
An Opinion, Mine - ONCE again, more than a year later

You really are a low life Dougster. You are not Man enough to issue an apology for attacking my deceased Mother without repeatedly attacking me in the process. You are a COWARD Dougster.

More than a year ago Doc Holiday did the same thing to me and Troop.

Say what you wish about me Dougster, but attacking my dead Mother with your intentional Slur is WAY OVER THE LINE and vicious.

It would be appropriate for other members to join in NOT allowing Slurs of this type, since the Founder didn't see fit to ban Doc Holiday more than a year ago and probably won't consider banning Dougster.

I rarely if ever have anything nice to say about or to Dougster, BUT I don't issue Slurs directly against his parents.

Some will say ignore him. But his slur is there for anyone to read. And I'll bet that there will be members who support Dougster and may possibly join him in crossing this line.

Dougster has a right to express his opinions as do I and you.

BUT there just some THINGS YOU DO NOT SAY!!!

There is IMO no gray area here, there is ONLY Right & Wrong. SUPPORT me or Dougster. Your choice membership.


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Hey, alutard, your boyfriend txtittyfuck, has made similar insults against my mother in the past. I didn't see you go all ballastic then. Why is that? Us it because you are a hypocrit or because your meds worked better in the past but you are building a tolerance to them lately?
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Alucard- from what I have read here on TUSCL there are a lot of people ignoring dougster, and they don't seem to give a shit what he writes, so why should you? Yeah its pretty gutless to shit on someone anonymously online, but there will always be jerks like that in life. Regardless of what was said, move on and forget it. A guy like that isn't worth the time.
  • TortillaChip
    12 years ago
    Is he off his meds?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @Tortilla: Just remember the movie Psycho - ain't nothing wrong with a boy who loves his mother!
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    It is pretty startling what goes on in the online world. People who would otherwise be quiet and judicious will become outspoken and lose self control when they are at the keyboard and free from practical retribution.

    I would say, in the face of undeserved insults, turn the other cheek. Who's reputation is sullied? The one hurling invective, or the one patiently ignoring?
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I put Dugly on ignore a few weeks ago and he still follows my posts making comments that he knows I can't see. That is clearly, if it wasn't obvious before, the behavior of a troll with nothing better to do. This isn't new, his first post on TUSCL was the same, and it's been the same shit for 4 years.

    That said Alucard I have trouble sympathizing. It's like Pol Pot bitching about Hitler. You've done the same shit its done, if not to the same degree/frequency.

    Karma's a bitch. Embrace the ignore button.
  • naturals74
    12 years ago
    I "Ignored" Dougster 4 months ago. My TUSCL experience has increased 10 fold since then.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Thats right Alucard, in the past, I said that Duggie sucks more cock than his mother, and now like the immature child that he is he uses that as an excuse to be an asshole on TUSCL.

    The problem with his logic though is that he was an asshole on TUSCl before I made the comment.

    He just likes being an asshole. It is the only thing he has accomplished in his life.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @tittyfuck: well by that criteria my comments were fine then since you and alutard have been assholes on here for ages.

    Also curious how short treasuries worked out for you this week?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    While I got you on the line tittyfan, curious how the short treasuries worked out for you this week?
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    so THIS is why I been away from tuscl for so long. Not because of no internet service on my laptop, but because shit just gets stupid here. Thanks for reminding me, I should stick to reading reviews instead of reading a bunch of nonsense shit on here.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    It's okay, I just noticed the jestie-girl's comment and he loses by Godwin's Law.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Alucard, if you have nothing better to do than bait the trolls, I envy you. I'm betting that if you could ask your mother, she'd be irritated that you're spending so much of your life worrying about something for which she likely cares not a whit.

    Move on. You'll be healthier.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    This thread is totally not about my comments about alutard's mother anyway.

