visit a club. If I'm not aware of any problem, then I won't worry about it.
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    I got some gold plated wire wheels on my Kia last week, and I do get noticed by the SC valets more than I used to.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    No. Doesn't make the woman, either.
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