Ok fellas I have 2 new strippers on my radar. They are complete opposite's in age. But equally hot. One is 21 and the other 31. They both have one daughter so there are some similarites. Do you think the age means anything either way? Or does it depend on the girl? The 31 y.o. did teach school for abt 6 years she said before she started dancing. Talk abt a hot teacher!
Without more information, its hard to render an opinion. I don't know if age is a factor, both might be willing and both might reject you. It does just depend on the girl. You didn't tell us about your interactions with them so far. Did you get their numbers? Have you asked about OTC? Have you been in VIP with them at the club and gotten a feel for who is friskier? There are a lot of variables.
Well my interaction with both has been similar with both. I have done private dances and bought them drinks. The conversation has gone good. I haven't asked abt OTC . There both single with 1 kid and have been at the abt a year. I know...LOL! A lot sounds the same. That's why I asked if the age thing was an indicator. And as far as VIP. I don't do VIP a lot. As a matter of fact that usually leads to my line.. If I am going to spend that kind of money I'd rather do it outside the club
My personal experience and a lot of the comments I've read tend to make me believe the older girl may provide a slower, more sensuous experience. The younger girl may be equally willing, but less concerned about your enjoyment.
Impossible to say without more info. Why did the teacher stop teaching? Do these girls live on their own or are they living with their parents? There are too many other variables here besides just age.
Now it used to be that younger girls were almost a guaranteed strike out, but that has changed a lot since the economy tanked in 2007/2008. Most of the < 23 crowd now has never seen this industry any other way than it is today and were not around for the high flying days, when the youngest and hottest girls were making hundreds and even thousands without doing anything edgy at all.
It ain't the same as it used to be mike. Over the past few years I've been taking girls OTC that would never have said yes, or at least for the same amount of money, 6 years ago. The money has dried up a lot in a lot of places compared to 5 or 6 years ago.
Now I'll agree that in places like Manhattan, DC and downtown Chicago, reasonably priced OTC is still difficult to achieve as there is still a lot of money chasing these girls, but elsewhere things have changed a lot.
Is that why "the system" is no longer necessary now Rick and "just ask" works just as well (better) in all but a few clubs in NYC and Chicago? Nice to see you finally admitting I was right and you were wrong all along. That is good progress for you Ricky-boy.
Just a couple of years ago Ricky-boy was saying to target the older girls and avoid the younger ones. This despite him saying the change occurred a few years ago. Guess Rick was playing an ok game longer than necessary and not keepin up with the times. Ok, slow to adapt, but then telling those of us who were on the ball that we were wrong? Shamefully! I know Rick never openly admits to being wrong about anything, so I'll take his answer here and his quite admission that he was wrong back then.
tlkDo: This seems like a simple experiment. By my calculations, assuming it takes about one minute (being generous) for the question and response, in the approximately 4 hours between your original posting of the question and your first response, you could have asked *each* of them over a hundred times and found out rather quickly.
If you've established a "relationship" with each of them, as opposed to having just walked in the door, it wouldn't likely even have been particularly dangerous or upsetting for them.
Dougster, for any avoidance of doubt, your comments that 9s and 10s are the quickest to jump for OTC are as stupid today as they were two years ago, unless of course those of you in Seattle use a far weaker definition of a 9 or 10 than I do.
The discussion above was focused almost exclusively upon age. It indeed true that some of the younger girls in this newest crop of dancers are more inclined to do OTC than was the case with similar gals a few years ago, but that doesn't mean that they are lining up for it en masse. On the whole they are still a tougher sell as many of them are newer to dancing (and won't be in it for long anyway), are not as desperate for the income AND have greater aversions to older guys. Single mothers are still, by far, the best demographic to target in this group, as are those who support others (such as foreigners sending money home to family)
And as far as 9s and 10s go (irrespective of age), there are some who are willing to do OTC, but they are also a tougher sell and are often more expensive. I have a couple of 9s in my roster now, but it took a lot more than a simple offer of a few hundred bucks and a trip down to the local motel to get them OTC. And I am talking about girls who are beautiful and elegant enough to work at any club in the country.