    It's just another example of him playing his usual game - pick a fight with someone that you know you will lose. Lose. Cry to the world in the hopes he gets viewed as he wants the world to view him - the poor persecuted hero. "Oh, noes! Someone joked that my mother was a whore! The world is ending!"
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I don't have anyone on TUSCL ignore. I DO have a list of those that if I see a post from them I don't bother reading it.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Can't we all just get along?
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    No, that is patently obvious.
  • Experimental
    12 years ago
    I'm interested in why i should have to pick sides? I don't like either of you and you both hijack and ruin threads.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    What alutard is doing with his false dichotomy is what psychologists call "splitting" - casting everything in exaggerated terms of black and white, with alutard, of course, very good and anyone he doesn't like (maybe because they smoke) very bad.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    As for just getting along my truce offer is always open to anyone who wants to take it. Only one person took me up on it though. The rest prefer the flame wars. Fine I can go either way as they desire. Choice is up to them.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Another thread about screen name posts? Seriously?

    This shit just keeps getting worse. At least this horseshit was isolated in a specific thread, but overall the threads on this board are going downhill. Even when I started on this thing a few years ago, there was a fair amount of good stuff being posted. Now no thread can even fully develop due to the crap posts that inevitably fill the thread in rapid succession.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    SEE EXHIBIT #: 129,817 ABOVE.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick just misses the days when he thought he accomplish alot by paying strippers to have sex with him OTC. Over time he learned that anyone who just asks can do it, and, in fact his success rate is a bit below average, and the price he pays a bit high. So how would feel you feel if spent 10 years cracking what you think is a very difficult code, you think very few others have, big then you learn, in reality, it was easy as "just ask" all a long? Probably you would be all melancholic and nostalgic like Rick is. He misses the where he could think of himself as superman but no has to live up to the fact that he is just another joe (or, actually John). Sniff, sniff! Boo-hoo!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Fraudster, you continue to post like you read it in a book. What I miss are the days when a raging fraud wasn't choking up the discussion boards with bad intel and horribly uninformed opinions based upon fraudulent experiences. For that matter, I also miss the days when I could be assured that someone with 40+ "reviews" would have something to provide other than 4-5 paragraphs of useless driving and decor information followed by "oh yeah, the girls were hot." LMAO
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: "you continue to post like you read it in a book."

    Now, now Rick if I had read it in a book, I would say you were a narcissist who is only vaguely aware of your problems. Think you were special in that you were one of a very elite few who could have sex with stripped OTC for money was a source of your narcissistic supply as was bragging about it at first on here. You no longer are able to derive that narcissistic supply from this board.

    It has been interesting to watch you go through the five stages of grief as your supply has been cut off.

    Stage 1 and 2 - denial and anger. People would say getting sex from strippers did not require a ten year system to figure rather it was as easy as "just ask". Your response - " you lie!" And various angry conspiracy theories,

    Stage 3 - bargaining. Ok, you proposed as a compromise, maybe sometimes it is as easy as just ask, but in 5 or so clubs in NYC and Chicago, it still so hard you need a ten yet system. Can we agree to that Watering down, and you guys still give me the narcissistic supply for figuring the harder clubs out?

    Stage 4/5 - depression and finally acceptance. You are currently here Rick, witness all tour melancholy and longing for the old days when this was still a big rush to you. You are slowly starting to accept reality though, that is good , but all your over top bombastic posts and swagger of the past is gone along with it. Heck, you even accepting my reviews are really now, although there is some bargaining over past posts to try and save face. Maybe they are real now, but could you at least admit that you only starting going recently?

    Again, as I say as special a you think you are the reality is that you are just, word for word a chapter in a psychology textbook. Don't worry though so is the jestie-girl, just a slightly later chapter in his case. :-)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Having BBFS and putting his wife at risk of STDs is an aspect of his narcissism. There are a few factos at play here:

    - due to his narcissism he thinks he is "too good" to get an STD, and that strippers he chooses are "too good" to have them. In his fantasy world he is in a special class immune to that sort of thing

    - he feels that when strippers offer it to him, they too are acknowledge he is "too good" to have an STD, this gives him narcissitic supply

    - he imagines that stripper offer this too few others, and he gets supply by bragging about it here

    - even when he reads scientific studies contradicting his "too good" "intuition" it does not sync in because, due to anti-social traits, he is just not capable of appreciating risk

    - needless to say, even though he is marries, Rick puts himself first, because that's what narcissists do, even around people they purport to "love". I bet if you looked deeper into his strip club habbits you would find more about determental effects on his family. Probably burnign through a good deal of his children's college money for instance. But he doesn't care because Rick comes first - even amongst 1st degree family members

