1k to spend 1 night

avatar for atxz28guy
Just can't make up my mind between Indy and Detroit. Looking for a safe, decent club with OTC opportunity. Any ideas?


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Flight Club, Motor Ciuty. :))
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
One should give in order to receive.

You've come on here 4 times in the last 4 years with posts requesting club advice, but have never posted an after-the-fact review. Indeed, you have only posted one review in your entire history on here and that was several years ago.
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
Forget Indy.

Choice should be between DAYTON and Detroit.

I can give ya some connections in Dayton where you can have a great time at the club, get your knob polished and waxed, pay for the hotel and dinner, and do it THREE NIGHT IN A ROW for your $1000.

Send me a private message for more information
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
rickdugan has a point.
avatar for atxz28guy
12 years ago
I apologize. I never reviewed as many as I should have, but then again..I'm not a regular (not out of choice). I've been visiting may be 1 club per year for the last 3 years. So when I do get an opportunity, I try to make the best of it.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Indy = boring . Read and post if you want more. I agree with Rickdugan!
avatar for stanlee
12 years ago
you guys are DB's for not helping this guy out. seriously? "you haven't reviewed enough to warrant my advice?" here's a big FU to you 60 year old wanna be fucktards.

I'd give you some advice atxz but I don't frequent detroit enough to weigh in. In Indy I used to have a lot of extra fun at Brad's Gold Club but it's now Rick's and the experience has probably changed.

another option close to indy would be the hip hugger in Kokomo...... good luck my friend.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Stan, nobody is trying to be an asshole. He has come on here 4 different times in four years with the same type of request and has given nothing back. Zilch. I have no issues with sharing information, but it is not unreasonable to expect someone who takes so much to give back a little to the site.
avatar for canny
12 years ago
Plus, someone with only a couple of reviews could be LE trying to set up a sting. We don't want our favorites to get closed down.
avatar for atxz28guy
12 years ago
valid comments guys. As I said....I'm sorry. I've been to just 3-5 clubs in the last 3-4 years.

And no...not LE. Far from it.
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
I have no information to add on Indy or Detroit clubs as I don't get to that area often.
I would also add that some of you are way out of line for taking shots at the original poster. He has been a member since 2006 so he has obviously been a PAYING member all of those years. It is because of paying members like him that Founder is able to provide us with this site. If he had only been a member for a few months then, perhaps the criticism would be warranted. Since that is not the case, maybe it would be nicer to just not say anything, if you have nothing to add to the topic.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Have not SCed in either city but have heard often on this board that Detroit has many many SCs that offer a lot of variety in terms of experiences. My vote is Detroit just from what I’ve heard.

If no one is willing to give you any intel, then pay the measly VIP fee for one month and then you can read all the reviews you want so you can make a more informed decision and get better value for your 1k.

Hope you have a good time.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Snow, one can be a member without paying for anything. He just isn't able to read the full reviews, which I suspect is why he is polling the group in the first place.
avatar for atxz28guy
12 years ago
I do pay for membership. As I've said...I don't visit clubs as often as I'd like to...but I'm not gonna stand for this--I've paid for information. I agree that I haven't posted as many reviews as I should have, but after being accused of not paying...I'm gonna ignore Rick.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Try Flight Club as I said. If you have a BIGGER bankroll give Penthouse Club a shot.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Guy,Tittyfag is bipolar.Alucard has a redheaded 12 yr. old for an avatar.Look, just walk in and rock out with your cock out,learn like the rest of us.Walk in like you belong,for C sake.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Split the difference and go to Wisconsin
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
You can get a lot of cheese for $1000
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
Alucard appears to not like comments by paid members with few reviews, even though he is a constant advocate for paid membership. Maybe Founder has the right idea to allow membership for reviews after all.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Now altard cant spell. Check his first comment on this thread. He always complains about others not spelling correctly
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Wasn't aware he was paid until he said it.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
As I said avoid Indy. The clubs are low mileage and the same price as Detroit clubs. If you insist on clubbing in INdy the best clubs are Brads and Dancers Show Club but do not expect any privacey or two way mileage.
Detroit clubs: Flight Club is a medium high end club, relatively expensive, and girls are more hit & miss than Penthouse or Colesium (high end and expensive) but is in a slightly better area. Landing Strip is a middle of the road club in a better area than Flight Club, fun club with decent food. Bogarts is a blue collar club with girl next door types not models up the street from FLight Club. Henry's is a step down from Bogarts and is a few blocks away. It would be very easy to go through $1k in one night at Penthouse, Coleseum or even Flight Club if that is your goal. For those three be prepared to start paying before you enter as all have manditory valet parking. Penthouse turned me away when I arrived in a taxi from my hotel one busy evening.
I would recomend reading the lastest reviews to determine where to start as all clubs have their ups and downs.
Look forward to your review(s) of which ever club(s) you choose.
avatar for stanlee
12 years ago
what's the club in detroit that had it's own helicopter landing pad? that place was one of my finest experiences in detroit although certainly not worth $1000. Personally i'd avoid the landing strip. are any airport SC's that great? never had any good luck there. I think I visited penthouse club once but it was crazy packed and I just sat at the bar. good scenery but nothing more than that. alcohol clouding my memory there.

still think you guys are a bunch a douche wipes for not giving up some credible info. i'm sure LE is just pouring over these comment boards looking to bust up your party.
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