^Well, as a fairness clarification to my last response, I actually have one active 9 in my roster - who is my local fav and who replaced my previous local fav, who was also a 9. However, the former fav continues to jockey for position and would still be my fav now if OTC with her did not require elaborate events or, at the very least, the time and expense of meeting up with her in a nice hotel in Manhattan.
Rick - keep admitting things you said in the past were wrong. Progress for you true, but it does mean I was right all along and you were wrong.
You've back off on some many things in the last yet when finally when you saw the board not siding with you. Too bad you couldn't have been honest in the first place if you knew I was right right from the start. And I know you would be still arguing i was wrong if you thought it was still the days when the board would side with you.
Bottom line though: dougster right after all and Rick wrong. Only thing he thinks the board might side with him now is the 9s an 10s thing, so he is grasping at that straw and trying to save a little face. Meanwhile he has to sadly give up and admit I was wrong on 9 other points. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Swag less Rick is true sad to behold. Truth is, though, that I take the most satisfaction in demolishing him as I have anyone else on TUSCL. Maybe it's because he had the egos of 10 people crammed into his puny little cranium it's felt like annihilating 10 people not just one!
Demolish him? Victory dance? Egos of 10 people? Annihilating? LOL. That was quite a commentary, heavily laden with both drama and nonsense. You truly are a deranged and deluded fellow. ;)
Dude, I share my experiences from the trenches as they happen - nothing more. With 80 to 100 nights per year spent in 40+ clubs, I have simply observed certain patterns and trends. Anyone here can take it or leave it as they see fit and is welcome to disagree, though when a guy like you makes a moronic statement about 9s and 10s being most likely to jump on OTC, he should readily expect that the wooden paddle will be taken to his ignorant ass.
As to the rest, my positions have remained largely unchanged in my 3 years on here, with the exception that I am seeing a little more play from the younger gals than I did 3 years ago. Unlike you, this is not theory for me. More 21 and 22 year olds are willing to suck my dick today than they were 3 years ago. Simple. Nothing else has really changed and my approach remains the same.
@rick: "With 80 to 100 nights per year spent in 40+ clubs"
There's one little problem, though, Rick and that is that the game in quesiton is like "tic-tac-toe". After a short amount of time, additional experience doesn't do you any good because one of two things happen:
a_ you have completely mastered the game - you won't lose any games when competing, but unless you play a complete newbie you won't win any either, because there is nothing to it.
Everyone's "skill" is the same, because the game is so simple. Everyone, beyond the most complete newbies is equally skilled. So a guy saying "oh, yeah, I've played 100,000 tic-tac-toe games so I must know more than some who has only played 80,000" is just a complete joke.
b) Now there is another possibility which I think is at play in your case. Due to a, how shall we put it delicately, "mental block", even with experience you still have not completely mastered such an easy game.
The evidence for this I see is that your claimed success rate - 35% is actually a bit low compared to others when I did a survey here. It also seems you end up paying more money than the rest of us. Now you used to call me a liar when I told you about the prices I was doing OTC with regulars for (since the prices you were paying were higher), but after others reported similar experiences to mine, you were forced to back off, and now just quietly mope and wonder what you are doing wrong.
So even though the game is as simple as tic-tac-toe, your ego is getting in the way of fully mastering the game, Rick.
You are smart enough to realize that someone going around calling themself "tic-tac-toe" Grand Master is a bit of a joke, so you insist the game is chess instead. But thinking that it is "chess" just leads you to the erroneous conclusions that you so often reach - e.g. single mothers are easier than single girls without children, 9s and 10s are harder than others, how you dress matters, etc. For a while you could find people to agree with you that it was chess - they provided you with the narcissistic supply your ego craves, but in the last year, people are agreeing that it's just tic-tac-toe. Your supply is cut off, and now we get to be amused as we witness you all gloomy and doomy that the board no longer provies you with what you want and is going to hell in hand-basket because of it. No Rick, the world is just clueing into reality, and leaving you in the dust. Adapt or die buddy!
