
Stripping stuff i learned.

so far, so great! Money is there if you work for it of course. So i cant complain about $$.
im shy as hell though.
But i see myself slowly warming up to people more easily.
The only thing i find myself having a difficult time with is making clients understand that im not there for "them", just there to create this fantasy that they're wanted, interesting, and of course to have a good time and enjoy themselves you know?? these guys want to wait for me after hours, give me their numbers, want to take me out in a different environment. But i dont want to. :/

Its kinda hard doing this without feeling like im being a jerk but i dont want to put myself in a situation were im feeding them this socalled SS and have them call me out on it afterwards.. Ive been more stern and clear with clients that im just here to make sure they have fun and forget their worries and all that. Naturally if they want more i would just say maybe im not ur gurl. Here, let me introduce u to.... Etc etc. Or something were i can at least be a part of the solution( hasnt happened yet but jic)

Honestly, i really do want to make sure the client feels satisfied, regading value for his money, since i learned real quick how some clients become regulars, so im doing something right ! :)

Just wanted guys to know, im a stripper. Dont fall in "love" with me. lets have fun, enjoy each others company. And if i bore you after a while , no biggie! theres other guys around so no hard feelings.( some dude apologized waytoomuch for having another dancer, but i honestly figured hey wth, it happens)


  • boogieknight369
    12 years ago
    What city do you dance in?

    Don't worry about us, we all figure it out sooner or later.
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    Is that right? Well welcome to the Lions Den, Genaveve. I'm Herald Staxavelli, but you can call me King Stax or just Stax.

    I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your job so far. And you'll get over being shy in no time. I was shy once, but I got over it by posting pics of myself on internet forums. If you're not comfortable with that, don't worry about it.

    Do your share your real name with the guys? If so, you shouldn't. That's one way of making them think you're interested in something real with them.

    I've only been dancing (I'm a male dancer) for 7 years, but I can say that I feel like I've been doing it my whole life. You don't wanna become a tired old hag like me, so make sure you have a date set for when you want to get out of the game ;).

    Some of these animals don't understand the concept of the fantasy, so SS is a must. Just don't lie too much, like telling him your car broke down, or you girlfriend died and you gotta pay for the funeral, or anything crazy like that.

    On this site you will meet some very mean guys like Alucard, and Jester. Don't worry about them though, they're just sexually frustrated (you know how virgins are).

    "Naturally if they want more i would just say maybe im not ur gurl. Here, let me introduce u to... "

    This is actually perfect! You mind if I use it?

    It's easy to satisfy a customer with out giving them blow jobs and sex. Just give them over the pants Hand jobs and kisses on the cheek. If you're comfortable of course.

    Anyway, it was nice to meet you, girl! And I won't fall in love if you don't!
  • HungryGiraffe
    12 years ago
    BK: "Don't worry about us, we all figure it out sooner or later."

    For me, it's been a rude awakening. A good one however.

    Nice post Genaveve!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Don’t know if you are aware Gena, but this site is a SC customer site – very few dancers post here – so the people (customers) you are talking about, it’s us.

    It was a good post though. You stated your viewpoint w/o being all pissy about it like most dancers do that post here from time to time to complain and air their grievances.

    Glad that you can see/understand both sides (dancer/customer) of the coin.
  • gawker
    12 years ago
    About 4 years ago I talked a dancer into meeting me at a hotel. She swears while she had quite a background, she had never taken money for sex until I talked her into it. Then a couple of years ago she met another customer willing to pay exorbitantly to meet her outside. Then another. Tonight I got a text from her saying I should feel special cuz she had a customer today who paid her $800. Just to let him lick her clit. I wrote back asking did she lick any part of him? She wrote back to say well ya, but just that. I told her to shower before we meet tomorrow. My point is that she's still a dancer. She doesn't feel like she's a whore. A call girl maybe. Some self loathing occasionally, but how else is a girl gonna make 6 figures?
    Genevieve, what's your plan? I've got another friend who's a very successful dancer. She swears she was offered $7000 for a blowjob. Christ, I'd blow the guy for $7000. But she drew a line and stands by it. No sex for $$$. What's your price?
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    A few dancers post here. I'm not one of them. I'm one of the long time members still posting on a two year user name. I liked it when discussions were deleted every two weeks so I've been changing user names every so often. I think I'm more paranoid than shy but every time I turn around, it seems like I wasn't paranoid enough. Example, I started filing state taxes online two years ago. Then I heard everyone in our state who has filed online had their state tax return information hacked. I got too comfortable. I'm still waiting to be notified by the state of SC so I'm wondering if I'm that lucky not to have my information stolen. I think people see a lot of similarities between being paranoid and shy.

