OK, your three choices...
You hear that the women of the moment, Paula and Jill (picture URL's below), are featured acts at two different strip clubs at the same time. Do you:
A) Go see Paula?
B) Go see Jill?
Paula Broadwell - http://www.news.com.au/world/cia-head-and-former-head-of-allied-forces-in-afghanistan-david-petraeus-resigns-over-extramarital-affair/story-fndir2ev-1226514116427
Jill Kelley - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/petraeus-friend-jill-kelley-living-large-flat-broke-article-1.1201688
last commentC) Stay home and watch reruns of Mayberry RFD. :)
shadowcat, lol...
I might go see Jill....Paula - I'd rather re-arrange my sock draw
See both of them at the same time. It's easy enough to do. :) I'd fuck Jill first though.
Have a threesome with Jill and her twin sister while Paula watches and writes a book about it.
i've always had a thing for barney fife.
I've got better options among Detroit strippers.
jack, r there good upscale clubs in detroit? where the girls give good mileage? always looking for new career options.
Jill? Really? Did I get the pictures confused somehow, 'cause Paula does it for me more than Jill does. Especially in the face.
carolynne, there are several upscale and " bluecollar " clubs in the Greater Detroit area. The Wayne County clubs (Detroit is in Wayne County, aka WC :) )…
I generally don't go see "Features" as their dancing is usually lame or gimmicky and their presence tends to piss off the other girls who lose business to…
I find Paula more attractive, but Jill looks like she'd be dirtier.
C) Get a root canal
Jill looks good in a dress....probably has fake titties
Paula is a runner...could be good in the sack
D) Who the fuck are Paula and Jill?
First pic I've seen of Jill. I agree, the boobs are prolly fake. I'll bet she could do a spread for Playboy and get some money to help…
LOL, lopaw, probably the wisest choice of all.
Go to the club that is hosting one of them and pay special attention to the house girls that are bent out of shape over the no-talent fuglies…
I avoid women who make a career out of castrating men.
So not a Hillary fan?
" I avoid women who make a career out of castrating men"
I'm sure they're devastated.