    - Rick's typical reaction to someone mentioning that BBFS is putting his wife at risk of STDs is to make some joke about it. It is very common for people with anti-social traits to think their behavior that risks harm to others is actually something that is quite funny
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oops, almost forgot to mention that anti-socials (I don't think Rick is fully anti-social but does have many traits of it) are not able to feel things like other people are. Cranking up the risk he adds to the SC experience is his attempt to "feel something" and, used to, add to the thrill for him. It was kind of like a drug though, do it too many times, and the tolerance builds and the effect is gone - and then the melancholy we've witnessed with Rick the last few months.

  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    can't we all just talk about strip clubs, dancers, customers, and having fun?
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I sat here...and read the ENTIRE thread. OMG, do you know how painful it is to read a bunch of idiots bicker with one another. He's a fucking guy behind a computer screen. You will never know him, you can't stop him from posting and he can do you no harm. Your all grown for goodness sake, what kind of mental breakdown is he having on you to retort like a child. If you were ignoring him before just keep doing it. You have personality issues if you continue to goad a faceless poster who according to you all has nothing better to do than troll you.

    I like what experimental said, that was fucking hilarious.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Sadly, carolynne, not anymore. A cancer has invaded this board. I stopped posting about 6 months ago when I saw it getting worse. And like the disgusting disease that cancer is, you have to eradicate it or it will kill the host. Since founder either can't or won't eradicate it, eventually all of the legitimate posters here will leave and the cancer will eventually kill TUSCL.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Gotta love the histrionics!

    One question, though, sick liver, your first post was in October - less than a month ago -so what do you mean when you say you stopped posting 6 months ago?
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    how in hell would you know when my first post was, DoucheSter?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Just look at your posting history.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    and more importantly- why the fuck would you care? You stalking me, you twat?
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I joined here back in 2010. I posted a couple times back then. If that doesn't show up in my oh-so-sacred posting history, then there's a glitch. Deal with it.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Or you could just be FOS.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    In any case Oct 2010 was not six months ago. Your story is not adding up. As I say, plainly FOS.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Like I give a shit about you think, Cancer.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Deal with it.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    But if you stopped posting for six months, apparently you did give a shit. Guess logic and telling credible lies is not your strong suit. :-)
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    oh I care about a lot of things, Cancer- you sure as fuck ain't one of them. Now fuck off.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Ok, you stopped posting for six months because of the cancer (me) but you don't give a shit about what I say. Got it! Makes complete sense! I take it basic logic is another thing you don't give a shit about because you are all tough like that.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Boy, it sure is a good thing we have Douchester here to protect us from those that stretch a month into 6 months. But then on the other hand, he never was one to get the point.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    What happened? It stopped.

    Maybe Founder called it off.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Time travel ?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Wow, I just noticed that wonderful psychoanalysis of my activities. :)

    I suppose that I should be grateful in a sense. While a dime store psychoanalysis based things that were never said and rarely done may not be optimal, it sure beats reading made up SC experiences and patently bad intel based upon those falsified experiences.

    Yup Fraudster, we each seem to operate best in our respective spheres. I provide information and intel based upon ample time and spending in SCs and on dancers, while you continue to share your deeper insights of personality disorders, which were no doubt gained from your many years of ongoing psychiatric care. ;)

    Btw, is it common for multiple personality disorder to manifest itself in an online forum? I've always wondered about that...
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I might go ask myself.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    douchester... i like that. but honestly, boys, let's remember what this site is for. let's have fun.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    To paraphrase something that jackslash said recently - If the choice is between being a douche(ster) and or an (alu)tard, I'll choose douche everytime.

    And I agree, let's have fun. Is great fun for me to have some real life example (Rick, jestie-girl, and alutard) of all that stuff the psychology textbooks talk about.

    So let's have, but let's be real too. If someone is going to get way out there with some of their beliefs like Rick did, we need to bring him back down to earth.

    We are here to educate, not just entertain.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "...you can't stop him from posting and he can do you no harm. Your all grown for goodness sake, what kind of mental breakdown is he having on you to retort like a child. If you were ignoring him before just keep doing it. You have personality issues if you continue to goad a faceless poster who according to you all has nothing better to do than troll you."