I agree with Shadow, age has nothing to do with it. Furthermore, why not just rule out speculation and make one or both an offer for otc (assuming itc play is not available)?
Girls who play will usually proposition you but there is nothing wrong with playing offense and asking them first. Ask them something like "When can we meet up? Will you take $150 for motel date?" or "Do you play? I am looking for otc playmate I can see on regular basis." Also, the more you spend on dances with them then the less likely they may be motivated to meet you and give you pussy.
@Dougster: I'll take whatever you're having dude. LOL. It must be nice to live in a fantasy world where the very hottest dancers are practically tripping over themselves to fuck any ol' customer with a couple of hundred bucks in his pocket. The rest of us live on planet earth and actually go to strip clubs here.
@MADDOG: I've learned by now that it is compulsive - he cannot help himself. He is a joke and we all know that his perspectives and reviews are essentially worthless. You recently provided, in a single post relating to the Providence scene, (thank you for that update btw), more original intel on here than he has in over 4 years posting over 3,200 absurd comments and 44 so-called "reviews", many of which are almost criminally fraudulent. ;) It is sad to see such an obvious non-hobbyist trying so hard to pass himself off as one.
@Rick: Sorry that the OTC game is harder for you than it is for most. I think your ego and "the system" are what's getting in the way. But, I know why you do it.
For you it is not even about OTC with hot chicks. It's about thinking things are harder than they really so you can live in the fantasy world where you cracked such an enormously difficult code. Hey, those are your needs, and the fantasy world you live in.
If you prefer that over the real world where it's as simple as "just ask", I guess that is just how you choose to live. Have fun, but do remember I'll continue to smack you down if you claim your fantasies are anything other than the fantasies they are though.
last commentIf I am going to spend that kind of money I'd rather do it outside the club
Now it used to be that younger girls were almost a guaranteed strike out, but that has changed a lot since the economy tanked in 2007/2008. Most of the < 23 crowd now has never seen this industry any other way than it is today and were not around for the high flying days, when the youngest and hottest girls were making hundreds and even thousands without doing anything edgy at all.
Now I'll agree that in places like Manhattan, DC and downtown Chicago, reasonably priced OTC is still difficult to achieve as there is still a lot of money chasing these girls, but elsewhere things have changed a lot.
If you've established a "relationship" with each of them, as opposed to having just walked in the door, it wouldn't likely even have been particularly dangerous or upsetting for them.
The discussion above was focused almost exclusively upon age. It indeed true that some of the younger girls in this newest crop of dancers are more inclined to do OTC than was the case with similar gals a few years ago, but that doesn't mean that they are lining up for it en masse. On the whole they are still a tougher sell as many of them are newer to dancing (and won't be in it for long anyway), are not as desperate for the income AND have greater aversions to older guys. Single mothers are still, by far, the best demographic to target in this group, as are those who support others (such as foreigners sending money home to family)
And as far as 9s and 10s go (irrespective of age), there are some who are willing to do OTC, but they are also a tougher sell and are often more expensive. I have a couple of 9s in my roster now, but it took a lot more than a simple offer of a few hundred bucks and a trip down to the local motel to get them OTC. And I am talking about girls who are beautiful and elegant enough to work at any club in the country.
Keep reading and hypothesizing though. ;)
It’s not marriage – you don’t have to absolutely choose one.
Try them both and see if one works out well – and if both work out – maybe better :)
You've back off on some many things in the last yet when finally when you saw the board not siding with you. Too bad you couldn't have been honest in the first place if you knew I was right right from the start. And I know you would be still arguing i was wrong if you thought it was still the days when the board would side with you.
Bottom line though: dougster right after all and Rick wrong. Only thing he thinks the board might side with him now is the 9s an 10s thing, so he is grasping at that straw and trying to save a little face. Meanwhile he has to sadly give up and admit I was wrong on 9 other points. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Swag less Rick is true sad to behold. Truth is, though, that I take the most satisfaction in demolishing him as I have anyone else on TUSCL. Maybe it's because he had the egos of 10 people crammed into his puny little cranium it's felt like annihilating 10 people not just one!
