
Ultimate PL topic: What would it take for you to date a stripper?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:02 PM
I got suckered in again. I told myself I was done dating strippers. I'm such a PL. A couple of weeks ago I saw one of the hottest strippers I've ever seen in my life, in fact one of the hottest girls period I've ever seen in my life. She is a 10 no doubt. She is Cuban and White. I wanted to fuck that pussy so bad. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with paying OTC with a stripper, but she's the kind of girl I want to fuck all day with unlimited happy endings, and sometimes sex with strippers can be mechanical so.... we hit it off that night, had great great conversation and I ended up fucking the shit out of her that night at her place for free. We're together now. I fuck her two times a day now, but I would really just like to be her fuck buddy, but I don't have enough game for that. To get in that stripper pussy for free you have to compromise a lot. So now I'm a PL dating a stripper lol. I'm hanging out with some of her loser friends. She works at a air dance club and 90% of the money the girls at that club make is on stage so I'm not worried about anything going on ITC with her and other customers. She tells me she doesn't fuck guys for money OTC, but I'll have to see about that. My question is what would it take for you to date a stripper? Does she have to be at least a 9 or 10? Does she need to be working in a air dance club? Do you have to be sure she's not doing OTC with other customers?


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    You're talking dating versus fuck buddy? Fuck buddy pretty low bar - it would be like be willing to fuck me and be 7+, and not going to get the police over to my place by smoking crack in front of the neighbors. Now dating. Whole different ballgame... Be like be in college and have a real job. But even then some of them are still psycho. But then with the psychos its hard to predict which ones eventually get it together and which don't. And then there is the whole grucho marx thing about be suspicious about any club that would have you as a member. Shit, I don't know. Good things it's all academic to me!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "in college" or "have a real other job"
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Ok, the title of the thread is obviously a sham. If you are truly a PL you don't have a chance of dating a stripper in the first place. Should be re-titled "Ultimate Non-PL Topic"
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    us bitches is plain f'in crazy. eventually we'll all try to kill u in ur sleep... no exceptions... and just for the cheap-ass contents of ur f'in cheap-ass wallet!
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    You're doing better than me! I met this Puerto Rican dancer about 2 weeks ago. A stone 12 on a scale from 1 to 10. Anyway I met her for drinks the night before Thanksgiving, and we really hit it off well! She invites me by her house last Monday night, and I swore it was going to be a night to remember! She couldn't screw for anything! It was the worst sex session I've had in many moons!! So "poof", that fantasy is over. Boy, I'll tell you.., you never know what you're going to get! I got the booby prize this time. You did a lot better! Enjoy it while it lasts!!
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    maybe it was ur skills that were the problem
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Stenton- thanks man Carolynne- you turn me on Dougster- PL's date strippers. A normal reasonable guy wouldn't get near a stripper because of all the baggage she brings. It's a bad look for him.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Sounds true in general, but I've known a few exceptions to that rule. (As they are nearing the end of their careers and have concrete plans for getting out.) As for the ones in mid-career, yeah, pretty bleak.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Ranukam, nothing from my experience to add here, but have fun while it lasts my friend. And carolynne rocks.
  • bustanutz
    12 years ago
    I'd have to be really board with life and be starving for drama.
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    Hmmm, how about just meeting girls outside strip clubs and pray to any deity that she happens to be a stripper?
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    "I'm not worried about anything going on ITC with her and other customers. She tells me she doesn't fuck guys for money OTC, but I'll have to see about that." Listen Ranukam, nothing is for free and no dancer is loyal. I am dating a dancer and she swears she loves me too.......So don't even think this relationship is going anywhere yet. When she quits dancing, has your kids, cooks your meals, washes your clothes, and bakes cookies for you, then you can relax and say "maybe this is for real."
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Hasn't happened yet, so I don't know. I don't have time for a regular relationship so it would have to be something extraordinary.
  • igloo9999
    12 years ago
    let's see..... what would it take for me to date a(nother) stripper? hhhmmm.... it would start with her saying yes.... hell, recently I had a friend tell me that they couldn't see me dating anything but strippers...... of course, she's a barmaid at a strip club where her daughter is a stripper.....
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    An ex-stripper? Maybe. A current stripper? Very unlikely. The logistics alone make it unappealing.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Pablo, I ain't dumb, I know it will probably only last a month, but I'm enjoying it now. The question was what it would take for you to date a stripper? Some guys would never date strippers under any circumstance. Some guys wouldn't date a stripper unless she's at least a 9 etc.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Obviously there is a part of you that wants more than FWB. Otherwise, you it wouldn't cross your mind whether she's doing P4P or not. The reasons strippers are less likely to make good girlfriends/wives is that they are (on average) more dishonest, more hard-hearted, more likely to have contempt for men. But are you being honest or soft-hearted with this chick, or holding her in high regard? Maybe you two are are perfect match.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    A personal Bank Account 4x that of Art!
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    As for "dating" strippers, in the immortal words of Bob Seger: "Wish a didn't know now what I didn't know then." Great songs for 60, Alex.......
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    How is this a PL topic? To date a stripper (meaning free sex) is no longer living the fantasy, its now creating your own fantasy. For me to date a stripper, she has to have money so that way when we go out for a regular outing, her clothes make a god damn mother fucking statement. Oh and she has to be a 8+
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    so ibbaicnl, what your saying is....you gotta be black to date a stripper? Sounds about right, we are nothing BUT drama, so dealing with the partner's so called "drama" is like breathing....easy.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    No sex is free Estafador.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    She would have to be willing to pick me up at the nursing home and get me back by 8PM.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I would move real fucking slow and ask a lot of questions. Ole deo has dealt with to many loonie toons in his past.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Corvus- If you're ever in Portland again contact me. Shadowcat- Lol Estafador- What works for me with strippers is the fact that I'm young (24), black, not terrible looking, and have a big dick. With all the strippers I know 80% of their boyfriends are black so there you go. I think you said you're black, so if you wanna bag one, go for it, you have as good of a shot as anyone. It's a PL topic because like I said PL's date strippers. Normal reasonable guys don't deal with strippers because of all the baggage they bring.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Alucard, maybe for you sex isn't free, but if you have a way with words, sex is the easiest thing to get for free (being a tough rough gangsta type helps too). I would reevaluate your game and come back to us when you feel you've gotten better
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    First welcome to the club bro....I've been a live in boyfriend to my former ATF for almost a year now and like you I Fuck her on the daily ........look if I hit it off with a stripper and she truely likes me then I would date her......I'm a kid from flower children so I'm very open minded when it comes to sex and multiple partners....so no buggy to juicy.........as drac baby once said enjoy her while it last bro.....take pictures, shoot videos and enjoy.......
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… but I would really just like to be her fuck buddy …” As pabloantonio and others have mentioned, there is no such thing as a free lunch – I think this would apply even more to a dancer than a civi (especially a *hot* dancer) – IMO. Hope for the best but definitely be prepared for the worst. Don’t give her more than she gives, or is willing to give you. “… I'm hanging out with some of her loser friends …” I don’t think this will help the “relationship” :)
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    The funny thing is if you look back at some of my previous discussion threads, I have titles like: what is so wrong with dating a stripper, why do us young guys want to date strippers, pros and cons of dating a stripper and now what would it take for you to date a stripper. I think this PL has pretty much got the dating strippers topics covered lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    This may be too much of an oldie for you in particular – but it may apply :) [view link]
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