
broken wrist

Avatar for chimark

Here's a new one for the bucket list of something I never expected. I broke my wrist last month and tomorrow I'm going to go hit a club. I've got a cast on, it will be a bit different only having one hand to use, wondering what it will be like? Anybody ever get a lap dance with a cast on the wrist/hand?


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Avatar for SuperDude

No, but the old high school gimmick was to use the cast to collect phone numbers. Ask dancers to autograph the cast, write dirty things and leave a phone number.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I tore a bicep tendon about 9 years ago – had to have surgery and my right arm was immobilized for many months while it healed post-surgery.

It wasn’t easy:

  1. I drove a stick shift at the time – made it “interesting” to handle the steering wheel and the stick shift at the same time w/ just one arm

  2. The arm injured was my masturbating arm – was never really able to train the other arm but did what I could

  3. Yeah it was odd and weird being a one-armed dude at the SC – but I persevered and the dancers were very under$tanding – the dancers were thankful and relieved I could still reach my wallet and were willing to “work with me” :)

Avatar for shadowcat

2 years ago I had to have a stent put in my left artery in the groin area. This resulted in a very large hematoma all over one side of my groin area. I had to tell the dancers to be very gentle, as bumping it would be painful. Well they all understood and gave Mr.Happy some TLC without causing me any pain.

Avatar for farmerart

Once, I sprained my wrist carrying my wad of cash into the club. Didn't detract from my lap dance pleasure.

Avatar for jester214

Art just let me know, I'm willing to help carry.

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio

Wear a dress shirt with sleeves and a jacket. Try not to punch out any assholes in the club. Leave well before 2AM. Have fun.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Be careful you don’t break your other wrist since you will be undertaking a contact sport while already injured.

Avatar for Clubber

When I recently had my broken ankle (boot, but no cast), it was good for a conversation piece, but nothing more. Well, one dancer I recall, showed more interest after she knew how I acquired the break.

Avatar for Corvus

You are lucky. Last week I followed a guy into a club in Phoenix who was missing his entire right arm. Every time I saw him in the club later he seemed to be having a good time.

Avatar for crazyjoe

I went with a broken ankle in a cast before. Got an over the pants rubdown in a completely extras free club. The manager didnt notice what was going on during the dance. He saw me getting my crutches and getting up after. He runs over and asked if I was ok! Did she hurt your leg while dancing?. I told him she did great. She took great care of me

Avatar for Clubber


About what time frame was your ankle broken? The reason I ask, when I broke my left one back in the 70's, it was casted, but the right one in the '09, a plate was inserted, but no cast. I thought it must just be medical advancement. The breaks were pretty much the same, from a layman's viewpoint.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Clubber it was about 3 years ago. It was shattered wuth a subtailor dislocation. Very bad break. I was in a cast til they did surgery and put pins in. Then in a splint til they took out the pins and then I had a boot. Then an air cast. I got an awesome pic down the busty blonde's shirt while she was fitting the boot! Lol

Avatar for Clubber


Sounds like my first, but without the pins and only a cast for about 3-4 months.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

Mileage is so low in Chicago, this shouldn't have any impact on you.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

You should ask for half price since you can only grope with one hand.

The old plaster casts were great for autographs, they held up well to pencil, pen, or marker. And if you didn't like what someone wrote you could just wash off the top layer of plaster. Casts now are made out of some kind of fiberglass or nylon or something that doesn't hold writing as well.

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