    Welcome to the site. I'll probably never see you anyway. ps, part of some guy's fantasy is thinking that the dancer might go out with them but I really appreciate a dancer who doesn't play a game and pretend she's interested when she is not.
    I wouldn't be surprised if some dancers just say they are married or have a boyfriend. I once lied in a regular bar and told a girl I was married after she wouldn't stop asking if I was.
  • genaveve123
    12 years ago

    Goshers. That concerns me a little. Just because i swore that i'd never do otc or extras and then i hear these stories where the girl "gives" in (for whatever amt really) and then the "mystery" of her sex life is shattered. Lol. (And of course its with the girls that never imagine they would ever do it. But i never judge them. Each to their own really)

    ive been tempted for 700$ for a night with a client at a hotel and i kinda toyed around with the offer. I can only imagine what i would have said if payment ranged in the thousands. ( but i usually dissuade myself and think, no way hes holding so much money!! )

    I dont want that.

    I would rather create a fantasy about what my sex life COULD be like, and then leave it to his imagination. But i just say no. (maybe in 2-3-4 years when i become more tempted? Who knows. I guess i cant promise that i'll never have sex for money. But right now, i think i can :)

    What ive been doing as of now has worked out for me really well. I mean, income-wise, i established regular clients by doing what im doing now. having engaging conversations, flirting, and giving them grt lapdances (from what they say! Lol I still have loads to learn i believe) and other things of course. So thats kinda why extras/otc dont tempt me AS MUCH.

    i do see myself doing this for a good 2,3 years until i save money to start a business of mine, but anything is possible and i wont rob myself of any opportunity that may present itself.

    Awe, youre funny!

    Go for it. like i said i havent used that line yet but hey! Let me know how it works out. :)
    And yeah. I hate lying, and its bad enough i have to lie about where i live what i do and all other misc sh*t. so doing extreme SS is not appealing to me to even start.


    I figured i would be adressing most clients on here!! (Oops)
    But as long as i dont offend anyone.
    Just a friendly reminder, yeah? :-D

    Oh yeah. I doubt it!
    I dance in california, all of you guys are pretty far!!!

    Thanks all for the "welcome's"!!!!!
  • tumblingdice
    12 years ago
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    You're not too far away from me, baby........swing by LA and I'll give you a personal tour.

    But be forewarned: I fall in love very easily.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    LOL gawk, a dancer too once told me she had a guy offer her $5,000 just for a blow job. I said 'Bullshit! Escorts here make $250-350 and hour for sex, and I've been offered $50 blow jobs in this club.' She said 'It's true!' So I said, '5 grand? Shit I'd blow him for that. So she said, 'OK, hold on.' And went to get him. I left. I dunno if it was true but she called my bluff.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Yah know, its a funny thing about fantasies. Personally, I don't see what fantasy you guys be talking about when you go to strip clubs? What fantasies can possibly be made in a building where lapdances are the centerfold? There's no dressup, no special roleplay going on, just talking (varies) and dancing on your lap? Did I miss something in sex ed, because none of my fantasies are being fuffilled in the club. Not to say I don't enjoy lapdances, because I do, I just don't know what fantasies these girls are making.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    It's a negotiating tactic. One mainly purported on the Internet, but I too have yet to encounter but a couple of times IRL. Basically each side lies to one another to get what they want with the least amount of sacrifice.

    The shady customers create a doom and gloom perspective or fantasy in the eyes of the dancer -- money's tight, they're so many dancers, you have competition, you have bills, problems, kids, boyfriends, responsiblities, money will cure all that! -- in order to get more sexual favors and possibly for less money.

    The shady dancers create a sunny perspective or fantasy in the eyes of the customer -- I'm into you, you're hot, do you even lift?, I'm not easy but I might do it for you, I don't want you to go, just spend some more time with me in the VIP! -- in order to get more money and possibly for less sexual favors.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    Genaveve...if anyone here is offended by you and is mean to you we will moderate them right out of here. Keep up that attitude girl. I love that
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I guess it can be the man's fantasy if he's going to the cllub for sex with a pretty women and succeeds. But 80% of the time I see that sort of shit failing in the club on both sides of the coin. Then in that case, thwere's no fantasy men are after, just business they want signed and dated. But what if theyKre like me and truly only go to the club to have a girl give him a lapdance and nothing more. Can you consider that a fantasy even though its 100% absolute that it will happen?

