avatar for AFriendOnTheStreets


joined Oct 2012last seen May 2013

Comments made by AFriendOnTheStreets

discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for marc5
New South Wales
Stripper Shark system....?
So I "acquired" Stripper Shark from one of my online sources, and without going over the whole thing here are my thoughts: 1) The principles are sound. That doesn't change the fact that all those principles could be learned here, and for free, if you ask the right people. 2) The most important principle of the system is "don't present yourself as a customer". The thought behind that is "if you're constantly coming in and dropping stacks of cash just to look at her naked body, if you start banging her she risks losing a valuable source of income" as well as "if you are paying her in the club and banging her out, she risks viewing herself as a prostitute, which may not phase some girls, but will not be tolerable to a lot of the younger and newer ones (the ones that are probably more desirable)". The system as a whole is interesting, but after reading real PUA stuff this doesn't even scratch the surface, so don't feel like you're missing out.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for tenisbum1776
Loaning Money To A Stripper {sigh} Lesson Learned
I think the real problem was that you expected ALL of her work to go toward paying off the debt, versus part of it. Imagine if you just bought a big ticket item, like a car or a house, and ALL of your paycheck was seized until that purchase was payed off. I know, it's an extreme example, but the principle still stands. No one wants to feel like they are working for nothing today and tomorrow to pay off yesterday expense. I don't think there's anything you can do to salvage that girl, barring throwing out the entire debt, but in the future I'd ask for a discounted service, not free, and see if that changes the situation.