met this girl at a club, got her number, now she's texting me complaining about my lack of involvement during the dance.
says something about how I should've been grabbing her ass more.
which reminds me, I always get remarks from girls as if I'm bored during the dance, I'm not, I'm enjoying it, I'm sorry for not being overly excited about it.
When I first started clubbing, this happened to me also. As I spent more time in clubs I loosened up and got more hands on with dancers. I think a lot of it has to do with the vibe of the club and dancer. This is why I tend to gravitate to bar-like local clubs because its a more laid back feeling.
Like others mentioned before: -Join in, encourage the girls into getting more relaxed & loose. It's a "physical way" of saying you like what you see.
But as for this girl, if you dislike her then just create some BS of why you weren't into it. Or she's bossing you around into getting more dances & giving you a chance to redeem yourself (if you're the docile type that gets ordered around or competitive type that doesn't like taking shit from others)
JayJaydancer is right, you're over thinking things. Go back to the club and see of she'll actually let you grab her ass more. Of *course* she wants more of your money, that's her reason for being there. You think she's there for the atmosphere and camaraderie? The good news is, she might be willing to do all sorts of shit to actually *get* your money.
It's only Stipper Shit if she *doesn't* susbsequently let you grab her ass, and you'll be able to figure out if that's the case before you give her too much more.
Having real fun in this hobby involves spending money. Lots of it. Sure, you want to get good value for your green, but penny pinching won't get your dick sucked.
Just say "sorry, that's just how I am". Some won't accept it that you want play retarded games. Some will, but they'll get offended if you make it too blatant that their lame games are totally fucking obvious.
last comment1. Tell her you couldn't get Ito it bc she smelled and ask for a refund.
2. Take her for a dance again and cock slap the bitch...
-Join in, encourage the girls into getting more relaxed & loose. It's a "physical way" of saying you like what you see.
But as for this girl, if you dislike her then just create some BS of why you weren't into it. Or she's bossing you around into getting more dances & giving you a chance to redeem yourself (if you're the docile type that gets ordered around or competitive type that doesn't like taking shit from others)
It's only Stipper Shit if she *doesn't* susbsequently let you grab her ass, and you'll be able to figure out if that's the case before you give her too much more.
Having real fun in this hobby involves spending money. Lots of it. Sure, you want to get good value for your green, but penny pinching won't get your dick sucked.
Be a live and swimming one if you can.
"but penny pinching won't get your dick sucked"
ONLY in a cheap Dive it will. Otherwise I'm forced to agree with gmd in this instance. LMAO