Year-long Prostitution Crackdown Drives On-Line Escorts Out of Roseville

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Roseville police are wrapping up a year-long crackdown on prostitution. It's been so successful they say they've essentially driven on-line escorts out of the city.

The operation started with an-online search for their town, under the "escorts" section of According to Roseville Police Detective Matthew Brake, "Primarily that's where we're seeing it."

It's where police could locate pretty much every prostitute willing to come to Roseville, to offer up services.

"People look at prostitution as a victimless crime," Brake said, "but assaults come with it, robberies come with it."

And dealing with those kinds of problems eats up valuable police resources, costs taxpayer money, and makes residents angry.

According to Roseville Police Lt. Lorne Rosand, "They say 'what is happening in my neighborhood?', you know, 'crime is running rampant'. That is not the case. Your neighbor brought it into the neighborhood."

Police would then arrange to meet the would-be escorts at one of five Roseville motels. They've asked 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS not to identify the motels out of concern it might affect the legitimate business the motels do, and dissuade other travelers from staying there.

"They do whatever they can to help us out," Detective Brake said of the motels, "because they don't want this in their places of business either. They provide us a couple rooms and they let us operate out of there."

Brake said once inside the motel rooms, undercover detectives would be waiting to seal the deal, by arresting the escorts. "We arrested one female who actually admitted she was there to rob me at knife point. It was a good feeling to get her off the street," he said.

Sometimes, Brake added, the department would also place fake ads itself on, in order to lure 'johns' to the motels.

The 2012 crackdown has so far resulted in 41 prostitution charges in Roseville. Last year there were only four.

The on-line escorts seem to be getting the message. "There used to be typically 10 to 15 posts a day, just for the city of Roseville," Brake siad. "And now it's lucky if there's two a week."

But Roseville doesn't think its efforts are driving prostitutes to neighboring communities. Police believe they're driving many of them out of business.

"It's never going to completely go away," Brake admitted. "If it completely goes away some of us in law enforcement are going to be out of a job!"


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avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

Another reason to stick to dancers IMO.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

I agree Alucard. No cop is going to strip off her top and grind her crotch in your lap.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

Besides doesn't the ownership/management "payoff" LE to look the other way. LOL

That would not work for me as an individual. And yes, LE wouldn't bare their tits and grind or suck my cock.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

Fucking pigs !!

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

"But Roseville doesn't think its efforts are driving prostitutes to neighboring communities. Police believe they're driving many of them out of business."

Now there's a little piece of wishful thinking.

avatar for twilight12
12 yrs ago

oh crap! NOW wot am i going to do!?? whoa iz me, whoa iz me....

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

@harrydave: "Now there's a little piece of wishful thinking."

More like "delusional". Not only that, but all the people who were soliciting the prostitutes in Roseville, are just going elsewhere now. They've done nothing but remove a few girls from the rotation, girls who will be replaced shortly.

avatar for Leonard313
12 yrs ago

@harrydave, @georgmicrodong

My thoughts exactly. So gals realize Roseville is pinching them...they just tell the guys to meet them in Dearborn, Utica, Fraser, etc...

I know this is going to be unpopular...but I actually support the police in this matter. I'd love to see escorts/prostitutes driven out of business as well as massage parlors. Fucking in strip clubs...I got no problem with. It's a relatively safe environment...hell, if they would just legalize it and force the clubs to do frequent STD'd be perfect. As well as legislation/unions that guarantee the bitches get more share of the money.

But escorts/prostitutes and massage parlors...for those that never tried's sad. It's just sad. Human trafficking, sometimes underage stuff, and lots of time where its just ugly skanks that could never legitmately get laid so they post fake pictures to lure guys to meet them. Add to that stings, assaults, and robberies.

And its not just ME I'm worried about. Yeah, Johns get beat down, get money stolen from them, etc... But lots of times, the girls themselves get beaten, raped, and robbed. Most of these girls are alone, undersized, and doing something they can't just "call the police" about. One girl told me, the worst thing that ever hapened to her involved 3 off-duty cops. One showed up, when he got there called two buddies. He told her she either did what he they wanted or they'd bust her...their words against hers. They proceeded to rape, beat, and painfully fuck her for hours. They then stole her money and left. She called the police and they sent someone out to take her statement...but noting ever came off it.

If they could close the back page/craigslist crap down...leave it to "legitimate" clubs...subject to laws and liquor liscences...they'd be much more successful. But at the end of the day, it's the oldest profession and its never completely going away. There is just too much desire to blow your load in/on some chick...too many guys willing to take the chance...and too many girls with no other marketable skill to support their drug habits.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 yrs ago

Did the Roseville cops put up a big banner that said "mission accomplished"?

Backpage is only a part of the escort scene. You see claims of finding gems for little green, but I think it will only get you a best a girl who can't compete with a free date with Rosie Palm, or a straight-up rip off. I stick with girls on date-check or preferred411 .

avatar for Omega22
12 yrs ago

All the escorts are just going to move to larger cities where LE doesn't care about prostitution. It would also be victim-less if it was regulated. In many parts of Europe and Australia it is regulated and legal.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Where the f*** is Roseville anyway?

And the last statement in the article:

"If it completely goes away some of us in law enforcement are going to be out of a job!"

I wonder how much of “the war on crime” has to do with certain people making a killing out of it or at least a comfortable living out of it and that is their main, or only, motivation?

avatar for rh48hr
12 yrs ago

I think Dennis Miller put it best...

Is their anything more fruitless than trying to legislate sexual

behavior? You know according to the law, you can't even get a blow

job in Georgia? No wonder Sherman hustled through there. And really if

you stop to think about it, who is hurt by the time honored unavoidable

trade of prostitution? Only the guys who pay extra to be hurt. There

is no sane reason to cling to this archaic legal attempt to curtail an

activity that will be around until the end of time. You know, you could

come back to this planet ten thousand years from now and man could have

evolved to the point where he doesn't even take in nutrition from a

hole in head anymore, but I guarantee you that he'll still be cruising

ninth avenue trying to get a knob-shine from somebody named Desiree.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

If LE didn’t have much success prohibiting alcohol – how successful can they be prohibiting sex?

avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 yrs ago

Oh, damn. There go my vacation plans in Roseville!

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