    Estafador, unfortunately it is not that simple. Many of us have had him on ignore at one point or another. However, over the past year or so his obsessive behavior has been escalating. He has created a multitude of aliases and now even fakes conversations between his screen names, thereby effectively circumventing the ignore function and clogging the threads with nonsense to boot. And in response to criticisms about his historically low review counts, he has recently even gone so far as to post a large number of what are obviously crap reviews on the site in the past 16 months, all to lend himself an air of credibility.

    In a nutshell, his obsessive and delusional behaviors are escalating. Good threads are crapping out fast because few seasoned posters want to be in the middle of that nonsense. What we have here is a raging narcissist with obsessive/compulsive tendencies.

    There was a time, not too long ago, where I occasionally picked up some good stuff relating to clubs and dancers from some of the saltier dogs around here, and was able to share in kind, but for the past year this board has been jammed with horseshit, all stemming from one guy's need for interaction and attention.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yep, "obviously" fake reviews. And a large number of them too.

    One little problem. Rick can't flag a single one of them down, or even get a single local to agree they are "fake". That's even though they are "obviously" fake, and a large number of them are too.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Oh, and when backed into a corner regarding his actual ignorance regarding the main focus of this site, he will every so often throw out s statement to the effect of:

    "Oh yeah, and I bet that all of your knowledge about strip clubs is really useful in real life."

    In saying this, however, he shows that he is missing the point. A certain level of life success must already be present in order for someone to club enough to have deep experiences to share. This discussion board is indeed entertainment in its own right, but was also once a place where folks could benefit from each others' experiences, including those obtained at great cost by certain seasoned hounds.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: "Oh yeah, and I bet that all of your knowledge about strip clubs is really useful in real life."

    Huh? I've never said anything even marginally resembling that sentiment. Give $200 if you can find me one, Rick.

  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    boys, boys, boys! take a timeout, honestly!

    at least a douchebag gets at least one good view during its life...
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    LOL. Dude, you've said it on multiple occasions. But I have no intention of wading through hundreds of posts to dig it backup.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    And I just noticed that even your post count has doubled just in the past year, and that doesn't even include your "other posts." Dude, you are truly obsessed now and I suspect that your mental train is close to careening off of the rails. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    No, Rick, I didn't say anything even close to it. First of all doing so would be admitting there is any kind of "knowledge" to be had, which is completely at odds with my view that it doesn't matter who you are, you just go in there and "just ask".

    (I'll tell you what though, since your time is obviously so valuable I'll up the offer to $400 if you can find me saying something that even marginally resembles what you claim I have said "several" times.)

    I can see what you are doing though. You are trying to make a point that traveling around, writing reviews of strip clubs demonstrates that you are a rich stud. That is what this board real means to you. If someone can travel around and write lots of reviews of strip clubs, they must be rich studs right? That is how you get your narcissitics supply from this board?

    Well wrong, because I make absolutely no pretense at being a rich stud (which if I were narcissistic as you claim, I would - you are just projecting on that one). Nevertheles I have travelled around a fair bit myself and probably reviewd just as many clubs over the last year as you have. And just as spread out over the country too.

    You obviously feel very threatened by the fact that I have written many reviews of many clubs in the last 16 months. Why? Because it threatens your fantasy notion that only rich studs can do that.

    You even go so far as to get angry and call my reviews "obviously" "fake", but yet you can't get a single one of them flagged down or a single local to agree they are fake. Even txtittyfan no longer supports you on the "all fake" reviews things, and how hard is it to agree to a negative view of me?

    (Also I have plenty of PMs complementing me on my reviews. From Club_Goer, for instance, and even got props on a couple of my Phoenix reviews...)

    So bottom line:

    Does travelling around and writing lots of reviews make me think I am a "rich stud"? No. I think it's something probably 80-85% of guys could do if it was important to them and they so choose. (But, hey, congratulations on not being in the bottom 15% or so income-wise, that is very good once you make past age 40. Something to really be proud of.)

    You, on the other hand, ***as you admit above*** think it actually shows something about your status in life. That's the difference between me and you, and why you are the narcissist and not me. You think it's a big deal. I think it's nothing.