    Where are my manners (out the window)? Hey there genaveve, welcome to our humble abode. Don't worry, only alucard will fall in love with you because he doesn't care how you look, but what comes out your mourh. Are you ready for internet admirerers lol. But yeah we for the most part, know that you ladies don't want to marry us hot studs (well, at least I'm a hot stud anyway) but appreiate you not desping those that do. It's kind of your job to make us want you. How far you take it is up to you, but from what I read, you seem to have a set of standards going foryourself. Two years is a little while, so make good use of your money before your trapped in the game.
  • Dain
    12 years ago
    G, you never want to tell a guy that you're selling him a fantasy, because then it's no longer a fantasy; it has to appear real in order to be a fantasy. If you tell him, then it's just a commercial transaction. I don't do ITC FS anymore because it just became a transaction with most of the girls.

    The fantasy is maintained by masturbating together.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Anytime money passes from you to a dancer it is a transaction. Now if she is devoting her time to you for free then it isn't a transaction and can be what ever you want it to be.

    "I just don't know what fantasies these girls are making."

    That for a few minutes you can have what you may never be able to have in reality, within the limits imposed by the dancer.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Then, no girl has ever given me a fantasy, because if I give it effort, I can get any girl I want (within my social status and below). Now its a fantasy, if its a pornstar (not a big fantasy) or a supermodel, like beyonce, or a video vixen or gabrielle union (goodness I LOVE me some Gabrielle Union) . Wait a minute, none of those fantasies involve me getting a lapdance.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    If you don't understand the fantasy aspect that strip clubs offer, than your missing their main intent.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Perhaps I am. Either I'm too focus on getting the lapdance or no women has truly tried to sell me the fantasy you guys have.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    Altard doesnt get it
  • goodsouthernboy
    12 years ago
    Welcome G! You really sound like my favorite kind of dancer. I've always been up front with people I meet, even in the club. I have no intentions of getting into a serious relationship with a dancer, but certainly wouldn't avoid it if the right one came along. I get tired of the SS too. Last week some woman was telling me of all the drama with her ex and how she was going to get him back. I'm there to relax and enjoy myself, leave me out of your drama lady! Flirt with me, tease me, let me think for a little while that you want me, and we can both go our separate ways after our time (and my money) run out.

    But feel free to straddle my lap and let me grab your ass in the meantime :)
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    @T.Dice, Thank you. Thank you.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @sclvr5005: "If you don't understand the fantasy aspect that strip clubs offer, than your missing their main intent."

    That's because for some of us, it's not a fantasy, it's reality. There's nothing that's out of the realm of possibility for us, nothing we can't have if we put our minds to it.

    And that's OK.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    @gmd- true, but at least you recognize that the fantasy concept is there...you just choose not to embrace it. Others here can't seem to even see the potential for a GFE.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    You should also ask on stripperweb.com if you haven't already.

    If you were at a friend's house, and they offered you food, you'd never say, "hell no, that's nasty!". You'd make up a white lie. If you don't want to go out with a guy, regardless of where you meet him, you should say something like "thanks, but I'm already seeing someone". Not only is it bad for business to say, "I don't date customers", it's rude. It implies there is something wrong with (all) guys who go to strip clubs. I would say this even applies to P4P offers. I don't feel like I'm insulting a woman when I'm willing to give her about what I earn in a day for an hour of her attentions, so I see no honest reason for her to be rude to me about it. This is assuming the guy is not playing ugly, in that case, right back at him.

    I always advise all dancers, if you feel like you need to tolerate rudeness to make decent money, it's time to quit. It will turn you into a sad person who hates everyone or hates herself or both. Better to work at Wal-mart and live on ramens.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Gooby pls. Wal-Mart, Apple, Spearmint Rhino -- you all have to deal with assholes. Only difference with strip clubs is the assholes are groping you.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Pretty well said ilbbaicnl.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    sclvr5005 one of the main reasons I embrace the ATF system is for the consistent GFE it provides.
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