I've seen the Stripper Shark system advertised on the net and wondered if it's all it's cracked up to be. Although I only have limited experience inside clubs, I would assume most members of TUSCL would probably have better information than the stuff that is contained in this system anyway. (I know all about the rip-off weekly billing too, so let's not go into that part of it.) I am more interested in the "stripper lines" and the "stripper brain" stuff that the course contains. Actually, when I watched the promo video, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at parts of it. I thought the way he says the word "fuck" was particularly funny and his "Your cock in a stripper's pussy" guarantee, was absolutely hilarious!
What are you, high? Those "watch it before its banned" videos never fucking work and its all abig ol waste of fucking time. Just ask fellow mongeres to help you get free sex or just bank like donald trump lol
Stripper Secrets - How to Seduce Strippers in the Strip Club (2008) by Bruno McKay A prototypical "how to date a stripper" book, typical of those hawked on the internet and elsewhere to the gullible among us. Hopefully, having this available here will help you save the money you would be tempted to spend on those other come-ons. The advice in the book is fine, such as it is. It works, sometimes. On the other hand, nothing found here is rocket science. All of it is common sense advice you could get from anyone who has a clue about strip clubs.
Worst promotional video that I've ever seen. I hope it got better after three minutes when I decided to cut my losses and go back to the TUSCL web site.
marc5, you came to the right place to get good advice on how to bang strippers. All us pervs and mongers will tell you how to get your cock in stripper pussy, and we'll do it for free.
My own, patented Jackslash system guarantees that a scrawny old guy with glasses will fuck hot young strippers 2 or 3 times a week. The secret ingredient? Money!
So I "acquired" Stripper Shark from one of my online sources, and without going over the whole thing here are my thoughts:
1) The principles are sound. That doesn't change the fact that all those principles could be learned here, and for free, if you ask the right people.
2) The most important principle of the system is "don't present yourself as a customer". The thought behind that is "if you're constantly coming in and dropping stacks of cash just to look at her naked body, if you start banging her she risks losing a valuable source of income" as well as "if you are paying her in the club and banging her out, she risks viewing herself as a prostitute, which may not phase some girls, but will not be tolerable to a lot of the younger and newer ones (the ones that are probably more desirable)".
The system as a whole is interesting, but after reading real PUA stuff this doesn't even scratch the surface, so don't feel like you're missing out.
@Estafador: Because, in addition to being one of the trolls he says he hates so badly, he displays a rather childish desire to see people who don't meet his "standards" as evil people who deserve whatever bad things that come their way. I have little doubt that he wishes he could actually *make* those bad things come about.
If you guys can make little jokes so can I. Did I wish ill on someone in my post gmd? Show me the exact words of wishing bad things. You can't because all I said was send certain people the ebook. If you don't like me gmd, well too bad. Why not attempt to call out EVERY other member who makes a post you don't like.
Wow...just wow. Predictable as shit. Right now at my house (living by yourself IN A HOUSE at 21....) I'm constantly going OMG while pacing when I read your comment. How the hell did I know you were gping to say that. I'm gonna throw some stones at ya bro, are you ready? No? Sorry but here they come. You sir are much a child as anyone else you call a child. Instead of saying what you said, you could be the bigger man, and not stoop to the level of what you percieve dougster and george as. Just because other people do it its ok for you to? Should I even have to say the bridge speech? You hate when people do things to you, and yet you hypocritically do the same? Come on broham, your not living up to that pedrsona you want to percieve you have? Why don't I call out on dougster or jster or whoever else you don't like on being an asshole because they are and only you? Because they. Already know they're assholes and dickheads (no homo) and they have happily admitted that they are. You sir have not yet did that and instead talk in double standards but want us to to ever faithfully percieve you as a gentleman? Are you outside the forum? Maybe, I don't know, but while online you play a different ballgame. Don't do unto others as you wouldn't want others to do unto you.