    Keep thinking that writing lots of reviews will prove to yourself and the world that you are a rich stud though, because I doubt you've convinced many so far.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: You are right, I have posted much more here in the last year than others.

    It has been interesting linking what I've read in the psychology textbooks to what I've seen in the behavior of others here on this board. Honestly, I really found the behavior of many of you guys quite bizarre here, before I got some context to put it in. No things at least seem less mysterious to me.

    Writing here, as you mention, is not entirely about the SC experience for me. It's also partly about other interests I have. Psychology is one of my other interests - an important subject for the kind of work I do.

    So is it obsessive? Maybe. I've admitted I am an SC addict, so maybe I'm just as obsessive about my studies and their practical applications as well. So be it.

    You let me know when all the other guys you consider "good" on here, never venture outside talking about SC to areas like politics, sports whatever, and I'll cut out the psychology talk. Sounds like a good deal to you? Kay?
  • jabthehut
    12 years ago
    I have been enjoying my TUSCL experience better since I Ignored Juicebox. It just took to long to translate his jibberish into English and then realize it was just so much BS.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I was just about to say, I love the juiceman, but if my posting double in last year compared with the time before that, his double just since February!

    We are probably all a little OCD about the SC world if we are posting here in addition to our regular SC visits.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    hey jaba,

    nice asses in three of your pics, but who is that scarecrow in the 4th? get her some food before she completely wastes away.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Dougster, you are missing the point. My comments relating to high review counts were not an attempt to imply that these members are rich studs or whatever else you might label them, but to point out that most of the members that have provided a load of good reviews have done so at great cost. Some of these guys have 200+ reviews here and, if they averaged even just $200 per SC visit, the intel they provided to the tuscl community cost them $40,000 and countless hours to obtain. That is something to be respected and appreciated.

    But of course you don't respect or appreciate the contributions of high review count tuscl members, because to you this site is just a venue for your own goofy amusement. You don't have any qualms about pumping up your review count with largely shit reviews, nor do you care about jamming up the discussion boards. Now I suppose that little harm was done by your non-review reviews as they really just regurgitated what others had to say, but filling up the discussion boards with everything from psycho-babble to simplistic (and in some cases dangerous) nonsense and random shots at other screen names is irritating. What makes it worse is that all of these behaviors have escalated dramatically in the past year.

    And the reason I care so much has nothing to do with any feelings of self importance - LOL - but rather my respect for this place as a valuable resource. When I first found this site in 1998 it was like discovering fire, particularly since I was just starting to travel more frequently. Back then, finding clubs in travel locations was an onerous exercise, if it could be done at all, and having reviews for them was yet an added bonus. This site opened up a world of hard to find clubs in different areas that I didn't even know existed. Since then, I have been a regular user of this site, under one moniker or another, and finally, a few years ago, I decided to start giving back.

    If you want me to ease up then stop shitting all over the discussion boards. For example, if you really had as much experience as you claim to, then you would know that, in some places (Chicago, DC, Boston and various others), "just ask" will (1) get you "just tossed" out of the club; (2) result in a dancer screaming "I"M A DANCER NOT A WHORE"; (3) get you black balled in the DR; or (4) any combination of the above, yet any attempt to discuss this, including things like regional differences (which would be good intel for some newer members), devolves into goofy nonsense in short order. That is because it is more amusing to you to start into the nonsensical commentary about narcissism and the self importance of other members, and using multiple other screen names to chime in, than it is to let the thread unfold.

    It is entirely up to you how you carry yourself and I cannot stop you from fucking up what could be good threads, but I continue to hold out hope. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick, help me wrap my brain around this:

    If "all" my reviews are "obviously" "fake", and there are many of them, then how come you can't get a single one flagged down or even a local to admit that even one of them is fake?

    I mean if it's "obvious" they are "all" "fake" and there are so many that are, how come you can't find not a single has gotten flagged or even a had local claim it is fake?

    Further, why do I get PM's from locals complementing me on these terrible reviews and even propping them?

  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Dude, asked and answered in multiple threads. I am not rehashing this out with you - the seasoned hounds around here can go read what you've contributed and form their own conclusions.

