Happened to Me 19 years ago but anyways I thought it be funny.
VERY attractivce female (Dyme piece,perfect 10 etc...or just plain attractive or bootiful) approaches you. You have tipped her dollar tips in the past 2 -3 visits or so. Now you wish to tip her 10.00 tip in her tits or ass but all you have are hundreds. So you give her a hundred dollar bill.(Beats Me why I did it). She maybe mistakes it for 1 dollar and says thank you and walks away. Next visit to the club she confronts to ask If you made a mistake giving her too much money. You say nothing at all or say "Did I make a Mistake or something?" She replies oh nothing. Either she never gives you the time of day afterwards, Yeah We all know or heard of that or she tries to return you the hundred claiming it was TOO MUCH. Huh what? Since When. Is this a joke or should I have seen it coming. (No how was I to know). Question has this rare occurrance happened to others with frequency or is it a one time thing?
Why play it off on the next visit? Embarrassment? You can't play off the mistake, if that is what it was, but you can capitalize on it. A small smile with a shrug and something like "No mistake - I just felt like tipping you" would probably have gone much further in my humble opinion.
100 to much for a stage tip. I have given ad much as 20 but nowadays no more than 5 or 10.
It sucks if u give big stage tip and they pass u by and go to some other guys table.
I have done them in VIP for 100. I guess if it's Vegas and your some rich celeb 100 is chump change. Tip them what u want. It's your money, your hobby.
lets say I find out she's married or has a bf? then what. What if hse's not looking not seeking then what? I know it happened just twice but the next time it happened I ended up hanging out with her as friends and then dated her and ended up in a Dangerous Liason Relationship which I do not want to talk about it here unless out of dire need
I don't carry hundreds into strip clubs so no, it would never happen to me. If a dancer asked and I had tipped her a hundred, I might have added that you were hoping to get a few dances for that tip at no extra charge but you might be interested in buying some more if you enjoy her company. I try to get more value for the money I spend and it might make her feel better that she "worked" for the money even if I don't really believe doing a few lap dances is anything difficult or real work. I would not tell a dancer this since it only invites an argument which is pointless in a strip club. Even if you won, you would still lose especially if other dancers sided with her and they decided you were too much trouble to bother dancing for.
I have wondered if I accidentally gave a dancer a five or ten instead of a one dollar bill, that would be a tip much bigger than I thought I gave her. Dancers probably wouldn't even ask me about it though. In one club I once sat near a guy routinely tipping dancers on stage $20 dollar bills. I was thinking he must have a lot of money. Some guys like to show off making it rain, others just leave big tips. Me, I just tip a little unless the dancer harasses me into giving her more. :)
See shark back then I had no bank account so I carried My money with Ne.Well most if it. Now I don't make as nuch to enjoy the hobby like I want to but If the same thing was to happen well I'd be Here We go again
When tipping at the stage an amount more than the average tipper (say a $10 when everyone else is doing $1's) I make sure to give her the bill in a way she'll remember off stage. Such as wrap it around the g string or garter several times as compared to just slipping it under.
last commentIn most clubs, that kind of spending will get you pretty much anything you want.
You stories are weird and I think you're crazy.
I've done it, it's not exactly the best way to spend money but it can be really effective.
100 to much for a stage tip. I have given ad much as 20 but nowadays no more than 5 or 10.
It sucks if u give big stage tip and they pass u by and go to some other guys table.
I have done them in VIP for 100. I guess if it's Vegas and your some rich celeb 100 is chump change. Tip them what u want. It's your money, your hobby.
I tend to agree pablo!