
OTC Pay or No Pay?

Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:31 PM
So I met this really hot. And I mean hot dancer. Place and name witheld to protect the innocent. But to give you an idea. She has about a 9.5 head and an 8.5 body. She is very beautiful and pretty cool to talk to. We hit it off very well. So I followed the sage advice of my fellow TUSCLers about hot women are up for OTC more than average and went for broke. Got some dances on our first meet last week and after a really good session I paid and tipped her well and asked her the almighty question. "What will it take to talk you out of here today?" Even though I was not ready to take her out. She told me she did not usually do that kind of thing. Seems to be a common answer. I said no problem. And then she offered her phone number and put it in my phone, and agreed we could have some fun. I briefly mentioned she could make better money this way. Not sure if she heard that she did not respond or react to it. Texted her this week and we met up at the club again. We had a great time. Lets just say we went way further than was allowed in this club and she was not holding me back on the contact, there was absolutely no hustle, and no attempt at getting at my money in any respect. We really both seemed to be getting into it. I know I was. We started earnestly talking about OTC, and where we could go and when etc. Logistical details. And she repeated over and over to me that she really wanted to get together. That is all great. And thanks for all of the advice it does work. If applied consistently. Here is the question. Money has never come up, except for that first unconfirmed mention. In fact not even when we are dancing. So there is this ambiguous area where if we get together OTC, I am not sure if she expects compensation or not. So should I bring it up or just let it slide and see if she brings it up? Or should I just go ahead and offer her something? But this risks the danger of her being insulted and getting mad? You know "I am not a whore thing". I am of the mind to just go have a good time and see if it comes up. But I am not cheap, PforP is actually a little less hassle in my mind. What do you masters think?


  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Why do you think you're not a whore?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    If you ever think they are for real when offering OTC for free, you got to be equally aggressive and follow up same night if you can. Otherwise she will think you are some dipshit who does not know what he is doing. Not exactly a turn on for women. :-) Usually if they want to do it for free they will make it pretty obvious by asking something blunt like "would you like to get together tonight?" If you drop the ball after something that obvious, well, not likely you will get many more (if any more chances to step up to bat). Personally I think she is just fucking with you. If she was serious it would have been an obvious question like I mentioned and you would be kicking yourself for not following through. Neverless maybe it's real and you only have two strikes, not the three for the strikeout. Go in optimistic and be aggressive, and follow up the same fucking night, and see what happens. Probably nothing. Just keep it in mind for the future. Good luck, bro!
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    With regard to the offer her money thing, of course you don't if you think there is a chance she'll "meet up" with you for free. If you try that and it doesn't work, then you can fall back to paying, but it's not like trying for free first is going to disqualify you from paying if she offers, so there is nothing to lose, making it obvious what to do.
  • Revo
    12 years ago
    Ok. I see what you mean. I will follow up agressively. She has kids at her house and she has told me her schedule is limited. That is why we were planning for something next week. I will push for sooner though. On the pay thing I will bring money but not offer unless she says something.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    You need to set a date for OTC and go. She isn't doing this for free because she could be at the club making money. Give her the same amount you would if you were taking her to the VIP. (minus the club fees). If you truly hit it off, the price will get cheaper over time. And if she declines the money, I would marry her, have 6 kids, and enjoy the rest of my life with the best woman you will ever find.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Oh sorry, scratch the marriage and kids thing, just saw your latest post.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    So far it seems like she is alluding to OTC and you return for more dances and more subtle hints. If and when the OTC does happen, she will make sure to let you know if there will be a cost.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    If you have something specific planned already then stick to it. If not, I say she is probably toying with you, but, nevertheless, go with the aggressive thing since there is nothing to lose, you'll learn something, and just for general amusement.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    She would be insulted to be called a whore, but she will have sex with men for money. If I were you, I would take $300 (of whatever you think she's worth) with me when meeting up with her. After sex, you can give her cash "to compensate her for taking time away from the club."
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    let her bring up $$$$$
  • Player11
    12 years ago
    I would make her an offer - usually $200 for itc or otc. If she is for real she will either take it or counter. You could also start at 150. BC I have 4 girls on roster at 100-150 I have not been making many offers nowadays. Work out the price before the meeting. No she is not going to meet you and fuck your for free LOL.
  • Revo
    12 years ago
    Thanks boys. Dougster: what you said makes sense. I am going in.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    It sounds like a classic stringalong. Obtaining a phone number doesn't really mean anything as strippers commonly give these out nowadays, often in order to send you texts to coax you back into the club. The "I don't normally do that sort of thing" response, along with excuses about limited availability, are tipoffs as to where her head is at. Whatever you have planned for your scheduled event, make sure it doesn't require you to pony up money in advance because the likelihood that she is actually going to show is probably low. It may be time for you do direct your efforts to a more receptive gal. In any event, good luck.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    You asked, she said no. Then you came back again and still left with no concrete plans. Set something up without going back to the club a 3rd time OR accept that you're never gonna get OTC with this one.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Money has been mentioned, but left vague. She is expecting money, just too shy to be blunt about it. Clear this up or the misunderstanding will lead to losing everything.
  • Revo
    12 years ago
    Well I contacted her and she is up for it next week. I am not holding my breath. But she does sound into it. I will just go into it optimistic and not expecting too much.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Good luck man! Hope you get laid!
  • Revo
    12 years ago
    Thanks dude.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    For the worst-case scenario of not talking money beforehand, contact that Secret Service agent who went with Obama to Colombia. Strippers have their rules of thumb for how to get the most $$$ out of us. A very common one is "when a guy wants something I won't do, don't say no, just keep making excuses for why not now".
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Ditto w.r.t. two previous statements: “… Personally I think she is just fucking with you …” “… It sounds like a classic stringalong ….” The smart ones will often not mention $$$ even though that is what it’s all about. The fact that she is beautiful; a dancer; and has kids; tells me that she has experience w/ men and is not some naive young girl who may have fallen for you. “IMO” dancers do not take SC customers too seriously when it comes to dating in the genuine sense of the word. They will almost always see customers as business opportunities and will often not see or respect customers as dating material b/c they (customers) go to SCs to begin with, IMO. My personal take from the OP’s post is that he may not be sure if she is genuinely into him and she wants to genuinely date/hook-up with him; or if she is just not upfront about P4P? That is how I read it, not how it necessarily is. Hot women do not hook up with guys (non P4P) too easily specially in a SC setting. If there is a question whether a hot dancer is into us, we can always ask ourselves – do I do this well with hot women in a non-SC setting? If the answer is no, then we may be playing ourselves, IMO. The fact she is a dancer, and has kids, would tell me she is in need of cash – and her decision to do OTC would be along the same lines as her decision to dance in the 1st place; i.e. $$$, IMO. Actions speak louder than words – I would not try to read too much into it and would have an attitude of not expecting much in the 1st place (as the OP subsequently mentioned). P4P can be easily found in a SC; but genuine romance/girlfriend, very very very rare – IMO.
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    I'll be curious to find out how this turns out.
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