My bad, deviated too far from point of thread discussion. I still say a book is one side of the spectrum and he's only speaking from his experience. Personally its. Easier (and free) just to get thoughts from people here on how to get free stripper pussy. Too bad most of these guys pay for kitty kat.
@Alucard: "Did I wish ill on someone in my post gmd?"
This time? No. But then, I never claimed you did *this time*, which you know very well, unless your reading comprehension is deficient. However, in several previous posts and threads, you've done that very thing.
The technical name for alutard's primary mode of thinking is called "splitting". To him the world is very black and white. People are either typically very good if he likes them or very bad if he does not. And if he does not like they are all bad. Maybe they drink and that is all alutard will focus on, whatever else their virtues may be. Especially if, at some point, they gave him another not to like them.
Similarly, people who do not subscribe to alutard's code are very evil. And although most of what he thinks are his virtues are in fact necessitates, he thinks he is a great hero for having them. Now the inconsistencies and hypocrisy are plain for all to see. All that is except for alutard. Alutard so desperately needs to see himself as the hero that he is completely blind to whenever he himself does something he claims he does not like others doing. Completely loses all objectivity because he wants to be in that "me very good" "them very bad world".
There are few shades of grey for those who engaging in this splitting as deeply as alutard does, and it puts him so out of tune with reality that observers can't help but shake their head and laugh at the gulf between who alutard thinks he is, what he wishes others would see him as , and what he really is (masochist + narcissist + manic).
last commentMost of the time I think she always will have or she wouldn't anyhow. There is no talking them into it.
Stripper Secrets - How to Seduce Strippers in the Strip Club (2008)
by Bruno McKay
A prototypical "how to date a stripper" book, typical of those hawked on the internet and elsewhere to the gullible among us. Hopefully, having this available here will help you save the money you would be tempted to spend on those other come-ons. The advice in the book is fine, such as it is. It works, sometimes. On the other hand, nothing found here is rocket science. All of it is common sense advice you could get from anyone who has a clue about strip clubs.
My own, patented Jackslash system guarantees that a scrawny old guy with glasses will fuck hot young strippers 2 or 3 times a week. The secret ingredient? Money!
The funniest line of the whole video is that he doesn't care about making money so he's selling this for the low price of $39.95
1) The principles are sound. That doesn't change the fact that all those principles could be learned here, and for free, if you ask the right people.
2) The most important principle of the system is "don't present yourself as a customer". The thought behind that is "if you're constantly coming in and dropping stacks of cash just to look at her naked body, if you start banging her she risks losing a valuable source of income" as well as "if you are paying her in the club and banging her out, she risks viewing herself as a prostitute, which may not phase some girls, but will not be tolerable to a lot of the younger and newer ones (the ones that are probably more desirable)".
The system as a whole is interesting, but after reading real PUA stuff this doesn't even scratch the surface, so don't feel like you're missing out.
My bad, deviated too far from point of thread discussion. I still say a book is one side of the spectrum and he's only speaking from his experience. Personally its. Easier (and free) just to get thoughts from people here on how to get free stripper pussy. Too bad most of these guys pay for kitty kat.
This time? No. But then, I never claimed you did *this time*, which you know very well, unless your reading comprehension is deficient. However, in several previous posts and threads, you've done that very thing.
Similarly, people who do not subscribe to alutard's code are very evil. And although most of what he thinks are his virtues are in fact necessitates, he thinks he is a great hero for having them. Now the inconsistencies and hypocrisy are plain for all to see. All that is except for alutard. Alutard so desperately needs to see himself as the hero that he is completely blind to whenever he himself does something he claims he does not like others doing. Completely loses all objectivity because he wants to be in that "me very good" "them very bad world".
There are few shades of grey for those who engaging in this splitting as deeply as alutard does, and it puts him so out of tune with reality that observers can't help but shake their head and laugh at the gulf between who alutard thinks he is, what he wishes others would see him as , and what he really is (masochist + narcissist + manic).