
Slutty college girls

the speed force!
Where o where did Gatorfan got the pic of the gator girl giving head? Inquiring minds wanna know!

I bet the UF athletic association would not be amused with porno featuring gator gear. Fuck 'em. REAL gators dig slutty gator girls! I think everybody here should try to find pics o' hot 'n slutty girls from their alma mater and use for their avatar. That would be fucking coo-el, n'est-ce pas?


  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    and if u didn't go to college? i went, but they threw me out after one semester...
  • jabthehut
    12 years ago
    I don't think that Federal University of Central Kansas would mind if you posted a picture of you in one of their shirts sucking Dougster. Go for it.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago

    We have something in common...

  • motorhead
    12 years ago

    We have something in common

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    homothehut pretty grouchy this morning. Is just because he is bitter because he is an old fuck with only a few months left to live or because his boyfriend didn't give him head last night?
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    was jabba suggesting i went to "leavenworth" university? lol. motorhead, sorry... my gpa was much better than that, i was able to "strike a deal" with a lot of my professors and TAs. problem was, the wrong people found out about it.
  • jabthehut
    12 years ago
    Doogie on the other hand has to be careful jerking off in bed 'cause his mommy might catch him.

    C'mon carol! Maybe it was Federal University of Central Kentucky!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Right on JTH!! LOL
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Alutard know likes homothehut when he had him on his hate list just a couple of weeks ago? I guess that's how desperate for friends the little fucktard has become.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    I see Carolynne putting together a photo contest of girls with college mascot hats giving head. . .and asking us all which one is really her. My guess is girl number #4.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I'll give a prop to anyone who goes after you Dougster, even though I may dislike them. LOL
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    And why do you dislike him, alutard?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Quiet all of a sudden, huh, alutard? Don't see that happen much!
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    carolynne you can alwas go back to school
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    Altard wants to be a prison bitch in Kentucky.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    If I tell you where it's from well let's say a guy who knows a girl from a place around there but between this and that gave the thing about the thing which is where it was done and then it was there.

    But nice.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    What I didn't care for college was taking required courses you don't care about that do nothing to enhance your career. You are paying for college courses and a degree. Some college board or group of people thought student's education needs to be more rounded and take literature and other junk I cared nothing for. Guess what? I forgot about almost all the other junk I didn't care for. I didn't need it and still think it was a total waste of money in my college education. If universities and colleges practiced Lean and applied it to what could enhance your career job prospects, they would stop requiring students to study some book or literature that does nothing to help their career. That is what I hated about college more than anything. Wasting time and money studying something because someone thought students needed it. I totally disagreed and still do. Obviously I did not need it nor did I want to read any of it.

    Now some general science courses and financial economics courses would have been much better for most students in my opinion. People in this country lack a lot of knowledge when it comes to finances and general science. I guess to all those who don't care how something works would not care at all about science. If they don't care how finances work, they will be left financially dumb and poor unless they are super rich already or some great athlete.

    They could always get a job as a stripper if they look good and can dance. I just talked myself out of promoting the idea. lol
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I agree with you shark a little. I didn't do as well in classes I took before I could start to take classes for my major (never below a "B" in any major class) But I think all of the other classes I took still helped round me into a better man. I actually figured out how to study, how to prepare and it gave me a chance to mature. I also think it is good for student who doesn't know what they want to do or for the ones who come in for one major and find out that its not what they want to do. The other classes can help them find their niche.
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