You thinking of retiring Juice? You had quite a year and a half here. Don't think if this board was around for 30 more years there would be another user/troll like you!
The Juiceman (pbuh) cannot retire! He has to go out in some sort of blaze o' glory. Then his apostles will go forth and spread rhe message of juice-ness, changing the world forever. Imagine a world of the Juice's disciples...ev'rybody at da club, leapin' on stage to rock out wit' their cock out. All while eatin' KFC. I plan to light bottle rockets with my free hand. Doesn't get cooler than nekkid hawt chicks, the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay, and firecrackers! Juice on my brothahs, juice on indeed...
last commentThere are at least a few past regulars on the board - I'm talking posts in the thousands - that no longer post.
If you look at their profile, some still post reviews. Some just visit. But no longer post. I would love to hear the reasons why