
avatar for shadowcat
Why does this review for Follies


Joined: Oct 2005

Clubs Reviewed: 38
Total Reviews: 40 Reviewed on: January 13, 2013
Visited on: Thursday Afternoon
Dancers on Shift: 11-25


I just got back from my Atlanta trip. If you ever do decide to go to strip clubs in the South, try Follies in Atlanta. The thing about this club is that there is something for everyone. The negative to this is that it attracts everyone. Sometimes the fault of many of these good clubs is that they are very good. I was there on a Thursday afternoon then Friday evening. There was hardly any sitting room. Imagine not being able to go tip dancers on stage for fear of losing your seat. The seat is important because this is practically the only way to have a conversation with a dancer. The song playing is very loud and there are so many customers around the dancers on stage that the usual tipping at the stage to start a conversation doesn't work here. I actually missed Rhode Island and the clubs there while in ATL. Of course in ATL I did have some fun in spite of all the distractions. I also got hustled out of $280.

For the fun part, if you are into extras like I am, it is the rule and not the exception here. And this is with girls that are 7-9. So I did have my fun. I also got hustled twice because I fell for the stripper talk. In two separate occasions with two separate strippers, I handed my money for the VIPs before the dance had begun. In the first instance, I fell for the stripper sweet talk and while in VIP she was like, no touching below. When of course she was all hands during the lap dance. So I stopped the VIP dance after two minutes even though it was a 30 minute dance. I just felt used. She looked hispanic. Short girl, black hair, about 5' 1" and in her early 20s. She had some tattoos but most of the dancers have tattoos there.

The second con was more."memorable". Her name is Kat. I remember her name because like I said it was a memorable con. She is about 5' 8" and looks like a solid 8. I give her a 8. 5 because she has a nice ass. Blonde girl and she knows how to dance, move her hips, be sensual and shake that butt of hers. So she says that if I go to VIP with her, that I will leave completely satisfied. Cute girl. Need I remind you that her name is Kat. So I am saying, uhn, a cute girl offering all this. Sounds like a good plan. While in the VIP, I insist that I won't give her the money until the dance is over. She says she doesn't do business that way. By the way, that's always a sign of things going sour. Words of advice. So I give her the money, $160, (I already paid the $42 for the room for all those PhDs of Follies out there) then she walks out of the room and immediately reports me to the manager. She says I whipped out my dick and asked her for sex. I pleaded with the manager that it was not the case at all. It was the other way around. Since its her word against mine, guess what the resolution was, She kept the money and I was given 4 free VIP dance passes. A tough lesson learned. (Never pay for service that hasn't been completed. At least, don't pay over 50% of the service. It is such a great rule to follow)

Sound like this one?


Joined: Aug 2011

Clubs Reviewed: 7
Total Reviews: 7 Reviewed on: January 6, 2013
Visited on: Thursday Evening
Dancers on Shift: 25-99


I just got back from my Atlanta trip. If you ever do decide to go to strip clubs in the South, try Follies in Atlanta. The thing about this club is that there is something for everyone. the negative to this is that it attracts everyone. Sometimes the fault of many of these good clubs is that they are very good. I was there on a Thursday afternoon then Friday evening. There was hardly any sitting room. Imagine not being able to go tip dancers on stage for fear of losing your seat. The seat is important because this is practically the only way to have a conversation with a dancer. The song playing is very loud and there are so many customers around the dancers on stage that the usual tipping at the stage to start a conversation doesn't work here. I actually missed Rhode Island and the clubs there while in ATL. Of course in ATL I did have some fun in spite of all the distractions. I also got hustled out of $280.

For the fun part, if you are into extras like I am, it is the rule and not the exception here. And this is with girls that are 7-9. So I did have my fun. I also got hustled twice cuz I fell for the stripper talk. In two separate occasions with two separate strippers, I handed my money for the VIPs before the dance had begun. In the first instance, I fell for the stripper sweet talk and while in VIP she was like, no touching below. When of course she was all hands during the lap dance. So I stopped the VIP dance after two minutes even though it was a 30 minute dance. I just felt used. She looked hispanic. Short girl, black hair, about 5' 1" and in her early 20s. She had some tattoos but most of the dancers have tattoos there.

The second con was more... "memorable". Her name is Kat. I remember her name cuz like I said it was a memorable con. She is about 5' 8" and looks like a solid 8. I give her a 8.5 cuz she has a nice ass. Blonde girl and she knows how to dance, move her hips, be sensual and shake that butt of hers. So she says that if I go to VIP with her, that I will leave completely satisfied. Cute girl. Need I remind you that her name is Kat. So I am saying, uhn, a cute girl offering all this. Sounds like a good plan. While in the VIP, I insist that I won't give her the money until the dance is over. She says she doesn't do business that way. By the way, that's always a sign of things going sour. Words of advice. So I give her the money, $160,(I already paid the $42 for the room for all those PhDs of Follies out there) then she walks out of the room and immediately reports me to the manager. She says I whipped out my dick and asked her for sex. I pleaded with the manager that it was not the case at all. It was the other way around. Since its her word against mine, guess what the resolution was, She kept the money and I was given 4 free VIP dance passes. A tough lesson learned. (Never pay for service that hasn't been completed. At least, don't pay over 50% of the service. It is such a great rule to follow)

I am moving to North Carolina in a couple of weeks. Does anyone know of clubs in the area that they would recommend. I will be in the Asheville area.

