as i have posted before, work keeps me on the road alot. as i have been reading reviews local to me i realized a lot of my local clubs info are wrong or reviews suck ... so i decided i would make an effort to explore all my local clubs and update the reviews and clubs.
got me thinking ... what do you think makes a good tuscler ?
is it the experience and stories of members like shadow?
Like in real life there are many disparate paths to "success". Me, I most like those members with a good sense of humor, who are intelligent and see things in the SC world for what they really are.
Seems my stock is rising these days, alutard, and yours is falling. And don't you worry, I'm just gonna keep beating you down. You love the punishment and people love to see me inflict it on you. LMFAO!
I want a review that posts accurate facts. I go to clubs for the lap dances...
What I'de like to know, for example, is: what really is the price of a lap dance? what tipping is required? what will dances go for if you negotiate multiple dances? is the VIP worth it, or is it no different than the $20 dance? I always wonder what the girl makes, i.e. what $ is the house taking from each dance? what is the level of contact? and the most important question: what can you get away with?
IMO, the jestie-girl does not make a good tuscler. Although, after the help of a surgical transplant last year, his sense of humor sky-rocketed from 0 on a scale of 1 to 100 all the way up to 2, he is still just Ms "I fuckin' hate everyone and everything and never have any thing positive to say about anything. I just come here to whine depressively about everything and everyone because everything is so fuckin' fucked up."
Good club intel and good area intel, both in the reviews and on the boards. I have also enjoyed some of the stories about guys' adventures with dancers (shadowcat's mother/daughter duo will never be topped in my opinion). Everything else is just noise.
Which would rule out the RickyBoy since his "reviews" are nothing but useless regurgitations of information that anyone could gather from reading previous reviews of said clubs.
2) participate in discussions and be respectful of other people in the discussion, He/she should not ridicule or antagonize other members
3) offer helpful advice to neyophites who are seeking help from the more experienced
4) debate and disagreement is a natural by-product when people express their opinion. A good tuscl'er will discuss the issue in a manner that is respectful to other members and not engage in ad hominem attacks.
If I were to regurgitate your comments, it would be the one about how you were scared to go to a NYC club for many month because two or your favorites might be working the same night. If you talked to one you might offend the other. So you just stayed home. Now, that is the epitome of NICE, tough guy!
Fraudster, that made no sense. You simply regurgitated your own characterization of my comments, not what was posted.
And by the way, I ended up doing quite well with three different beautiful and sexy women from this little conservative club. You need to read further into the thread that you are attempting to quote.
And yes Doc, I most certainly used money as a lever to coax out girls who were not accustomed to casual OTC. With each one, I circled like a buzzard until, finally, the opportunity presented itself. One of them took me two years to finally coax out and it was only because money tightened up ITC at the same time that her expenses took an upswing.
It's all there in black and white for the world to see RickyChickenShitBoy. Ricky scared to go to the club because both his favorites might be working. If he talked to one it could offend the other. What a terrible delimna! Don't worry though, PussyBoy, you played it right by just staying home rather than risk offending them. How you can still think you are anything other than a ChickenShitPussyBoy is going to boggle anyone else's mind! Run, RickyBoy, run!
Concur with comments stating best TUSCLers provide accurate and intel-filled reviews. I also enjoy the frat-like atmosphere of the DB. The stories, humor, shit talking, off topic exchanges and lessons-learned keep me checking the site multiple times a day. There are a lot of really smart people that hang out here. Enjoy both the intelligent and whacko discussions. Diversity is a good thing!
Fraudster, even a tough guy doesn't piss in the well he has to drink from. ;) Yes I could have done whatever I wanted, but would have risked an OTC arrangement that took me 8 months to cultivate. I wasn't willing to do that until my next candidate was firmly in the fold. Go figure. :)
And in that vein Fraudster, how would you have handled it differently? I am fascinated to know how a man who does so much "OTC'ing' with all of his "OTC number" (LMAO - that never gets old) would have managed this. ;)
8 months? Dude, you totally clueless about this game aren't you? If you would forgot your whole stupid system and "just asked" right off the bat you could have been doing OTC right from the start. Instead you got strung along like a complete newb for 8 months. What a joke!
It's very simple Rick. They either do OTC or they don't. If do seeing you talk to another girl won't mean they stop doing OTC for you. So you don't have to be a pussy and say at home. You were jumping at your own shadow RickyChickenShitPussyBoy.
Amazing you claim to have gone to strip clubs as long as you have but from that thread you post it clear that despite how tough you talk here when in actual club you act like a complete rook/pussy.
I'm all for the good reviews and helpful information, but a "good" tuscler is also someone who doesn't take life or himself too seriously, who knows when to make a joke and when to accept one. A sense of humor and helpful attitude go a long way.
last commentNOT Dougster, for sure.
I like your avatar. Downloaded it and enlarged it. Very enjoyable to just gaze at those melons!
So you asked a serious question here and look what you got. Some tuscl'ers like to talk about strip clubs, while others like to talk about themselves.
What I'de like to know, for example, is:
what really is the price of a lap dance?
what tipping is required?
what will dances go for if you negotiate multiple dances?
is the VIP worth it, or is it no different than the $20 dance?
I always wonder what the girl makes, i.e. what $ is the house taking from each dance?
what is the level of contact?
and the most important question: what can you get away with?
A. sit on a high horse trying to preach morality (like Alucard)
B. be an obnoxious troll and/or totally full of shit with multiple accounts (like Dougster)
Down deep, you know we all want reviews that are like:
"Bambi gave me a blow job for $150"
But when someone actually writes that, it gets flagged for bring too explicit.
•and Reverent.
Which would rule out the RickyBoy since his "reviews" are nothing but useless regurgitations of information that anyone could gather from reading previous reviews of said clubs.
1) write accurate reviews
2) participate in discussions and be respectful of other people in the discussion, He/she should not ridicule or antagonize other members
3) offer helpful advice to neyophites who are seeking help from the more experienced
4) debate and disagreement is a natural by-product when people express their opinion. A good tuscl'er will discuss the issue in a manner that is respectful to other members and not engage in ad hominem attacks.
A very, very bad boy.
And by the way, I ended up doing quite well with three different beautiful and sexy women from this little conservative club. You need to read further into the thread that you are attempting to quote.
And yes Doc, I most certainly used money as a lever to coax out girls who were not accustomed to casual OTC. With each one, I circled like a buzzard until, finally, the opportunity presented itself. One of them took me two years to finally coax out and it was only because money tightened up ITC at the same time that her expenses took an upswing.
Good times.
But each person should feel free to judge for himself:…
And in that vein Fraudster, how would you have handled it differently? I am fascinated to know how a man who does so much "OTC'ing' with all of his "OTC number" (LMAO - that never gets old) would have managed this. ;)
It's very simple Rick. They either do OTC or they don't. If do seeing you talk to another girl won't mean they stop doing OTC for you. So you don't have to be a pussy and say at home. You were jumping at your own shadow RickyChickenShitPussyBoy.
Amazing you claim to have gone to strip clubs as long as you have but from that thread you post it clear that despite how tough you talk here when in actual club you act like a complete rook/pussy.
At least that's what all the strippers tell me, so it must be true.