    Other than that, you have my comments. Like I said, I cannot stop you from fucking up the discussion board, but I continue to take issue with it and hold out hope that it will stop. And if you really have even a fraction of the experience that you say that you do, then I could think of a lot better uses of your time and effort. Just some food for thought.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: " the seasoned hounds around here can go read what you've contributed and form their own conclusions"

    Yep, agree with you on that one. They have read my reviews and did draw their own conclusions. I have gotten complements and props (e.g. from the likes of Club_Goer and farmerart) from those who have. Stiletto is also, obviously, intimately familar with the Seattle scene, and has never question whether my reviews are fake or not.

    The only complaints I've ever had about my reviews are from you and jester214. Now I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the reason is not that there is anything wrong with my reviews, but rather the reason you two criticize is because I have skewered both of you with my psychological analysis of the two of you - you the textbook narcissist, and jestie the textbook passive-aggressive. It's just your attempt to get back at me.

    (Then again, maybe your conspiracy theories are right. You and jestie214 just happen to be the only ones criticizing, but it's just a coincedence, right? Also that you can't recruit anyone else to your side? No one else criticizes - in fact, they prop and complement, but, well, no explanation from you on that one, whatev, huh?)

  • rickdugan
    12 years ago

    I tried. :)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yes, you tried, Rick. Tell you what the problem is. Being the narcissist that you are, you, naturally get overconfident easily. Thus, every step up to the bat you try and hit a grand slam, and just end up striking out. If set your sets lower you might be able to "acheive" rather thann "try" and end up just "sighing". Just say that I'm unnecessarily mean to people, or that I spend to much time on here. You would at least "acheive" something with that even if it's only a "single". But, no, you need the grandslam instead "all" my reviews are "obviously" "fake".

    It is so easy to take you down on those point when you try to argue a position you know you have zero evidence for. And then, by doing so, you open yourself up to the counter-attack that your are overconfident, and overly conspiratorial.

    But if you prefer "*sigh* I tried" to over actually acheive something - then go ahead with your over-extension. I've literally got the book on you, Ricky-boy, and will pick you off every time now!

    (Also - question - I get the feel that "salesmanship" is a big part of your job. Not that you are officially a salesman but similar "skills" are part of what you do. I say this because you seem to be so supremely confident in your ability you think you can sell the most blatant of non-sense (all my reviews are fake) without even a shread of evidence. In fact, even when there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Just a little hunch I have. Could be wrong.)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    ...and now we're back to the deflective psycho-babble. ;)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    And btw, as the old saying goes, methinks thou dost protest too much. ;)

    If you really had any confidence in those so-called "reviews" you wouldn't need to go so far in trying to defend them. :)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I'll let readers judge for themselves how well what I've said fits you, Richy Rich. :-)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Well, Rick, I will say that is one thing your side does get me on, sometimes. You'll say blatantly non-sensical things, and I can't tell whether you really are dumb enough to beleive them or you are justing making up shit to get at me. So yes, I do spend too much time defending against the latter we I should just laugh it off more easily. Fair point!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Where are the head shaking and head scratching emoticons when I need them. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Trust me, Rick, I'm scratching my head too. First of all about you trying to appeal to my sense of compassion for the board and at the same time implying I have none. Ok, you contradict yourself all the time, whatever.

    But then saying the fate of the board is in my hands. Sorry, but there is one much more powerful than me and you and anyone else who is controlling it these days. Can't honestly say I care whether he lets it live or die either.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Save your breath Rick, even when confronted with the truth it creates some wacky explanation to cover itself.

    Notice it doesn't put names in its reviews, even when dealing with out in the open prostitutes? Because then someone could refute it.

    Or its Vegas "review" recently. Where it posted a 'ROB' review of Rhino, then mentioned it again in its OG "review", then decided that it actually happened at Sapphire.

    The best proof I've seen is its "review" of OG. Though it would run contrary to everything I've experienced there and what most other have experienced, the place has suddenly filled with nasty old women giving blatant extras on the floor, I don't believe it but it's inside the realm of possibility. What's not possible is that anyone could call it a dive. That's all the proof I need that it just reads old reviews, looks at websites, and cobbles together some bullshit. It clearly has the time and the energy to do shit like that, look at all its usernames.

