
When you're into a stripper's friend more than her?

Friday, April 7, 2006 7:39 AM
I have sat with a girl (Justine) several times, nice enough but the conversation has been average. Def my type of dancer. One night her stripper friend (Tai) comes over and I invite her to sit down. The friend is an absolute spitfire but I am club smitten. I take them both to VIP where they proceed to give some of the worst dances EVER. Fast forward to last night and they're working at Seamless, a HOT new club here. I had gone to see if they were there since they had a falling out of some kind at the previous club. I ask for the blonde girl first and when I can't find her I move onto the brunette. After several passes I find Tai, we hang out a bit and I take her into VIP where Justine is making LOTS of bucks with another guy. After she finishes (about 45 minutes later) she comes over and after I finish my set with Tai she expects me to do another 30 minutes with each of them. She pouts when I don't. I get a $20 dance from them simultaneously make a lil small talk (J tries to upsell) and she sulks off after I remain firm. Justine is a nice girl and while I'd get dances and hang in the future with her it's not likely I'd spend on her like I do on several others. I am guessing this has happened to all of y'all.......


  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Shadow: According to Esquire, two women and tone man is a menage a trois--two men and one woman is a gang bang. Howard Stern used to say that he would not participate in a W-M-M encounter because he would be too disturbed if the woman would have to leave the bed for some reason, leaving him alone in bed with another naked man.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    It's ALWAYS a good idea to have more than one stripper you like and play them off against each other. Remember that strippers are gravely afraid of abandonment and especially if it's for another girl. Just keep her dangling a bit so she isn't sure if she is completely cutoff or not. Then she'll work harder for you. Do the same with the other girl later, then when they finally catch on, move onto to new strippers and try the same game. Good luck and have fun!
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Recently I had one dancer sitting on my lap, while her friend was seated on a chair nearby. When I decided I really wanted the friend sitting on my lap instead, I tucked a bill in the g-string of the dancer on my lap, and called out, "Shift change!", apparently with sufficient body language to make my desires known, since the dancers changed places, as I had hoped and intended. They both thought it was funny, and it sure as hell worked out better than had I directly asked dancer #1 to vacate my lap in favor of her friend. One thing that is mentioned occasionally on this board is absolutely true--dancers have incredibly sensitive egos, more than any other group of women I have known, save one. When I was in college at Major Big Ten State U., for a while I was going out with a black girl, and so ended up spending time with her sorority sisters. THAT was a sensitive group of women! But, before anyone flames me, I'm not drawing any connection between race, being in a sorority, being a female student at MBTSU, or any other factor. However, other than those women, dancers need more ego stroking and reassurance, and are more on a hair-trigger for being insulted or offended, than any group of females with which I have kept company.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Nope, not once, ever. It's your money, spend it how you like. No good can come of tag teams and I avoid them like the plague.
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