Another "Interesting"Review

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Was looking thru some club reviews and came across the following “gem” :)

Guy just seemed to want to relate his personal love for a particular dancer and barely said anything about the club LOL:

Review to follow:

Visited Shooter Alley a couple weeks ago. It was a wednesday afternoon I believe. I had been there a few times before. I usually stop in to see a specific girl, but I hadn't seen her the last few times I visited. As I entered the club, I saw her on stage, I was immediately excited. I wasn't sure if she remembered me, since it had been a few months. I tipped her on stage and waved at her she smiled and waved back. I sat at the bar and ordered a beer. When she got off stage, she went around the room and thanked everyone that tipped her. Then she came over to me, saying "hey, where you been?...haven't seen you in awhile.", That's when I realized that she did remember me. She sat with me at the bar, I ordered her a drink. After a couple songs, she asked if I wanted a dance. I said "sure." We then moved to one of the tables toward the back of the club. For those that have never been to Shooter Alley, it's pretty dark in there, so ,oving to a table in the back is a good thing, lol. After we got to the table she began dancing for me. Now this girl is stacked, light skin, pretty, big firm breasts and and a nice juicy ass (her name is Daisy). A couple songs in, she rubbing on me, and i'm rubbing on her. She asked if I was interested to go to Vip, like we did last time, I said "of course I am." I gave her the 25 buck to pay for room. She disappeared to the back for a about 5 minutes then came back out, paid and we handed the dj a ticket and headed to the back room. While in the back, she started ginding on me, I started sucking on her nipples and fingering her. I pulled mr lucky out, she started jerking me off. She pulled out a condom and put in on me, and sat on it. I had a fun time. I try to go in a see this girl every few weeks. I gave her 200 for the experience, money well spent.…


last comment
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
That says a lot more that matters about the club than if he went on about the parking, restrooms, drink prices, floor layout, etc.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
15 year ago, when there were actual editors on TUSCL that would have been rejected as nothing morec than a personal experience. I know because as a newbie I had one like that rejected.

FYI Shooters Alley is a black club right down the street from Follies. It has become more "friendly" to meet the competition. My buddy, Chandler, reviewed it recently.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Why do so many reviewers hate paragraphs?
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Why do so many reviewers hate paragraphs?"

Bad education or a distinct lack of an education.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Laziness is a disease easily spread
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
the pot is black Alucard, you also fall in that lack of education category.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
What does "the pot is black mean?"
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Shooter Alley - great name for a club

Hmmm...wonder how many 2 AMers they've had
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Saying alutard is an hypocrite. Hmmm... Has anyone made that observation before? Actually has anyone failed to note that about alutard?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Alutard's education seems about average. He does have a nursing degree after all. You also got to remember he is an older fellow (58 like so many if the idiots on here just happen to be -like I say must have been alot of open air atomic tests back then to have so many miscreants come out of the same year) . Education rates weren't as high back then as they are now so alutard is probably slightly above average for his generation in terms if formal education.

Now, Otoh, I think alutard's real problems lie in cognitive limitations as well as lack of practical understandings of exactly how much of a fuckhead he really is.
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
I don't know Doug-a-roo... I still harbor a sneaking suspicion that ol' Drac-man is a 19 year old living in the dorms at a good but not stellar liberal arts school.

A little over a decade ago -- after a particularly crazy strip club outing by a bunch of stoned sophomores -- a student signed up for TUSCL as Alucard. Every few years the Alucard account is passed on.

I'm sure there is a ceremony involving bong hits and riotous laughter as the previous Alucard says "...yeah, you are really into whoremongering...but nothing else. Criticize EVERYBODY who talks about drinking...puff...puff..." New Alucard then replies "...woah...what 'bout smoking [sotto voice]mothah natchah[end sotto voice] and whoring? That is cool, isn't it?" Then the correction from prior Alucard, "! Think like you are your dad...he is uptight, isn't he? Imagine if your dad is into hookers..." New Alucard interrupts "...don't tell mum, but he kind of is...creepy old dude tried to pay my redhead girlfriend $250 to blow him...ruined Thanksgiving." And it goes on from there....

Or Drac-man could just be a kind of bitter and judgemental middle aged dude who is into whoremongering. Either way...

Cue the PM in 3...2...1...
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
motorhead - At least one

Posted on November 22, 2010

There was a deadly shooting at a strip club[Shooters Alley] early yesterday morning in Georgia and the police are still looking for the killer. Chris Long, who is a local wrestler, was working at the club as a bouncer and was shot. The police said that the wrestler was gunned down after kicking 3 people out of the club to protect a couple women when some customers got out of hand. After 30 minutes past by, the group of 3 came back into the bar and put a bullet in Long’s head. Long has a wife and 2 children and bounces at the club for extra money for his family. Multiple shots were fired, and a second person was injured in the club, but there condition has not been released.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Sounds like a solid review to me. I don't give a fuck about layout (its a titty bar, i know there's a fucking stage) or drink prices (its a titty bar, I know there fucking expensive). So why not hear about the juicy details?

I want to know a girls limits and prices more than anything else.
avatar for Dolfan
12 years ago
I'm curious - is boogie's opinion common? Those are my primary concerns as well, but the review guidelines explicitly say to pay attention to other stuff while not so much on that. I've always tried to follow the guidelines.

@estafor - did you not recognize the allusion to the "pot calling the kettle black" metaphor or did you not see how it applies? I use variations all the time "what color is that pot again?" - and more and more people look at me like I'm special ed. Just trying to figure out if the phrase has fallen out of usage outside of my immediate circle...
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I did not recognize the allusion Dolfan.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… Why do so many reviewers hate paragraphs? …”

Perhaps it may have to do with prolific use of smartphones now a days where editing may not be as easy as on a PC?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… I'm curious - is boogie's opinion common? …”

One thing one notices after a while on TUSCL (or any other message board) is that there are all types of different tastes and/or preferences. I’m w/ Boogie to the point where what interests me the most is the dancers; i.e. how many; how attractive; how much mileage; cost; etc. But giving a description of the club is good additional content but not the most important part IMO. This is why I usually break up my reviews into 2 sections w/ headings named “club layout” and “dancers” so a reader can skip the section he does not want to read.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
"… Why do so many reviewers hate paragraphs? …”

Perhaps it may have to do with prolific use of smartphones now a days where editing may not be as easy as on a PC?"

Hush your mouth about realistic possibilities!
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