    So just save some time and energy and put it on ignore. You'll still see the little blue name following you around because it's obsessed, but you won't have to wade through the bullshit.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Before it shits itself I forgot to put "usually" between 'doesn't' and 'put'.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Let's not forget its bullsit reviews in Phx.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Good logic jestie. Rick doesn't usually put names in his reviews either. Do you? Guess they must all be fake!

  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "Further, why do I get PM's from locals complementing me on these terrible reviews and even propping them"

    They must be grateful for the information regarding the parking situation, because they certainly didn't get anything from you regarding what anything costs, what the girls are like or what the situation is with the CR/VIP. LMAO.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Poor Rick. All pissed because I have posted just as many reviews in the last year than he has (maybe more?) and with just as many important details. Guess he feels threatened that don't only do I dominate him here on the board, but I am also dominating him in review count and quality. (He is so insecure about his status here I guess he is worried people will see the truth - I.e. sine my review rate an review quality is surpassing is, I must be more richer and studlier than him. Poor insecure narcissist Richy-Rich is.)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Dominate? Richer and studlier? Narcissist? LOL. More psycho-babble AND drama. NICE!

    Fraudster, this isn't a contest. There are plenty of guys around these parts with more reviews than me. I simply take exception to crap reviews. I generally skip the 1 and 1 reviewers when I am doing research, but if I was planning a trip to Seattle and didn't know your username, then I would probably stop and read that nonsense, after which I would feel rather irritated for taking the time to read several paragraphs of driving info and decor followed by...nothing really.

    Wanna' ensure that you never hear a negative peep from me again? Stop shitting in the discussion boards AND post reviews that matter. Of course, I suspect that not hearing from me would deprive you of some of the attention that you desperately seek, but I yearn for the day that I don't have anything painful to say to you.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Lots of bluster from you Rick.

    Still the only person i see supporting your "all fake" position is the jestie-girl. Not exactly the top guy in the world who we can expect to be most objective about judging me and my reviews, yah?

    Until you can find someone else to back you up all I can say is - haha! My review rate is better than yours! The quality if my reviews is better your-yours!
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    you guys just don't get it, do you... no one else cares. do it in a pm if u must.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Good logic, Carolynne. People besides Rick and myself are participating, but "no one cares". Yep, that makes alot of sense.

    Here's a few hints:

    - yep that picture of you is hot, nobody is going to deny that
    - no one who doesn't want to is being forced to read this thread, so how about we just keep posting and they can read it or not as they choose
    - sorry, wasn't aware you spoke for everyone on this board. When that happen? Must have missed the memo...
    - that picture of you is hot, please post more
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    Alturd needs to go fuck his mommy and suck his thumb
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Shit this guy altard is fucked up
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ LOL! Yeah, that's putting it mildly!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • ime
    11 years ago
    what were the slurs? this is before my time here
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ime: "what were the slurs?"

    Just singular a "slur". I can't remember for sure, but I think I just made a joke that his mother had worked as a stripper. Then his Madonna/Whore complex and Asperger's kicked in and the hyperbole you see in the OP.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we all grow up with Yo Momma Jokes on the playground?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yes, true. Besides if alutard really has the respect for strippers he wants us all to believe, in for the ones doing extras, and FS, why would saying his mother was a stripper even have been a "slur" to begin with? I guess logic never was alutard's strong suit though. So I guess he got all the negative of being a high functioning autistic but missed out on that positive.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Bumping my old threads ONLY shows how pathetically stupid you really are Dougster. It accomplishes nothing more than displaying your idiocy.

    LMAO at you Dougster!
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    It took a year, but we've reached the 100 mark folks. Let's bump it up to 200
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ You're just as bad Estafador. LOL!
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I'm just as bad? How so? And what are you comparing me to?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Read your original post, alutard - it displays what a complete moron you are.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Hilarious thread!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Love reading this thread when I need a good laugh.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    This thread is great evidence of alutard's oedipal fixation on his poor, deceased mother.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    And you're just an idiotic Moron Dougster who bumps threads continuously for no reason.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The reason was clearly stated to show how strange the relationship between you and your mother was and how it impacts your posts on this board.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Lol indeed
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