drac baby
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I am too nice to say 'Fuck You' despite the shitthat you do. I'm too nice to punch you inthe eye so instead I listen to you whine with a sigh. I'm certain that you're never sick Just crippled by your whininess. I sometimes wonderwhat it'd be like for you to have a peaceful and quiet night. Probably too painful forsomeone whose accustomed to crying wolf to every otherpersonssystems. It's very annoyingtositnext toyou andsmile or to listen to you cry and whine for quite awhile. I admit I want to hurtyou so you'llshut up, or every time you whine, just casually interrupt. I want to piss you off like you do to me just so for one moment you can see as I see. I want to break your spiritthen break your face, bust your lips so it's your blood you can taste. I want to force all your words back into your throat before you can throw them up and let them out. I pray to God I somehowfindsomethingnice tosay, but I doubt I can,so fuck you anyway.
I never knew you were an artist, Juice.