I flagged it.


last comment
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Not at all.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Shit shadow he will be copy and pasting my reviews soon lol
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
LOL, shadowcat, good job !! What a dumbass !!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
To renew an expiring membership perhaps. A reason why all memberships should be PAID. Another reason for Moderation.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Looks like Jaybe20 is a ripoff artist. What a low-life.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Alucard: "To renew an expiring membership perhaps. A reason why all memberships should be PAID. Another reason for Moderation."

This would introduce more problems.

- Credit card ripoffs. Already adult sites pay a larger fee to credit card processors because their customers are such a pain in the ass to deal with.

- Add to that having to pay the money back with a $50 charge-back on people revoking the payment? Who do they believe? The customer good for future transactions or a filthy adult web site? Given the number of people who post on here, it's a good way to go broke.

- "I fucking paid! If I want to post annoying junk, spam, and be all-up-in-some's face - I can be!" Guarantee there is going to be a bigger problem than simply slapping someone down with a ban. After all, "I helped pay for this motherfucker!"

- "Oh, I fucking paid. Sounds like you want a law suit on your hands." Even if it is unwinnable, a judge is going through all the motions, all the expenses, all the lawyers, all the discovery (thereby allowing more ways to be a nuisance), and all the public exposure a case brings. In case you didn't recognize, some people have some major bucks on this site and it angered - yea even I would drop 2 grand on someone just for yucks and access to "who this asshole is."

- Oh joy - accounting. And filing with the IRS for an increased complexity of an accounting system. Maybe even requiring a CPA to figure out what is needed. Everybody hopes for that.

- Having to deal with financial security concerns. Credit card processors want your site and computing environment to meet certain standards and be audited. PIA standards to program. For what? Maybe 20 guys who are regular posters?

- And even then what happens when someone finds a way to slip in and grab people's credit card information anyhow? Oh joy to state laws forcing Founder to identify him/herself and say "Sorry man, through my incompetence I gave your credit card info to some Russian dude."

- Look at stripperweb - some dude basically paid for the site, got access to all kinds of info, raped some stripper and the site saw a fall off of girls who went else where - and that was one dude. Then experience people talking shit about you all over the place (…) (…)

You know Alucard, you are a fucking moron who doesn't think shit through. "Oh just throw up a paywall!" You know what, that doesn't stop shit, it causes more shit with someone the courts will see has more "rights" because they paying for something.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
deogol - you can expect a PM from him now. That is his newest way to express himself.
avatar for jmiddle30234
12 years ago
This is on another site as well
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
The database got nabbed sites? Many of us know. It was a huge thread a year or more ago. Lots of talk of creating unique names and email addresses, etc. Some probably didn't and are literally paying for it now.

Hopefully founder learned how to use parameter binding instead of just putting straight SQL into the system.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Paying for membership will IMO stop some of it and possibly pay for Moderation. Moderation can then possibly take care of the rest along with flagging.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Paying for membership kills the incentive to do reviews. Alucard is a good example 18 reviews in 12 years of membership.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Just noticed the bogus review has been removed.
avatar for Totallykomon
12 years ago
I was the original reviewer and thanks shadowcat for alerting me of the "copy". Looks exactly like mine.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
That's 44 not 18. Free membership for reviews encourages the LEAST possible effort and quality.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I got an idea. I think this idea would benefit everyone. I think the memberships should be paid, since Alucard is the only one that wants paid memberships we'll make him pay everyones' memberships.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I paid for mine. Paying for someone else’s STILL encourages little effort and low quality. Bad idea ranukam, sorry.
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
Drac - You may ignore me for this, but I could not disagree with you more. I would not be on this site if I would have had to pay for it when I really started using it regularly in 2011. I have learned a lot in my short time here; things it would have taken me years to learn otherwise. I also have gone to clubs I might not have even known about without the help of my fellow TUSCL brethren.

I have joined sites in the past that gave you a little taste of the site and promised more if you paid for membership and each time it was a waste. So I just don't do it anymore. Would I pay now if it was required? Probably, depending on the price structure.

But if you look at my 25 reviews or the ones for people who post regularly, they have some substance to them. Jagoffs who post crap reviews are usually one and done. It comes down to the integrity of the people posting to do a good job. Paying for membership is not going to make a person all of a sudden have integrity. I also think it discourages people from doing reviews. I don't do a review every time I go to the club, but I try to keep people updated if I go and something new or interesting happens. Why do a review if I already have membership? It's a catch-22 IMO.

Nothing will make everyone happy, and quite frankly the only one who has to be ok with everything is Founder. He puts in all of the work to make this site what it is and while there are always things that could improve the site, in the long run, I think the site is pretty good as it is. Just my two cents. Hope you can respect my position.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
All alutard ever does is bitch and complain about the way he thinks things should be. So why doesn't the little faggot get up and start his own site already. Maybe he knows his ideas are shit and he won't attract any members?
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Alucard will likely say this would have been a more desirable outcome, but if I'd had to pay for my membership, I probably wouldn't be here. And the place would be dead.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Re founders topic: This is the guy that got deleted.
avatar for dediggins
12 years ago
Sadly, parameter binding alone will not solve a recurrence of this kind especially for barely savvy users who can switch around paragraphs or know how to use a thesaurus :) It comes down to cost one way or the other. Is it worth founder's time to play cop maybe.. maybe not?. Clearly lots of work (and therefore money) goes into what has now become a well built site. Frankly, I'm shocked this does not happen more frequently. Isn't it always a few bad apples that spoil it for the orchard? :D
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