Very Private LD Areas - A Key to UHM, Cost-Effective Clubbing?

avatar for HungryGiraffe
Somewhere USA
Three questions related to privacy of lap dance areas:

- How important is the privacy of a club's lap dance area setup to enjoying an "ultra high mileage (UHM), cost-effective clubbing" experience?
- What are the key factors that enable the UHM, cost-effective club visit?
- Are you seeing a trend towards greater or lesser privacy in lap dance areas?

I recently visited a BIKINI club on the recommendation of a fellow TUSCLer. I had sworn off bikini clubs as a complete waste of time for the type of clubbing experience (GFE) I enjoy, after visiting a highly-rated NJl bikini club. It's the only club, during my brief time at the hobby, where I never got to see a nipple, let alone other private parts. So, while I was skeptical about the recommendation from our TUSCL brother, I ventured forth to explore based on other very positive reviews.

The bikini club had a separate large room for lap dances. The room was partitioned into a labyrinth of 6'x8' enclosed LD booths, with love seats and strings of beads surrounding each one. The area was relatively dark, with no cameras. The guy in charge of this area wasn't walking around. With this setup, the menu of services is dependent on the dancer, and everything is available at this club. It has the most private LD area I've experienced. Trying to figure out if that's common or rare. There's another club in the vicinity that has small LD rooms with locking doors.

A number of factors drive clubbing bang for the buck. Three significant ones are: management attitude, LD area privacy and dancer competition for patron $'s. Clearly, if management effectively encourages "extras" through lack of monitoring (human or electronic), and dancers are aggressively competing for $'s, a very private LD area setup can enable a UHM low-cost clubbing experience. There appears to be no need whatsoever for high price VIP rooms in clubs like this, except in situations where the patron wants assurance of privacy. So, for the cost of a few songs at $20 bucks a pop, plus a generous tip, a good time can be had by all.

Too bad we don't have a list of clubs across the country with very private LD areas. Our "value" rating as part of the review process provides a clue, but not a definitive indicator of LD area privacy. Gotta network and read the reviews! :)

Your thoughts?


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avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Read reviews. Everyone has a different criteria of rating clubs. A club rated the best in an area may be very tame compared to other areas. Some guys rate only on dancer looks and they only like one body type. Rating a club on avaiablility of extras would likely be a sure way to get LE to close it down. Witness Club Xtacy in Rochexter, NY, it was a little full nude full service club with take out and now it is busted and gone after an article in the local adult rag paper about what was available. Remember loose lips hides them tits.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I would say there is a positive correlation although it is not as strong as one might think.
avatar for occurious
12 years ago
There is one club in particular I can think of in my area where VHM and even occasionally UHM can occur in the "public" LD area. Its a very odd feeling to have a truly crazy girl going to town with you and a few feet away is a girl that is much more conservative doing an LD.

In my area the private booth setup has become very common and basically it depends on the girl what happens.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"- How important is the privacy of a club's lap dance area setup to enjoying an "ultra high mileage (UHM), cost-effective clubbing" experience?
- What are the key factors that enable the UHM, cost-effective club visit?"

THe more private the VIP Room the better, OBVIOUSLY.

BUT IMHO the biggest factor that allows fro UHM dances and sex activities is Management turning a BLIND eye to the activity and Law Enforcement NOT caring or being "taken care of" in one way or another.

A secondary factor is LOcation, Location, Location. Nice if you have a Detroit type atmosphere vs one that is very retrictive like_______Fill in the City!
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
No correlation. See farmerart's reviews. Some clubs have zero privacy while anything still goes. It's almost solely depends on what LE and management tolerate.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Very private lap dances in my bunker
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Yeah, the more privacy the better IMO. IME I’ve usually been able to get away w/ a lot more the more private the area is. IME dancers also seem a bit more comfortable been naughty, or allowing you to be naughty, when there is more privacy – again IME.

Good post.
avatar for rl27
12 years ago
No correlation from what I have found. I have been in very private rooms and have gotten the same type of dance that I got in the less private area in the same club, and I have gotten UHM dances where the dancers will please their customers right out in the open.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I agree - no correlation. Sometimes amazing things happen in places where you'd least suspect, while total privacy has sometimes resulted in nuthin'.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I love to fuck otc in the parking lot of the PD. That is the best adrenalin rush ever...
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I still contend it ALL DEPOENDS on Management not giving a shit and L.E. being taken out of the picture.
avatar for canny
12 years ago
Alucard is dead on.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Obviously if Management doesn't give a shit and/or knows LE isn't going to ever visit, nothing matters, you could do the dancer bent over the stage.

BUT outside of those situations, which are not par for most of the country, I say privacy plays a part.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
The biggest correlations are management attitude and law enforcement attitude. Now beyond that there is of course a correlation between extras and privacy, mostly because the dancers presume that the customers are going to want a certain degree of privacy before pulling out their cocks.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I'd like to know what a "very private LD area" is, because there isn't one in any club I've ever gone to, even ones where extras are a given. Even the clubs which have individual rooms for private dances aren't really private, because they either have security cameras, or they got a doorway where people can walk past. And that is a minority of clubs in my experience, as most clubs have a big room with many people getting lap dances at once. Of course, at some clubs, the fact other people could watch doesn't stop people from getting it on. Like others have said, it all depends on management and LE not caring about what goes on.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
In Detroit, it used to be that the "sure thing" clubs like H8 and Bogart's had very public LD areas, and the less sure (but still very likely) "high end" clubs like Flight Club or Landing Strip had more privacy. But I don't think that's true any more. A partitioned area with a heavy curtain is fairly common now.
avatar for canny
12 years ago
I've gone to a few clubs with private rooms with doors and no cameras.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
12 years ago
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Learned that very private LD areas are not as big a factor in high mileage as I originally thought. As others stated management and LE attitude are more important tone-setting factors.
avatar for Djscudmaster
12 years ago
Way Way back in My College Days I frequented a strip club where lap dances were out in the open. You could open the entrance door to the club and people wlking in or peeping in could see you get a lap dance. Now to the clubs that I go to its closed off in bioths or chairs or sofas.
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