O deep mystery, vital centre of our lives, we know your presence is not called up by much speaking. Rather may we honor your presentness in the absence of noise, in the promise of the morning, in the dancing brightness of the sun.
We are struck in awe before the great mystery of the cosmos. We are powerfully moved by a deep concern for our world and our care for one another.
May ours be a faith that is more than words and ideals. May ours be a faith of vitality and compassion.
We lament that there are many people in the world who are burdened by hunger and pain, by sorrow and anxiety, by violence and loss.
May they find comfort and peace, and may their burdens be lifted from them by our actions as peacemakers and doers of justice.
May we find it in ourselves today to work toward a better world. May we make use of that energy to take part in the lifting of burdens. May our gratitude find expression in the care of others, both near and far. May we find ways to live and grow on the margins. May we leave behind us a trail of encouragement and hope.
And having spoken much, perhaps too much... Now without a word we rest in your Eternal Presentness.
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