
Thick, fat, big...?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013 7:06 AM
I was in a club New Years eve and saw something that got me thinking about this discussion as a topic. There was one dancer, a BIG girl. I would venture she would push between 150-175. What I found different is that she was big, but not what I would call fat. She was solid and I think it is likely she might do weight training, but didn't have the muscular definition usually seen in weightlifters. So I would describe her as thick, but certainly not fat, or should she be just BIG? Thoughts?


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I agree with Eddy Murphy. Thats a BIG bitch!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    That's not a body type I personally find attractive. BUT I won't resort to name calling regarding her body type.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Well, height here would be a big factor.... was she 5'0" or closer to 6'0" tall? BIG difference in overall weight bearing & distribution.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    She had to duck under what all the other dancers I've see there didn't. I was sitting when she did her tip walk and she was tall. I would venture with the relatively short stripper heels she had on, she still would pusht 6'5".
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    ^^Whoa! Personally I like Amazonian sized women- tall & big boned, but not fat. If she had a cute face she probably would have emptied my wallet.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    If you would estimate she was 6'5, then it's highly unlikely she was fat. The taller someone is, the less you notice their weight. Now, if she was short and weighed 150-175, that would be a whole different story. I don't know about the rest of you, but I very rarely see strippers I would consider fat. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a few, but that's about it.
  • 10inches
    12 years ago
    have seen several dancers that are built like one of the Williams sisters. always seemed to be making goods tips. guess there is someone for every body type
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I'd just wouldn't ask her to wrestle. :)
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I like thick girls. Serena would get all my money if she danced in the club.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I knew a dancer that was not fat all and she was built like a linebacker. I'm 6 ft tall and in heels she towered over me. She could have been LeBron James' sister. But I need to emphasize she was not at all fat. She had a pretty face and did very well in a club dominated by blonde Barbies.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    "I'm 6 ft tall and in heels she towered over me." How much taller would she be if you weren't in heels? Sorry.... couldn't resist :)
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Lol. I knew did I constructed the sentence poorly but I said WTF and let it be. :)
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    That sounds like she's build like me; yay for Amazonian women like me!!!
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    @Sclvr: that dancer the OP is describing was probably around 5'8"-5'10".
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    I'd never date a woman that could whoop my ass. Nothing against them, it's just, I can be an asshole sometimes. At the same time, I find tall, built women sexy as hell. I just can't risk the ass whooping...
  • Longneck
    12 years ago
    I need a woman 5'9 or taller 150lbs minimum with a big ass that there is marriage material
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    300 is a BIG girl
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Love Pam Grier.
  • jabthehut
    12 years ago
    A 150#, 5' 0" girl would be fat. A 150#, 5' 8" girl would be normal.
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    Sorry Longneck, I'm already married and I have a baby. Too late for you.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    One of my recent faves is like that. She's always at the gym, or so she says. I just call her hot.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    JayJay, "I'm already married...". Another dream shattered! :)
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