*victory dance*
Dude, I share my experiences from the trenches as they happen - nothing more. With 80 to 100 nights per year spent in 40+ clubs, I have simply observed certain patterns and trends. Anyone here can take it or leave it as they see fit and is welcome to disagree, though when a guy like you makes a moronic statement about 9s and 10s being most likely to jump on OTC, he should readily expect that the wooden paddle will be taken to his ignorant ass.
As to the rest, my positions have remained largely unchanged in my 3 years on here, with the exception that I am seeing a little more play from the younger gals than I did 3 years ago. Unlike you, this is not theory for me. More 21 and 22 year olds are willing to suck my dick today than they were 3 years ago. Simple. Nothing else has really changed and my approach remains the same.
There's one little problem, though, Rick and that is that the game in quesiton is like "tic-tac-toe". After a short amount of time, additional experience doesn't do you any good because one of two things happen:
a_ you have completely mastered the game - you won't lose any games when competing, but unless you play a complete newbie you won't win any either, because there is nothing to it.
Everyone's "skill" is the same, because the game is so simple. Everyone, beyond the most complete newbies is equally skilled. So a guy saying "oh, yeah, I've played 100,000 tic-tac-toe games so I must know more than some who has only played 80,000" is just a complete joke.
b) Now there is another possibility which I think is at play in your case. Due to a, how shall we put it delicately, "mental block", even with experience you still have not completely mastered such an easy game.
The evidence for this I see is that your claimed success rate - 35% is actually a bit low compared to others when I did a survey here. It also seems you end up paying more money than the rest of us. Now you used to call me a liar when I told you about the prices I was doing OTC with regulars for (since the prices you were paying were higher), but after others reported similar experiences to mine, you were forced to back off, and now just quietly mope and wonder what you are doing wrong.
So even though the game is as simple as tic-tac-toe, your ego is getting in the way of fully mastering the game, Rick.
You are smart enough to realize that someone going around calling themself "tic-tac-toe" Grand Master is a bit of a joke, so you insist the game is chess instead. But thinking that it is "chess" just leads you to the erroneous conclusions that you so often reach - e.g. single mothers are easier than single girls without children, 9s and 10s are harder than others, how you dress matters, etc. For a while you could find people to agree with you that it was chess - they provided you with the narcissistic supply your ego craves, but in the last year, people are agreeing that it's just tic-tac-toe. Your supply is cut off, and now we get to be amused as we witness you all gloomy and doomy that the board no longer provies you with what you want and is going to hell in hand-basket because of it. No Rick, the world is just clueing into reality, and leaving you in the dust. Adapt or die buddy!
Rick has more cred, he wins...
Girls who play will usually proposition you but there is nothing wrong with playing offense and asking them first. Ask them something like "When can we meet up? Will you take $150 for motel date?" or "Do you play? I am looking for otc playmate I can see on regular basis." Also, the more you spend on dances with them then the less likely they may be motivated to meet you and give you pussy.
@MADDOG: I've learned by now that it is compulsive - he cannot help himself. He is a joke and we all know that his perspectives and reviews are essentially worthless. You recently provided, in a single post relating to the Providence scene, (thank you for that update btw), more original intel on here than he has in over 4 years posting over 3,200 absurd comments and 44 so-called "reviews", many of which are almost criminally fraudulent. ;) It is sad to see such an obvious non-hobbyist trying so hard to pass himself off as one.
For you it is not even about OTC with hot chicks. It's about thinking things are harder than they really so you can live in the fantasy world where you cracked such an enormously difficult code. Hey, those are your needs, and the fantasy world you live in.
If you prefer that over the real world where it's as simple as "just ask", I guess that is just how you choose to live. Have fun, but do remember I'll continue to smack you down if you claim your fantasies are anything other than the fantasies they are though.